Tuesday, March 24, 2009

5 months old!

Yup- She's getting cuter every month, week, day, hour, minute... you get the picture! In the past month, she hasn't acquired too many new "skills" per se, but here are few new things going on in her life, in no particular order.
1.) She's got some new toys!

A Jenny Jump-up- It's still a little too big for her, don't you think? She basically just chews on the top of the seat. Plus, her legs aren't quite strong enough to "jump." We'll try again later.

An Exersaucer- We got this for a pretty decent price at a garage sale, cleaned it up, waited for her to grow into it, and voi-la! She likes it pretty well. I think she gets frustrated when she can't put everything in her mouth since she can't pull it close enough. Funny girl!
2.) She's getting lots stronger!
With McKenna getting bigger and stronger physically, so are her "tantrums." Allow me to explain. I wouldn't say she's a super fussy baby, but when she does fuss, she's serious! She's beginning to arch her back a lot when frustrated. Therefore, I no longer feel safe leaving her in an infant seat without buckling her in. She also needs the tray on her Bumbo seat or she could wiggle right out of that too. She also started pulling on her shirt when she fusses.

"Enjoy" these two videos showing McKenna's stronger fussiness.

Shirt pulling

Back arching

3.) Lip smacking!
McKenna went through a little phase where she was learning some new tricks with her mouth. One of them was smacking her lips. Every time I tried to get this on video she would stop as soon as she saw the camera. But here's a cute video of her playing with daddy and smacking her lips at this toy.

4.) Solids!
I have recently realized with McKenna growing bigger, she can eat a lot more from a bottle than I'm able to pump. So, I thought it was time to introduce rice cereal to her so the babysitters can feed her half breast milk, half cereal for her meal with them. For her first try, she seemed to know just what to do. She opened right up and swallowed most of it.
Sorry 'bout the shot of the table; we had to place the camera off to the side so she wouldn't be distracted.

5.) Sleep!

With all of this other great news, I'm sad to say McKenna has NOT been the best sleeper lately. For a while, she was only waking up once a night (asleep by 9:30pm, eat between 2-3am, awake for the day between 7:30-8am). I was THRILLED with this schedule! Then, somehow, it all changed. She has been waking up around 1 or sometimes 12:30. Because I KNEW she could go longer between feedings, I'd send Dan up to rock her back to sleep. I'd feed her about an hour later when she woke up again. I thought, maybe this is a growth spurt or something. But now we're going on two weeks of her waking up multiple times in the night. How long can a growth spurt last? What else could be the reason? Any ideas out there?
Here's just a cute picture of our girl during one of her naps. I found her sleeping like this for at least 30 minutes, and she wasn't even teething. Cute thing!


Brynn said...

She really does get cuter and cuter every time I see her. And, I took some pictures of she and Kate modeling the "babylegs" I made today and i will be posting those soon. So get excited.

Hksedwick said...

She is getting so big!! My favorite part of the lip-smacking video was hearing you sort of trying not to laugh in the background.

Alyson said...

She's totally precious!! I love the fussing. You know what? I love five months old. It's one of my favorite baby ages. The baby more or less learns to sit, interacts and is cute, has personality, and yet is still a baby—tiny, not self-mobile, naps a lot. Enjoy it, it's a great month. :)

Kris and Teresa said...

Fun age, I love when they start to figure everything out. Demzi started waking up more around this age too. That's when I started giving her solids around dinner time so she had something a little heavier in her stomach and then she went right back to sleeping through the night.

The Nortons said...

She is darling and growing up fast! Don't ya love the back arching? That was my favorite...

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Super cute pictures La!!! She is a cute baby! And glad the rice cereal went over so well!!! I love the shirt pulling ("That'll show you mom"). And, waking up in the middle of the night could just be a phase, or you might have to let her figure out how to fall back asleep by herself. Who knows? Sorry... Love ya and get a freaking plane ticket, will ya?!?!

John and Jessica said...

She is adorable!!! She is getting so big, they grow up way too fast!

Megan said...

She is such a doll! The sleeping thing can be frustrating. I read Babywise before I had Tyler and it worked pretty well although there WERE weeks that he would start to wake up at unusual times. When he did that (and I knew that he could make it a whole night without eating...this was probably starting at about 4 months) I would just go in and pick him up for a minute, rock him (but not to sleep) then put him back. Then we'd let him cry for a few minutes (like maybe 10) and then go back in and pick him up again, rock him for a minute and put him back down. It made for a couple of hard nights, but after that he was fine and got more used to getting himself back to sleep when he would wake up.
Good luck with everything!

K Thompson said...

Gotta love that Baby! It's been WAY too long since we've seen her. Soon, we hope! Love, Grandma

Butler Family said...

Awww.. She is growing up so fast and I can't believe she is 5 months already. She is such a beautiful girl