Monday, November 11, 2019

Aug. '19- Week 2- Mantua with Friends, Alice Nursery!, Back to School Shopping/Dinner, First Day of School,

Thursday I took a break from exercising due to my sore hip.  We went to the $1 movie Hotel Transylvania 3 which was quite funny! After lunch, all four older kids had dentist appointments and hooray for no cavities.  Then the three older kids went to the Madrid's house for a play date, and Bethany went to Arlee's.  I took Ben and Anna to back to school night that evening to meet their teachers.  There was a ward game night that night, but due to lightning and rain, we played inside the gym.  

Friday I went walking, picked up groceries, and the three older girls got back to school hair trims.  McKenna played at Lia's and we packed for Mantua.  After lunch we packed up and headed to Mantua with ward friends for the weekend.  We go there around 3:30.  We invited the new family the Chadwicks, and also the Pugsleys and the Moultons.
 Sunday was Alton Mortensen's mission farewell talk.  I taught both Jr. and Sr. Primary singing time because Amy was out of town.  Dan took Alice to Nursery (early)  without telling me, and apparently she did well and loved the babies!
My parents and Jonathan came over for dinner that night.  Afterwards, we drove up to their condo and could smell the mold and mildew in the basement.  :(  They were so sad and disappointed things were not in  better shape.  We did our Come Follow Me lesson on the way home and kids went to bed.  

Monday I went through uniforms and school supplies and we got "special juice and bread" for lunch, the Wal-Mart for some back to school shopping!  McKenna had her first "Frozen" rehearsal that afternoon.  Ben played at Henry's and Arlee came over to play.  We all went to back to school night that night for McKenna's class. 

Tuesday I ran two miles and my hip hurt bad.  It was so hard to wait for it to feel better!  I went through more uniforms and more back to school shopping at Target this time.  Dan came home at 4 and we went swimming at the Gunnerson's for our last hurrah before school started the next day.  Bethany did not want to swim with her cast cover, so she sat poolside and played with my phone and took some cute pictures.  

That evening we had our back-to-school dinner, kids colored on the table and received Priesthood blessings from Dan. 
We made a new back to school theme poster based on the scripture Romans 12:21- "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good!"  We discussed what "evil" might be and then ways we can overcome it.
 Wednesday was the FIRST DAY of SCHOOL!  Man they are all the cutest! 5th, 3rd, and 1st Grades! 
 Dan was able to walk them in and take some pictures for me!  (Lyla carrying Anna. :))
Ben is sitting next to Hayley who's mom is friends with Dan from high school. 
 Anna got right to work!
After they all left, I remember feeling kind of bored and not sure what to do with myself.  Alice and Bethany were really great and low maintenance the first few days, so it was lovely!

Picking up kids that afternoon took a really long time which is expected the first couple days of school!  Then McKenna and Ben had piano.  I went to a Let's Play Music meeting later.  We also went through school papers from last year, and I entered a lot of dates in my calendar.  Dan was really late that night with church meetings! 

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