Sunday, January 19, 2014

October- Week 4: Well Check-ups and The Rest of the Halloween Stuff

Carving pumpkins
McKenna wasn't afraid of scooping out the goop, but Ben was.  I loved playing in the goop so I could get all the seeds out for roasting!  Yum!
McKenna drew her own face on her pumpkin and we carved it.  
Ben dictated what shapes he wanted and we did our best to interpret.  

Ben wanted his cross-eyed.  
Dan let his creative juices flow after the kids went to bed and carved this Minion from Despicable Me.  

Halloween day, I took the girls in for their well child check-ups.
Anna's 4 Month Stats
Height: 25.2 in (1.7 in increase in 2 months) 80th percentile
Weight: 13.4 lbs (2.3 lb increase in 2 months) 50th percentile
Head: Still 75th percentile
Other October happenings for Anna:
  • We started a bedtime routine (PJs/diaper, nurse, read a book, swaddle and sing a song or two, put to bed still awake.)  
  • Anna found her voice!  Her cry started to get really loud and high pitched.
  • Starting to enjoy and be easily distracted by toys.
  • Lots of sucking on hands.
  • Bears weight on legs.
  • Enjoying her Bumbo seat.  
  • Slept through the night a few times.  Nothing consistent yet. 

McKenna 5 Year Stats
Can't remember the percentiles.  
Height: 42.7 in (2.5 in increase in 1 year)
Weight: 35 lbs (4lbs increase in 1 year)  

This week McKenna had a great preschool Halloween party.
Our traditional mummy hot dog dinner. 
Getting ready to go trick-or-treating.
Thankfully, the weather wasn't too cold, but it didn't take long for our little witch's hands to become frozen.  

**Also, noteworthy this week, Dan was ordained a high priest and called as the first counselor in our ward Bishopric.  A crazy few weeks and months followed.  :)  
At the beginning of October, Dan was called in to meet with the Bishop by himself.  Our minds began to run through all the possible callings it could be for.  We had both been in our current callings for less than a year. Turns out it was a worthiness interview for advancement in the Priesthood.  At that point, the number of possible callings was really narrowed down.  He had a follow-up priesthood advancement interview with a member of the Stake Presidency the following Sunday and we knew big changes were headed our way! I had to start to come to grips with the fact that I would be released as Primary President (I was sad, to say the least).  As it turns out, it was time for our Bishop to get two new counselors and he chose the Primary and Young Women's President's husbands.  Needless to say, they have been very busy reorganizing most of the ward and we're getting used to not having him sit by us during church. Thank goodness Dan's mom is in the ward!


Mickellerox said...

the pics of all 3 kids together on the porch are adorable, but my favorite is actually the back of the two big kids in the act of trick or treating <3

Mr and Mrs Smith and Co said...

Cute trick or treating pictures :)

Steph said...

love the pics! also, how is is working putting anna to bed still awake? i've only been able to do that once with juliet and i think it was pure luck.