Monday, November 11, 2019

Aug. '19- Week 3- Tour of Utah Race, Alice Talking Video, Bee's Game, Stake Conference, Bethany Upstart, LPM, and Cast, Ben Baseball.

Thursday was another half day for the kids at school.  Afterwards, McKenna went to Hannah Hilbig's BD party.  I took the other kids to our church parking lot and we sat in the shade and watched the Tour of Utah bike race! It was amazing!  The Wirthlins were there with us, so the kids had fun playing together.  I was just amazed how fast the cyclists were going and especially how fast the cameras following them were on motorcycles.  They'd have two guys on one motorcycle, one would drive, the other would stand up and film!  We used whatever we could find in our house to make noise to cheer them on.  Sadly, no cowbells.  We banged on pots and pans and metal water bottles.  The Wirthlins had whistles.  We saw them pass three times in about an hour and then we headed home to cool off!

Anna had her first day of Let's Play Music.  We picked up McKenna from the party.  We went through more school papers.  McKenna also swam at the Novak's that night for Activity Days 

Friday it was feeling good to be back in the routine of doing Come Follow Me every morning at breakfast!  I got these adorable videos of Bethany singing and dancing (I have no idea what she's singing) and Alice saying all the words in her repertoire, but she was being stubborn and wouldn't say "mama" so easily.

After kids were at school (another half day), the little girls watched shows and I made our grocery list.  Jordan came over to play with Ben after school and he made this Lego creation after Jordan left.

I deep cleaned the master bathroom and listened to my book club book.  McKady Kump came to babysit while Dan and I went on a date to dinner and a Bee's Baseball game.  It was quite the night.  While we were waiting in line to buy tickets, some guy handed Dan two free tickets that also included $5 concessions!  The weather was perfect and we sat all the way down the first baseline.  There were 6 home runs that night!  And because of where we were sitting, there were plenty of foul balls that almost hit us.  In fact, one did hit the lady in front of us in the ribs!  She was fine, thankfully, and we joked about it the rest of the night.  We also saw a Richard Branson look alike.  
Saturday morning I took Ben and Alice to pick up groceries while Dan mowed and went to help with Josh Hock's Eagle Scout project which was tying blankets.  McKenna went to help later as well so she could be with Bridgett Moulton.  I took all but Alice swimming at the Atkin's house from 3-4 while Dan stayed home with a sleeping Alice.  Then we came home and he left for the Stake Leadership session of Stake Conference.  The kids all had showers then my parents came to babysit while Dan and I went to the adult session of stake conference.  We were lucky enough to attend a dinner beforehand with all the Bishops and their wives and our visiting General Authority, Elder Mehr and his wife. He said a few words about how blessed we are to be in the Bishop calling together.  He said this calling is a privilege and that Dan was foreordained.  The Saturday evening session is always so uplifting!   Afterwards we went to Nielsen's for a treat.

My mom had fun putting curlers in the little girls' hair that night.  It made for an easier Sunday morning.  Though Alice only had a few left my morning.  
Sunday Dan went to a special Youth session of Stake Conference.  Then we all went to the regular sessions.  Alice was kind of difficult, but most of the kids did well.  They made a big "school" set up in the basement after church to play that afternoon.  Mickelle also came for a visit that afternoon and then we went to the Stewart's for Webster Sunday dinner and August birthdays!  Sam even brought some Hokulia stuff.  
Monday was picture day at school.  It was a pretty normal day at home getting caught up on texts and emails and phone calls.  The little girls played and watched shows.  I finally lined up a carpool for school with the Whitchurches in the stake!  So glad about that!  After homework Ben watched some of Mary Poppins from Backstage, then we had dinner and got kids to bed.  Dan and I were able to relax and watch some of the Jim Gaffigan special on Amazon Prime.  

Tuesday morning Bethany had her initial Upstart meeting/assessment.  When we got home, I worked on taking pictures of all the school papers we had just gone through.  We watched Hazel for an hour while Swa was at kindergarten orientation.  Bethany also had her first day of Let's Play Music that afternoon and she loved it!  McKenna had a bit of a hard time that evening, and later she slept walked, though I don't think those two things are related.  :) I made a note in my journal that I started using a new knee pillow that night to see if it would help my hip pain.  
Wednesday morning Bethany had a cast appointment.  She was able to get a shorter cast and chose pink this time.  Thankfully, they told us we only had to have this one on for TWO more weeks!  
Dan went river rafting with the youth that evening. I ran some errands with the kids and Ben had his first baseball game that evening.  The girls stayed home which was nice because it was pretty hot.  He got one hit on the machine and one hit with kid pitch.  Both times he made it to 3rd base!  

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