Our main bathroom had a little drama a week or two ago. It actually started a few months ago and we only NOW realized what it was. The area between the vinyl adhesive tiles under our toilet had slowly been getting very yucky. No amount of cleaning/scrubbing was working. Then one night, one of those tiles started to BULGE. We knew then that the toilet was leaking and had probably been leaking for a good long while.
Bulging, nasty tiles

So Dan got to work on ripping everything out to find out what the problem was. Turns out, the wax ring had just worn out...

Our bathroom looked like this for a few days

Dan worked so hard and installed a new wax ring no prob!
I was SO very thankful he has no sense of smell and did all the dirty work himself!!
We also decided to change our flooring with NEW vinyl adhesive tiles with a totally different color & pattern. :)

Sorry if bathroom "drama" doesn't interest you. That's just what's been going on in our lives.
The things I miss when we don't do conference calls :) Glad you have such a handy husband! And, I like the new tiles. FYI- next time this happens (because being a home owner, there WILL be a next time), stuff an old rag down the open pipe, then it won't smell so bad, and you won't let so much methane gas back into the house. Trust me... We have only done this, a million times ourselves :/
Ah, those open toilet holes. We had a rag stuck in ours for just weeks during the remodel. Looks loverly! So glad it didn't do damage to the subfloor, we know exactly how hard that is to fix.
I love bathroom drama :) Ewf...I can only imagine the smell. I love the new tile though!
You know, if you reward your bathroom with new tile everytime it creates drama, I think you're rewarding it for negative behavior. But seriously the bathroom does look good :)
Sometimes, like once a year, when I smell things really nice, I remember, "Dan Webster cannot smell." I remember for like the first year that I knew him I was convinced he COULD smell and he just THOUGHT he couldn't. :) The bulge thing grossed me out, kinda. Not gonna lie. :) If I have nightmares, I am blaming you. :)
So nice to have handy hubbys, huh? :) Love the new tiles and so glad it was an easy fix for you!
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