Thursday, May 13, 2021

March 2021- Week 3- SWAT Situation on the Bridge, St. Patrick's Day, 1 Year since Earthquake, Basement Half Bath, Play Dates, Ward Conference,

 Monday was a pretty normal day with laundry, carpool, and making phone calls and texts.  I also worked on my personal history story and tried to play with Alice more than normal.  

Tuesday I worked on Blurb in the basement while Alice watched "Power Rangers."  I had my Zoom story class and had a much better connection because I used Dan's computer.  Dan played catch with Ben outside for a bit.  Ben had rehearsal and I went to a drive through sock donation/cupcake pick up for the Relief Society's birthday.  We came home and played Bingo via Zoom also with RS sisters.  After kids were in bed, I worked on pictures collages.  

Wednesday was St. Patrick's Day.  It was a normal morning until I went to pick up the kids from school.  After I got McKenna and approached the bridge to get to south campus, we could see lots of emergency flashing lights and a few cop cars passing us.  We got stopped in the line up of cars trying to cross the bridge and then got asked to turn around.  This meant I would have to get on I-215 to get to the South Campus.  Definitely the LONG way around.  We were pretty sure we saw police with their guns drawn before we turned around, so we were a little nervous.  We came to find out later it was a SWAT stand off with a guy who was not cooperating with police.  He was originally being pulled over because he had things obscuring his rear windshield, but then he led police on a chase and was driving erratically.  His car broke down at the top of the bridge and he got out and was shouting and saying lots of nonsensical things.  He was even waving around a metal rod/pipe and threatened to blow up his truck.  He eventually fled on foot and the police were able to catch him and take him into custody.  I felt so sad for him because he clearly had some mental health issues.  I'm so thankful it ended peacefully and that no one was hurt! The school had to call a distance learning day for the PM kids and of course we got home later than normal. Here are some pictures from KSL Chopper 5.   

We had a normal afternoon of homework and piano lessons.  The kids played outside before dinner.  For dinner that night, I was a "fun mom" and made pasta with green sauce and made our fruit into a rainbow!  After baths and kids were in bed, I collaged more pictures.  

Thursday marked 1 year since we were woken up by a 5.7 magnitude earthquake!  I put up Easter decorations and we had green french toast (green bread from Parson's Bakery) just like Grandpa Webster made for us the day of the earthquake a year ago.  I helped Ben with his book report, called Jonathan, and Bethany, Anna, and McKenna had music, dance, and aerial silks.  Ben also had rehearsal.  After dinner, Dan took Anna to help the Pena family move.  Alice was up late because she napped and I collaged pictures.  

Friday I woke up with a really stiff neck.  McKenna had a student council meeting.  After lunch Ben's friend Caleb, as well as Rachel Pugsley, came to play.  Bethany also had a play date at Arlee's new house.  I texted with Emily and then Aliza came to play with McKenna.  I love it when we can have a play date for every kid in one day!  Dan took down the Christmas lights and I collaged pictures (mostly Hawaii which was taking forever because there were so many pictures of course!).  Dan and I went on a date that night to Chili's and then to pick up groceries.  After kids were in bed, we had a friends game night but only Scott and Kylee Nelson were able to come.  We talked a lot and played 4 rounds of Skyjo.  

Saturday McKenna went to Open Silks and there was so much rain I felt like I almost hydroplaned a couple times on the drive there and the drive home.  Scary and not fun!  Dan helped the youth collect food for the food drive.  Ben also had a rehearsal at Backstage.  After lunch, I picked up Mickelle at Burt Brothers while her car was in the shop.  Dan and McKenna went to Home Depot to get a new bathroom vanity and faucet for the half bathroom in the basement.  McKenna went to Winegar's to hang out with Katie and Whitney for the evening and Dan worked on his talk for Ward Conference.  We had a conference call with my family that night.  Both Anna and Alice had a hard time falling asleep that night.  Dan got a hair cut.  

Sunday was our Ward Conference.  Dan spoke about our experience net fishing at Hukilau beach and Pres. Farnes spoke about being a "second mile" disciple.  I did Primary with the kids when we got home and we had our Zoom calls taught by the stake leaders.  I watched "Don't Miss This" video and Alice napped on me.  I had my usual family conference call and worked on my personal history story.  We found out that Alice could climb and reach pretty high in our bathroom cupboard shelf and got the melatonin again!  So we moved it a second time and have not let her seen where it is!  After dinner, Dan and I played Skyjo with Ben.  We tidied up the basement and put the three girls to bed.  After that, we had the "birds and the bees" talk with Ben because earlier in the day he had asked what chastity is?  His mind was definitely blown, but he handled it well!

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