Sunday, August 16, 2020

June 2020- Week 1- Ben Class Party, Slip N Slide, Thyroid Check, Bethany Shots, Swimming at Winegar's, Brynn's BD,

Monday I exercised and Dan donated blood at the Vivint Arena.  Bethany had her Kindergarten shots appointment that morning too.  She was brave but still cried.  I also had my Thyroid blood work done.  Ben and Anna went to the Alexander's and Brittana came over and made no bake cookies and then she and McKenna went and delivered them to some neighbors.  
Tuesday I got going early on the weeding and Ben helped spray round-up.  Everyone did school work after breakfast and I finished weeding.  Ben had a final class party with an auction.  I got a video of Alice singing along to Zombie songs on the "Alexa."  I played catch with the velcro ball on the porch with McKenna, then we got out our slip n slides and had otter pops.  Lia Traeden and Grace Whitchurch came over too.  After dinner, we delivered no bake cookies to Jenny and her boyfriend Tyler who moved into our old house, they she gave us a tour.  I took a picture of the update she made to the patio room and it was amazing!  She was so welcoming and kind to show us around what she had done to the house.  Dan had other Bishop stuff that evening.  
Wednesday I exercised and Olivia Stock was in town from Indiana and came over for a visit.  I made phone calls and emails.  The kids had piano after lunch.  We went back to in-person lessons and Anna officially started with Marilee.  Anna had a runny nose and stayed home from dance as a precaution.  I worked on Dan's Father's Day gift.  Dan bought balloons for Brynn's BD the next day.  McKenna had an outdoor YW activity and Dan had late bishop stuff.  

Thursday I got up bright and early to go walking around the golf course with Brynn for her 40th birthday!  All of us sisters were there except Lara, and we ate bagels and fruit at North Canyon Park.  McKenna had voice lessons and we ran a couple errands.  Then we packed a lunch and went swimming at the Winegar's.  I left in the middle to have my Thyroid ultrasound.  We got home around 4:30 and Alice napped on the floor.  After dinner, we had ice cream and games at the Pugsley's.  It was so fun to chat and hold their baby Gilbert.  
Friday Bethany had dance in person to practice for her recital.  I went through Anna's clothes and she was excited about this dress!  After lunch we watched a Zoom meeting from Backstage announcing their Fall line-up.  McKenna had me take a picture of her $100 bill from Grandma and Grandpa last year before she spent it.

That evening, I took McKenna clothes shopping and to Charley Alexander's play, Seussical the Musical.  Dan got pizza and watcher "Spiderverse" with the other kids.  
Saturday we had lots of wind.  I exercised and Dan and I went to Lowe's to look at ceiling fans since Ben's room needed one.  Dan worked on moving the fan from the master bedroom to Ben's room, and we got a new fan in the master.  Ben went to Henry Alexander's BD party.  That night McKenna and Mickelle babysat while Dan and I went to Layton for an adult dinner and games for Dan's mom's birthday!  It was so fun to be with everyone!  There was a big rain storm that night too.  When we got home, we played with Sadie and talked with Mickelle on the porch for a while.  
Sunday was fast Sunday.  I got a lovely picture of Alice sucking on her toes and Anna talking for Olaf right before home church started.  So reverent.  ;)  I made empanadas for dinner with my family!  They turned out so good.  Sadie spent the evening tied up in the laundry room all evening and Alice was a little scared at first.  She gave grandpa Mike some good snuggles and my mom brought a patriotic craft.  We had a good discussion about racism with my parents.  

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