Thursday, May 13, 2021

March 2021- Week 1- Alice's 3rd BD, Jensen's Baby, Deep Clean Kitchen Chairs, March BDs at Dave and Laurie's.

(The kids coloring together was from Sunday the 28th.) 

Monday was a normal day of school, homework, and laundry.  Alice came running and crying into my bathroom and told me she was running on the couch and fell and hit her cheek on one of the end tables.  Poor thing... but I hope she learned her lesson to not run on the couch.  Also, Bethany found a new favorite place to eat lunch- on the floor in the sunshine. :)  After dinner we watched another "Relative Race."


Tuesday was a normal morning.  After lunch the kids played outside for a bit.  After homework I took Alice and Ben for their doctor check-ups.  

Alice Age 3 Stats

Height: 36.7in (4.7in increase in 1 year) 45th% 

Weight: 30lbs (5.5lb increase in 1 year) 45th%

Ben Age 10 Stats

Height: 53.2in (2.5in increase in 1 year) 28th% 

Weight: 63lbs (8lb increase in 1 year) 25th%

I dropped off McKenna's Jr. High registration papers and Bethany and Ben had dance and High School Musical rehearsal.  Dan had bishop stuff and we decorated for Alice's birthday! 

Wednesday was Alice's 3rd birthday!  Her Golden birthday turning 3 on the 3rd!  We let her open presents before the kids left for school.  Here she is trying to hold up three fingers.  We gave her a Daniel Tiger book, some starbursts, and some Frozen fruit snacks. Ben also gave her something from his Valentine's bag that was a little toy he noticed she liked to play with.  Such a thoughtful big brother! 

I made an effort to give Alice as much attention as possible while the kids were at school, so I didn't exercise or shower. :)  We snuggled, read books, and played games!  Once kids were home from school, we got Keva Juice and Great Harvest bread for lunch.  Dan brought home another present for her- a new balance bike from Costco!  After piano, McKenna went to Lia's, and Grace and Max Whitchurch came here to play.  It was such a nice day we were outside a lot jumping on the tramp.  I chatted with Cody Johnson's sister who was babysitting Tanner, Cooper, and Emmy. After Max and Grace went home, Tanner, Anna, and Bethany set up a little stand to sell their band "jewelry."  

That night for dinner we invited my parents and Mickelle over to celebrate Alice.  She also got a FaceTime call from Grandma and Grandpa in Hawaii.  I made mac and cheese from scratch and peas and grapes.  After dinner, Alice opened more presents and her cards from great grandparents.  Mickelle gave her a Moana coloring thing and a Moana purse.  My parents gave her a castle and dolls from Frozen that lock up into a carrying box.  
The only real treat she had requested was Starburst, so that's what we did, along with some rice crispy treats a neighbor brought over.  We're so blessed to have Alice in our family!  She brings us so much joy and also learning as we practice negotiating with a toddler.  Some other funny things about her: she loves to wrap up an ice pack in a dish towel and call it a present.  She's not even close to being potty trained and loves to boss around the "Alexa" telling her what songs to play.  
After kids were in bed, Dan and I visited Jordan and Lindsey Jensen's new baby girl, Amelia.  She was so cute!  

Thursday I had a dentist appointment for them to reattach my upper permanent retainer.  Alice was babysat by Rachael Alexander.  Afterwards, I ran an errand to Smith's.  I chatted with the Hamblins when I got home since they came to borrow Dan's church keys.  After helping kids with homework, I called Jonathan.  Dan came home in time to drive Anna to dance and McKenna to Aerial Silks.  Bethany and I did her Zoom Let's Play Music.  We watched Tanner for a bit after school since his aunt was gone for the afternoon.  For dinner, we had Hawaiian macadamia nut pancakes.  Ben had Backstage and McKenna had YW.  Alice got some MORE birthday present from Dan's parents, which we opened over FaceTime, and the three girls played with them till bed time.  A magna doodle, some wooden puzzles, and a bubble blowing lawn mower.  I worked on a grocery order while Dan watched a James Bond movie.  This was also her last night with a binkie!  
Friday I woke up with a really tight neck muscle, but I still exercised.  Ben had a student council meeting.  Ellie came to play to give her something to do while Swa was recovering from foot surgery.  Later, we met Brynn at Deer Hollow park. We also took Desi and Henry with us.  We had beautiful weather that day!  Dan and I went on a date that evening to the Ti Amo pizza place then picked up groceries and made some returns.  This was Alice's first official night with NO binkie!  Thankfully, she was so exhausted she went to sleep quite easily while I rocked her in my arms.  Dan and I watched "Eddie the Eagle" that night.  

Saturday McKenna went to open silks at Backstage.  After breakfast, I decided to do some deep cleaning in the kitchen.  I cleaned the sink, counters, and then started wiping the chairs.  We have so many chairs!  I also took the magic eraser to the bench seating in the corner.  I listened to my book a lot.  Mickelle was having her car worked on at Burt Brothers, so she came and hung out here for a bit while she waited for it to be done.  The kids even played restaurant with her.  After lunch, I used a brown marker to do some touch-ups on the chairs.  The kids played at the Johnson's and McKenna went to Lyla's.  Ben got a hair cut.  That evening we watched Henry and William Alexander while their family went to Charley's play.  We had pizza and watched "The One and Only Ivan."  We cleaned up the basement before bed and Alice only cried a little going to bed with no binkie.  After kids were in bed, I finally used my new spinwave mop to clean all the floors!  It worked so great and was definitely easier than my steam mop!  I also vacuumed some and Dan got a haircut.  It was a very productive day!  
Sunday was fast Sunday and we were on time for church!  We did home primary and then our Zoom lessons.  I listened to "Don't Miss This" and my family conference call.  Then we went to Dave and Laurie's for dessert and March birthdays.  Alice got one more present which was a Moana Heart of Te Fiti necklace and she was in heaven!  It was nice enough we could be outside and be more Covid safe.  We had dinner afterwards when we got home.  

Alice Marshmallow “ladies”, Alice’s Bd, Ben magic card trick.

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