Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Nov. '19- Week 2- Ben Jazz Game, Girls and Dan Ice Cream, Roth's Move, Hero's Lunch, Frozen!, Books and Breakfast, Helping Gma, Ben Basketball Pics

Friday I worked on my UEN class.  After kids were off to school, I took Alice and Bethany to my parents' to work on more box sorting in their basement.  We made it home in time for Alice's nap that afternoon.  Then, after school, Ben auditioned for the 3rd and 4th grade school play, Annie, and had Prelude youth choir practice.  That evening Dan had a Bishop emergency and Ben went to a Jazz game with his Jr. Jazz team!  They had a blast! 
Once Dan was available, he took all us girls out for ice cream at Spanky's. Then we finished Descendants and Dan taped off the entry way for painting.  
Saturday I exercised, Anna had a dance workshop, and Ben had basketball.  We did some cleaning and tidying around the house and Dan painted the entry way window trim.  The siding guys officially finished around 12.   We LOVE how it turned out and brought our home out of the 70s!

 Here are the before and afters
 My favorite part is that we got rid of the yucky yellow glass above the front door!
Alice learned to climb the bunk bed ladder and was so proud.  
After lunch we went outside to clean up the yard and Ben went to Taggart's to play.  I trimmed the rose bush and tried to scrub the butter marks off the driveway from the scones during Halloween.  Dan also did some wood burning with Ben with his wood burning kit.  That evening, we went to a farewell party for the Roth's at the church.  They have been in the ward around 10 years and we're really going to miss them!  
Sunday I taught both singing times "I Know That My Redeemer Lives."  That evening we hosted the Temple and Priesthood Preparation meeting for 11 year olds.  We had about 19 people and it was a lovely meeting.  I went to Prelude rehearsal that night.  

Monday I drove the kids to school since Dan went to the doctor's earlier than normal.  I did laundry and vacuuming.  My dad was able to attend the Hero's Lunch (for Veteran's Day) at school with Ben and Anna and he was nice enough to buy them each a book at the book fair!  They felt so special.  
That evening McKenna had her first performance for Frozen in the ensemble!  She did so great and I loved being able to see Cast A perform once.  
Tuesday I exercised and worked on Blurb and my UEN class.  Dan went to music with Bethany.  I ushered at the Frozen performance that night.  McKenna played the parts of Young Elsa and Sven!
 Wednesday I went to my mom's again and worked in the basement and flattened so many papers.  Alice also said "Gama Kelly" for the first time! So cute!  We found an old yarn wig my mom made for me when I was little since I always wanted LONG hair.  Alice looked adorable in it.  That afternoon, while Alice and Bethany napped and McKenna and Ben were at Piano, I had some good time with Anna.  Later, Ben went to the Alexander's and the Food Pantry with Cub Scouts.  Dan was able to meet the scouts there.  We also got back Ben's basketball pictures.  
McKenna had another show, and Dan and Ben went to his Jr. Jazz game.  

Thursday I exercised and looked over my UEN class.  Dan went to Books and Breakfast with the kids at the school.  I tidied the basement and Clara came over to play.  I went to Bethany's Parent/Teacher conference and then volunteered/read with kids in Anna's class.  Anna had music and we ran an errand to buy a BD gift for Lyla.  Ben had me take this cute "before and after" pictures of his big muscles! ;)  That night, we worked on making banners to welcome home Dan's parent's from Nauvoo the next day!  

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