Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Jan. 2021- Week 4- Potty Training Attempt, Matching Girls, Haircuts, Baby Luna!, Lyla's Dog, Ben at Caleb's, Dan and Bethany Date

 Friday I woke up with a bit of a scratchy throat.  Not sore, just scratchy, but still not a great sign.  I drove Ben to his student council meeting.  I ran an errand to the library and then worked on a grocery order back in the school parking lot.  After homework and lunch, I made peanut butter cookies and felt like I was in the kitchen forever, but they were yummy!  Ben played at the Winegar's and Anna went to Desi's.  I decided to test the waters of potty training Alice.  She had 2 accidents and only one tiny tinkle in the potty, so I would not call it a success. It was fun to try things out though.  Dan and I went on a date that night with the Winegars to dinner at Orlando's Mexican Grill in Kaysville.  After kids were in bed, we had a (masked) friend game night with the Days and Chadwicks.  We played a game called Puns of Anarchy and True Colors.  

Saturday my throat was a little worse and I worried more and more I was infecting/had infected others with Covid, even though I really felt like it was just Bethany's cold that I caught.  Ben still had some homework to do and McKenna had rehearsal.  I did some clothes mending and patching.  Dan and Ben both got haircuts.  I tried Alice in underwear again for about an hour, then she asked for a diaper and I said yes.  Totally letting her call the shots.  After lunch, Dan and I worked on reorganizing the kitchen computer desk cupboards while we watched the first Jurassic Park movie and it snowed outside.  Dan picked up groceries and I did baths.  After dinner we cleaned the basement and watched some Studio C. McKenna went to hang out at the Winegar's and had a movie night.  I worked on making empanada filling for Sunday dinner. 

Sunday we had more snow and streamed church from home because of Bethany's and my cold.  We did a short primary lesson and Dan passed us the sacrament.  We had our Zoom meetings and after lunch I listened to "Don't Miss This." McKenna tried to do a "pageant" of some sort with her siblings but not everyone cooperated.  McKenna and Dan also had youth council meeting.  I let the kids play in the snow and my family did not have a conference call due to Jonathan going to the doctor to check on his leg giving out on him.  I had a brief visit from 2 members of the stake Relief Society asking if I would speak at the stake women's conference in May!  I said yes.  :)   After dinner, the kids wrote letters to the ladies at the Waikoloa home and Bethany wrote "Old Woman, I love you.  Love, Somebody."  I had a super runny nose by evening time.  

Monday I was very congested and woke up with an awful headache. I kept Bethany home from school one more day.  I worked on making pictures collages on my phone.  After homework, McKenna had rehearsal.  Ben and Anna played in the snow with Henry, Taggart, and Mabel.  The little girls watched shows.  I had my family conference call that night.  

Tuesday was a normal day and my congestion headache was gone, thankfully.  The three girls decided to match uniforms and side braids.  After homework, Ben and Anna played in the snow more.  Ben had rehearsal.  After kids were in bed, Dan had bishop stuff and met with Cody about Tanner's baptism.  

Wednesday I was starting to feel a little better, but had more of a cough this day.  McKenna had rehearsal and I worked on the Nelson News.  

Thursday I didn't sleep well the night before due to wind being noisy.  After school and homework, I took all the girls to get their hair trimmed.  We got word there that our new niece had been born!  Jake and Abril had a new baby girl named Luna!  I called Jonathan, Bethany had music, and Anna had dance.  Ben had rehearsal.  After dinner, my family decided to have another conference call to discuss some crazy stuff that happened in the stock market that day.  I still don't entirely understand it. :)  I worked on a grocery order once kids were in bed.  

Friday morning was normal with homework and a little cleaning.  Alice found a security camera we hadn't finished installing yet and it took this great shot of her!  Bethany made a nice little corner seat for her to color and be alone in.  After lunch, McKenna and I had a Zoom with Susie and Sophia Whitchurch to talk about Sophia's transition to South Davis Jr. High.  After that, McKenna pretty much made up her mind to attend there instead of staying at Legacy.  Dan and I went on a date to Plates and Pallets, Lowe's, and Costco.  Desi and Mabel came over for a movie night.  They watched the live action Aladdin.  Mabel also lost a tooth!  After little kids were in bed, we watched the Greatest Showman upstairs.  We ended up getting lots of snow that night! 

Saturday during my exercising, Alice was mad I said no to fruit snacks, so she pouted beside the treadmill.  After breakfast, Dan and Ben shoveled.  McKenna had rehearsal.  Arlee came here to play with Bethany.  Anna played in the snow with Desi and Mabel.  I replaced some kitchen chair pads.  Ben played at Caleb's house in Salt Lake. Dan took Bethany on a date to McDonald's as a reward for staying in her bed every night for a week.  I picked up McKenna and Lyla from rehearsal and took them to Target to shop for a birthday present for a boy in their class.  When we dropped Lyla off, we got to meet their new little dog and she totally snuggled up to McKenna!  Later that afternoon, we picked up groceries and the kids got to go in and pick out their Valentines to give out.  After dinner, we went through the house and wrote up a chore chart for each room for all of us to get involved in.  

Sunday we went to in person church.  I helped for 2 mins with the adult 5th Sunday lesson over Zoom talking about how the Come Follow Me manual works best in our family.  I had my conference call and listened to "Don't Miss This." After dinner and kids were in bed, we were able to join virtually Dan's parents' stake conference and see his dad give a talk.  

January Videos:  

“Helyellcome,” Ben’s Bd at Get Air, Ben presents and candles, Alice fights Ben with a sword!

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