Tuesday, April 22, 2014

March- Week 4. St. George- Part 1

We took another trip to St. George this month...this time, for Spring Break!  McKenna rode in Dan's parents' truck with her cousin Whitney.  Ben was grateful not to have to share the iPad.  
Here's his cute grin while watching Frozen
We got there around bedtime Thursday night.  Put the kids to bed, and waited for everyone else to get there.  Dan's brother's, Jake and Sam, came with their families and Whitney came with Dan's parents to give Dan's sister a little break since she was 8 months pregnant and unable to come.

Breakfast pretty much looked like this every day.  
Morning stories with Grandpa from a cereal box comic book.  

There was lots of playing outside, riding bikes, and going for walks.  The weather was so lovely.  

These two girls squished into the bike trailer for many rides... and I don't think McKenna's really picking her nose, just scratching.  :)
Friday morning we packed lunches and went to an awesome park that has some toys that even the grown-ups liked to play on. Also, lots of spinning toys that will make you puke. ;) 

A lovely picnic lunch with everyone
These two girls were inseparable the entire time we were down there!  They even shared a twin bed, sleeping their heads at opposite ends.  In the mornings they would sit up facing each other and just giggle and smile at each other.  So cute! 
We also went to SWIG for some refreshing "dirty" drinks.  
That night, we went to a delicious doughnut shop called "Fractured Prune."  (You'll have to google it find out why they named it that.)  You pick your own glaze and toppings.  So yummmm!
After the kids went to bed we played games and ate WAY too much junk food! 

Saturday morning the men all went golfing.  They were delayed due to frost on the course.  Once they were done their keys got locked in their car and triple A was not so fast coming to their rescue.  It was sad they were gone a VERY long time. :( (Editor's note: This was legit. We were gone long enough that we could have played 18 holes...but we didn't want to be gone too long. Turns out, we could have. Bummer.) In their absence, we carried on with the fun and took the kids to the FREE children's museum.  Way fun! 

Aunt Lara took an awesome shot of Anna. 
Baby girls snuggling Grandpa
More to come...


Becca said...

McKenna and her cousin are too cute together! They are going to be best friends growing up...how awesome. :) I've heard of that SWIG place...might have to try that sometime too.

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Very fun so far!

Mickellerox said...

So guys squeeze SO MUCH into one trip I am almost tired just reviewing all the fun pics! :)