Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jan.2021- Week 2- Decorating for Valentine's Day, Host Book Club, McKenna Field Journal, Dan Pickleball Champ with Youth

Friday McKenna had a Zoom student council meeting and Ben attended an in person meeting.  I also had the chance to help Brooklyn Ulmer out and drive her to her first day of training for a new job at Cold Stone.  Anna had her class Zoom meeting and got to do a spotlight for herself.  Ellie came over to play with Anna after that.  After lunch, McKenna played at Lia's and Bethany played at Hallie's.  Ben seemed to have a long day of homework unfortunately.  I worked on a grocery order and listened to Marco Polos.  We had my parents and Mickelle over for dinner and donuts that night to celebrate Ben's birthday!  Once kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "Tenet."  That's a tricky movie to understand.  

Saturday I walked and Dan gave himself a haircut.  I went with McKenna to her Aladdin rehearsal and helped with costuming.  It was greatly needed since the director was kind of thrown into this and seemed overwhelmed.  McKenna unfortunately felt like it was a bit of a waste of a rehearsal since they only worked on music she already knew.  While we were gone, Dan and Ben did Legos, and apparently the girls thought it was nice enough to have a picnic lunch outside.  :)  Later that afternoon, Dan went to the Remington's to help him work on one of our kitchen chairs fixing the cushion.  That evening, Dan and I went on a date to dinner and groceries.  We finished "Tenet" later.  

Sunday we were on time for church!  We did a home primary lesson and then our Zoom meetings.  After lunch I played a game with Ben and then watched "Don't Miss This" and Ben read a book snuggled up next to me.  Ben also finished his Gryffindor color by numbers.  I took a progress picture of Anna's head bruise she got on Ben's birthday.  On my family conference call, we talked a lot of politics in light of the recent attack on the Capitol.  After dinner, we played Skyjo.  

Monday I worked on stuff for my first virtual Primary singing time.  I did laundry and drove carpool like normal.  After lunch and homework I did some mending and listened to my book.  I helped Bethany make her All About Me poster for her spotlight week for her half birthday.  Ben played at the Johnson's with Henry Alexander there as well.  Emi Atkin came to play with Anna.  Anna lost a tooth right before dinner!  I recorded my Primary video that night.  

Tuesday I took Alice to Michael's to look for some Valentine's decorations.  After lunch and homework, Bethany had dance. I finished my book club book and cleaned.  Ben had rehearsal and I hosted book club!  We discussed Kylee Nelson's pick "Everything We Keep" about a girl's search for her missing fiance that she was told was dead.  It was a good book for the first half, and then took a turn for the inappropriate during the second half.  Still, it is always great to be with my friends again.  We also got word from Dan's parents that they were going to have to move to a new house since their landlord was selling the current house they were living in.  Kind of a stressful time for them.  

Wednesday was normal with school, piano, homework, McKenna's rehearsal and the three middle kids did art and then played outside for a bit.  After dinner and kids were in bed, I delivered copies of the Primary singing time handouts.  

Thursday morning was chill.  I listened to a podcast from Wendy Watson Nelson.  Ben had his Zoom novels meeting after lunch.  McKenna took some pictures outside for her field journal assignment and Ben helped. I called Jonathan and Bethany and Anna had music and dance.  I played playdoh with Alice while dinner cooked.  Ben had rehearsal and Dan and McKenna went to youth activities.  The YM had a pickleball tournament and Dan won!  I drove Backstage carpool home.  I helped Ben and Anna pack for our Mantua weekend.  

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