Friday, May 4, 2012

New Nieces and Nephew

My sister, and both of Dan's older siblings ALL had new babies at the end of Winter.  We are loving snuggling these new little people (minus Kelsey in Alabama, whom we haven't met yet).  We're so blessed they are all happy and healthy and growing just as they should!  Their mommies are doing wonderfully as well.  Hooray for new babies!    

My sister's baby
Kelsey Gayle Smith
Born February 13th
Weighing in at 8 lbs 6oz (10 days early)
 20.5 inches long

Dan's sister's baby
Henry David Stewart
Born March 9th 
Weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs 14 oz
 22 inches long

Dan's brother's baby
Kate Webster
Born March 23rd
Weighing in at 7 lbs 13 oz 
20 inches long

1 comment:

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

You can fly out any time... I'm just sayin' :)