Here are some of the highlights from our Christmas Eve and Day!
We had a yummy fondue for Christmas Eve dinner with Dan's family.

Complete with a chocolate fountain for dessert!

New Pajamas!

All the Webster grand babies in their newPJs!

We attempted the traditional pyramid...

And read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

Ready to go to home to bed so Santa could come!

Here are two of McKenna's favorite gifts.
An electric toothbrush. Not for hygiene of course, just for play. She likes the way it feels in her mouth. :)

She also got a fake pet hamster that runs around.

After presents at our house Christmas morning, we went to Dan's parent's for a delicious breakfast and then presents with the Webster's. (You'll also notice the poppers on our plates which have a fun toy and paper crown inside.)

I caught Kenna snuggling with Grandpa Webster

I caught Kenna snuggling with Grandpa Webster

McKenna was nice enough to let us know when she was ready for her nap. She crawled over to the diaper bag, got her binkie, and snuggled up to her blanket on the floor (though the plastic pliers was a first:] ). Funny baby!

I'm bummed I didn't get any pictures of Christmas dinner and presents with MY family...
We ate our traditional German pancakes with apple cider syrup. SO good! Then, we opened our presents together. My parents got Dan this portable workbench and McKenna loved crawling on the box!

Two wonderful days PACKED with family, thoughtful gifts, and celebrating our Savior's birth! How grateful we are for His life, mission, and priceless gift to us!
Merry Christmas!