Saturday, July 25, 2020

May 2020- Week 3- Mom Sleepover in Layton, Hang Out at Jake and Abril's, Kitchen Shelf Decor, Hung Pictures, Visiting Graves.

Friday I exercised and Ben had student council elections.  McKenna and Anna did homework on the porch.  We sold our baby crib, the bunk beds, and the changing table dresser.  In the afternoon Grandma Kelly came to visit and Ben and McKenna performed a little "bike show" where they rode around wearing capes and doing tricks.  Andrea Gunnerson still stopped by and then I packed and headed to Layton with Brynn for a Mother's Day girls sleep over at the HGI.  We ordered Dave's BBQ, ate in the lobby, and played Nertz.  Laurie was able to join us and we played Skull King and a meme game.  Grandma and Lara left around 10 to drive back to Mantua since Lara just announced she's PREGNANT and hasn't been sleeping well.  The rest of us stayed in the lobby and talked until about 1 am!  It was so great to be with everyone! 

Saturday morning Swa, Brynn and I (the only ones who slept over), got dressed, grabbed some McDonald's for breakfast, and then went for a 3 mile walk on the Kay's Creek Trail in Farmington.  It was beautiful and shaded!  We saw a woodpecker and I got a video of him.  Dan was pretty adventurous too and took all the kids on a bike ride!
 I got home around lunch time, then we went to a drive by birthday parade for Lola and Mila.  Then we stayed and hung out in their back yard for a bit.  These cousins sure missed each other!  We picked up groceries on the way home and moved Bethany into Alice's room!  Dan and I went on a date to Texas Roadhouse and shopping for decorations at At Home.  I started putting things on the kitchen shelves.  
 Sunday we did our home church and Adam came.  We watched Relative Race and played Skyjo.  After zucchini boat dinner, we played outside and flew kites.  My parents came by and stayed for the conference call.  Dan and I watched more MJ after kids were in bed.  

Monday I exercised and it was really windy! The kids did some homework but no one had any new assignments.  I went through Bethany's clothes and after lunch Dan and I worked on hanging pictures in the piano room, master bedroom, laundry room, and Bethany and Alice's bedroom.  We also worked on finding homes for the Randall Lake prints Dan got from his mission companion's dad.  After dinner, we folded and watched Relative Race.  After kids were in bed, I visited Janel Barnes with Nicole.  

Tuesday after breakfast I weeded and kids played outside.  McKenna had her student body officer interview and she said it went well.  After lunch, the Johnson's pulled out an awesome water slide/pool thing.  It was so fun but then the sun hid behind clouds and it got a little chilly.  Bethany and Alice ended up falling asleep that afternoon. 
 That night I had book club at the Behunin's where we talked about "Out of My Mind."  It was a book about an 11 year old girl with Cerebral Palsy who finds a voice.  

Wednesday I exercised and Dan made waffles for breakfast.  Then we met Dan's parents and tagged along as they went visiting graves (leading up to Memorial Day).  We visited Dan's Aunt Emily, Aunt Wendy, Dan's great-grandparents on both the Webster and Nelson side.  It poured rain on the way to visit the Nelson graves but then cleared up when we got there.  
We got home in time for Ben to have piano and Anna went back to dance IN the studio.  I had a parent meeting over Zoom for McKenna's Aladdin play and we had spaghetti night.  
Thursday Ben had a science Zoom video and Bethany had dance on Zoom.  We had the carpet measured and Anna had a class talent show over Zoom where she did her cool eye trick.  We had our piano tuned that afternoon and Dan bought frames at Hobby Lobby and took McKenna to school to clean out her locker and gather her belongings.  Dan also picked up a new-to-us RIDING LAWN MOWER from the Boes'.  He was so excited to be able to mow with a kid on his lap!  I blogged a little and McKenna watched Harry Potter #4.  That evening we took Ben and Anna to drive by the south campus to pick up their belongings.  After dinner, McKenna went to the Moulton's for a friends' outdoor game night.  I started working on Dan's Father's Day calendar and we watched more MJ.  

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