Monday, November 11, 2019

Aug. '19- Week 4- Boating, Bethany Ballet, Outdoor Movie, Bountiful Fire, BBQ at Smith's

Thursday I went on ministering visits to Shelly and Janel.  Alice loved the chairs at the Barnes'.  I drove carpool and Anna had Let's Play Music after school.  We also noticed a color motif Ben loves (blue and lime green).  MelodyAnn Swanson came over to play but McKenna ended up going over to their house to swim for a bit.  After kids were in bed, we got a bid for siding from Hansons and then Dan met with the Mudrows as he was getting ready to marry them in a couple weeks. 
Friday I went walking with Sarah and Amy.  Arlee and David came over to play with Bethany and I worked on a grocery order.  After school, Ben went to Taggart's and Anna went to Lizzie's.  We had Cub Scout Pack meeting that night which was a pot luck dinner and skits, then I stopped by to see Andrea Walker who had organized a friends get-together at the Novak's.  Unfortunately, we pretty much missed it all due to Pack meeting going long.  We left for Mantua after that and once kids were in bed, we played games with Sam, Lara, and Adam.  
Saturday was BOATING day!  We had a yummy pancake breakfast and Alice loved some cherries! We had such a great time tubing, relaxing, and I even got up SURFING!  
 Ben was a little dare devil and stood up while tubing, followed by cousin Hailey!
 Love the napping babies and being with cousins too!

We hurried home so Anna could go to Emi Atkin's BD party and Ben could go to Eli's Forbes' BD party at the Wairhouse (trampoline park).  We spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, doing laundry, baths, and preparing Primary music stuff.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched part of the new Jim Gaffigan comedy special.  

Sunday I taught "The Lord Gave me a Temple" in primary.  The girls played Legos nice after church.  Sadly, it was kind of a hard day overall with lots of fighting.  The girls also painted their nails.  My parents and siblings came over for dinner (honey lime chicken enchiladas).  We watched some of McKenna's Peter Pan and had my family conference call.  Alice wanted to be a part of it. She kept climbing up and saying "Hi!"  After kids were in bed, I talked and cried a little with Dan.  :(
Monday I went to Ben's class to help with Math Facts.  At home, I took pictures of Anna's school work from last year.  I drove carpool and we had baked potatoes for dinner.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I delivered cookies to the Koldewyn's in their NEW house!

Tuesday I went walking with Rachael, then Alice and Bethany and I played with bubbles outside.  We watched the Tinkerbelle movie, and Larry Page, the drywall guy, came to fix our ceiling settling crack.  The siding guy also came to do some final measurements.  Bethany had music and after kids were in bed, Dan and I delivered more cookies to the new neighbors, the Hoppes, who moved into the Koldewyn's old house.  That night we also found out Dan's brother David was going to be called as his ward's new BISHOP, so we talked over the phone with Dave and Laurie for a bit.  

Wednesday I worked on cleaning up the basement a bit to look for Anna's lost ballet shoe.  I also tried to get a picture of a little black eye Alice got by running into a kitchen cabinet handle.  The kids had early out and McKenna had a hard time with Piano.  
Dan came home early from work not feeling well.  McKenna babysat at Lara's.  Ben had a baseball game (his knee got hit by a ball during the kid pitch part of the game) and Dan had church meetings.  

Thursday I went again to do Math Facts in Ben's class.  Bethany went to her new dance class and had her Adelaide preschool orientation.  
Unfortunately, I started to feel a cold coming on too.  Anna had music, Ben had scouts.  Ben got some new Pokemon cards from the Bramalls.  We had another anti-pornography lesson with the kids, specifically about addiction.  That night was the BYU/Utah football game, which sadly, BYU lost again (9th year in a row!).  There was also a fire that night on the bench near 400 N.  3 homes burned down. :(

Friday Dan went to the temple and I drove the kids to school.  I watched news coverage of the fire then went for an eye exam and ordered some new RED framed glasses.  I also bought a big bag of movie theater popcorn for an outdoor movie that night.  We met Dan for lunch at Kneaders and the drywall guy came again.  After dinner, Anna and Bethany went to Hailey's for a movie night, and McKenna and Ben had an outdoor movie night with friends watching the new Aladdin.  
Saturday I got some good Alice snuggles in the morning. Dan mowed the lawn.  I went to brunch with Mickelle and Bonnie at Mimi's Cafe and apparently Alice was sad I left.  McKenna went to Kaia's outdoor water BD party.  After that party, I took McKenna shopping at WalMart and the Dollar Store for some school stuff.  That night we went to a BBQ at the Smith's.  The Alexanders, States, and Scott and Kylee Nelson were also there.   

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