Thursday, May 13, 2021

March 2021- Week 2- Grandma Pat's 80th, Raya at Adam's, Cabin with Pugleys and Moultons,

Monday was a normal day.  In the evening our family, my parents, and Mickelle visited my Grandma Pat for her 80th BD.  Even though she was fully vaccinated, we were not so we all stayed masked.  We brought some cookies and mini cupcakes and she showed us 4 beautiful flower arrangements she received that day.   Since the pandemic started one year ago, I have only seen her in person 3 times.  It was so great to be with her! 
Tuesday I started a new session of personal history story writing with Sarah Moulton, and unfortunately I had a bad connection and no one could really hear me.  Alice found where we kept the melatonin and accidentally took 2 with out us knowing, though she told me after the fact.  Around 4pm she couldn't keep her eyes open and she took an hour nap.  We promptly moved the bottle to a location she doesn't know about.  Doh!  After dinner, Ben had rehearsal and the girls played "dance studio."  I had a little Zoom meeting with the stake RS sisters to discuss my talk for the upcoming stake RS conference.  Later that night, Dan picked up Adam from the airport.   

Wednesday I volunteered in Bethany's class and the kids had piano after school.  McKenna and Ben also had an in-person Harry Potter club where they did a Chamber of Secrets escape room.  They had treats and did lots of crafts.  After dinner and bed time I worked on prepping another primary singing time video. 

Thursday was a normal morning and Dan and I went on a lunch date to Tony Burger.  I called Jonathan then Anna and Bethany had their activities.  Ben also had rehearsal, and Dan, Bethany, and Anna went to Adam's house to watch the new Disney movie "Raya" with a couple cousins.  McKenna had Young Women's.  After kids were in bed, Dan and I FaceTimed Emily McDonough to chat about Hawaii since they would be taking a trip there soon.  I also recorded my primary singing time video.  
*Other pictures: Bethany's cute selfie, Ben and Dan with matching UA hoodies, and Ben folding our blanket like an origami baby Yoda.  
Friday morning I ran a bunch of errands to get groceries, make copies for the singing time video and deliver them, and to pick up some books from Brynn's house for McKenna to borrow.  My mom also stopped by with a bunch of food they can't eat anymore since they're starting the Keto diet.  There was so much food and I felt very grateful!  After lunch, we packed for one night to go to the Pugsley's cabin above Kamas.  It was so fun to hang out, snack, talk, and the kids had a great time playing together.  Ben, McKenna and Kirk also played the game of Life.  The Moulton's arrived around 7pm and we had a late dinner.  The kids were in bed by 10pm and the grown-ups stayed up talking until 1am.  Oops!  SO tired the next day. :) 

Saturday we woke up around 8am.  Dan and I were in charge of breakfast, so we got going on the bacon, fruit, and pancakes.  After clean up, we got dressed in our snow gear and went outside to play.  Then we went for a walk/hike along the road.  It was so snowy and beautiful!  The kids decided to have a competition, boys vs. girls, making a commercial video.  They were pretty cute.  We had lunch, then cleaned up, packed up, and left by 3.  Ben and Anna helped their primary classes deliver fliers for the statewide food drive.  After dinner, we watched an episode of "Relative Race."  We went to bed early that night thanks to Daylight Savings.  
Sunday we were a little late for church, but it was our first Sunday back to SINGING!  I was so excited but when I started singing Alice told me to stop.  :)  Guess she wasn't ready for it.  For home primary, we watched my singing time video.  The kids watched "Moana" during our Zoom calls.  After lunch I watched "Don't Miss This" and we had our family conference call.  I was so tired from staying up too late at the cabin!  We went for a walk after dinner and after kids were in bed we cleaned up the kitchen.

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