Saturday, March 27, 2021

Feb. 2021- Week 1- Alice Fever, McKenna Spelling Bee, McKenna Jasmine in Aladdin!, Super Bowl

 Monday morning Alice was more whiny than normal.  While I showered and she watched shows, she started to feel warm/fevered.  So I left her home with Dan while I drove carpool and by the time we got home, she was asleep and totally had a fever. We gave her some meds and she cried a lot, but eventually the medicine kicked in and she ate some lunch and felt better.  I helped kids with homework and did laundry and about 4 hours later, Alice was back and feeling warm and fevered again.  She fell asleep on me and my mind started racing thinking she may have Covid and our Hawaii trip would be cancelled!  We called the pediatrician and they said to wait a few days before getting her tested for Covid to make sure the virus would be good and present.  Ben played with Henry.  After Alice took a second dose of medicine, she ate dinner fine and thankfully went to bed fine.  Other pictures from the day, Anna loving her two front teeth growing in and Alice loves gluing ripped paper into her new notebook.  
Tuesday I called the doctor and told them Alice was feeling and acting much better so they didn't need to see her, but we still scheduled a Covid test so we could find out sooner than later if we needed to reschedule our Hawaii trip.  I filled out all the "intent to enroll" all our kids for Legacy next year.  After school, Bethany took a little spill down the stairs and hurt her nose, so we snuggled for a bit.  After lunch and homework, Amy Hamblin stopped by to chat with McKenna.  Bethany had dance and McKenna had Aladdin rehearsal.  Ben also had rehearsal and I had a sore neck all day.  

Wednesday Dan helped move Aladdin set pieces after dropping off kids.  Bethany stayed home with a cold.  She did homework in the office with Dan and I took Alice to drop some food off at the school for the teacher's conferences lunch, then I took Alice to get Covid tested.  It was a pokey swab and she cried and said, "That was not a fun doctor."  After homework and piano Ben worked on his Middle Ages slides. He also got creative and made some cool perler bead designs and put his Lego Iron Man into a cool background! I did hair and make-up for McKenna for rehearsal.  After dinner we did baths and I worked on Blurb.  
Thursday we had 4 parent/teacher conference and the kids had a distance learning day.  Bethany had music and we also watched Cooper and Emmy for a bit.  Emmy loved climbing in the empty cupboards downstairs.  Anna had dance and McKenna went to a birthday party for a boy in her class names Paulo to Get Air!  Ben also rehearsal and we all ate dinner at different times.  After kids were in bed, I worked on cleaning out some emails and Alice's Covid test came back NEGATIVE!  We did some Hawaii trip prep that night.  

Friday morning McKenna participated in the school Spelling Bee!  She made it through three rounds with words like "exterior," "nursery," and she got out on round four with the word "regents."  She felt good about her performance and was kind of relived to get out.  Dan took her to his work and then out on a lunch date.  I helped kids with HW then the kids played in the snow.  McKenna had rehearsal and I stayed and watched and loved it!  We had pizza for dinner and then watched half of the penguins from Madagascar movie.  I worked on Blurb and Dan watched "Wanda Vision."  

Saturday Alice woke us up early.  I tried running a mile and my hip felt ok. Dan got a haircut, we picked up groceries and then went to visit William and Luna!  It was our first time meeting Luna and she is so sweet! 
We got home around 2 and the kids had a late lunch.  Dan and I went on a lunch date to Santorini's.  I got McKenna ready for her show and was able to take Bethany and Anna with me.  My parents met us there.  We saw lots of our family on Zoom watching McKenna perform that night too.  Each time I saw the play rehearsed it got better and better and the single performance McKenna got to do was even more polished.  They all did great!  We got a treat from Nielsen's and came home to find Alice watching "Moana" and Dan and Ben watching "Avengers: Age of Ultron."  I'm so proud of McKenna for sticking with it and doing this play even when she wanted to quit.  Things were so different this year with a new director and Covid restrictions, it was difficult to enjoy it.  Thankfully, she had many friends who also stuck with it! 
Sunday I was up at 5am with Alice.  Grrrr! We had Stake Conference and sadly the feed didn't work for many people for the first 30 minutes.  It was a great conference though with some unique things like a virtual children's choir and a virtual missionary choir with missionaries serving from our stake.  After lunch, I took the kids for a walk because it was sunny and 50* which was heavenly!  I watched my "Don't Miss This" video and had my family conference call.  Then my parents and Mickelle came over to watch the Super Bowl and eat snack food/appetizers for dinner.  After kids were in bed, we packed a little for Hawaii. 
February Part 1 videos: 
McKenna spelling bee, McKenna “Aladdin"

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