Brag time! I've done tummy time with McKenna maybe 6-7 times and each time has been for about 1-2 minutes. I didn't think it was really doing any good. Her face pretty much stayed on the ground with the occasional short lift, and then she just got mad I was leaving her like that. Then, out of no where this week she starts lifting her head 90 degrees off the ground and HOLDING it there! And because her head is still quite big for her tiny body, if she flops her head to the side she can ROLL OVER! Is that normal? She's not even two months old yet! I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't be bragging at all. But here she is doing her new rolling over trick. :)
Her head at 90 degrees

And here are some cute pictures just because...
Love this girl!

And what am I to do with all this HAIR! I'm still wondering if she's going to lose any of it or get a bald spot. So far so good.
She is A-DOR-ABLE!!!!! Miss you ALL...LOVE you ALL!!!!
I love the smacking of the lips and kicking of the feet. And the headbands... Always with the cute headbands :)
And ps- She may keep the hair, she may not. Both Kari lost hers around 3-4 months, and Kaitlyn lost hers at 5-6... Enjoy it while you can :)
She is so ADORABLE!!! I can't believe she is rolling over already!! She just wants to grow up fast! So just enjoy that time with her now:)
That girl has MAD SKILLS!! She is so stinkin cute! Love you!
i hope she never loses her gorgeous locks. amazing. and you keep bragging all your want ... you're the mom :)
She is so cute! Our girls will have to get together and do their rolling tricks together!
She's too, too cute. And oh my gosh how cute is that little outfit? Worthy of her adorableness!
What a cute, talented little girl! Brielle started rolling over when she was 2 months, too. She LOVED it, and decided not to crawl until she was 10 months old. She had a bunch of hair too, so it took about 6 months before she had a bald spot, but it definitely came!
I love all the adorable pictures! Keep 'em coming! :)
That is really funny! I love her outfit-she is a cutie:)
No that is not normal...but it is a good abnormal, like a... your baby is extremely talented kind of abnormal. And sooo cute, I can't wait to meet the little doll!
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