Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Nov. '18- Week 2- Grandma Pat Over, Movie with Lia, Hero's Lunch, "Instant Family," Anna's Thanksgiving Feast

Thursday I visited Amy and Shelly.  I hung up our "Thankful" tree and tidied up.  That evening we had my parents AND my Grandma Condie over for dinner.  Alice also began rocking back and forth on all fours.  It won't be long before she's crawling! 
Friday my mom babysat while I helped with McKenna's class China day.  I helped at the station where they wrote Haiku poems and then the water color paint on paper fans.  Dan came home for a bit at lunch time, painted the girls nails, and then left for Mantua with the Priests Quorum.  McKenna had her audition for the school play, Peter Pan, and felt really good about it.  :) We took Lia home with us after the audition, then we got dinner at Burger King and came back to our house to play and watched "Matilda." 
Saturday after breakfast the kids played with playdoh, and I did some organizing and went through McKenna's clothes.  Dan came home from Mantua and worked outside for a while with Ben blowing leaves and spraying off the patio room carpet tiles that had mold on them.  We worked hard on cleaning the basement and unfortunately Bethany had an upset stomach that afternoon/evening.  

On Sunday during sunday school we learned about the Gathering of Israel and YWs was about solving problems.  We watched "Zootopia" after church and I worked on prepping some large red envelopes for Ben's class.  Dan attended the "Temple and Priesthood Preview" that evening and I had stake choir after kids were in bed even though my cold/voice were not all the way better.  

Monday I had a bad headache.  The kids' school celebrated Veteran's Day by hosting a "Hero's lunch."  The kids invited Grandpa Webster to attend!  He's such a hero to us all especially after what he endured this Summer! 
I worked more on the red envelopes.  We had an FHE lesson that night about Tithing.  After kids were in bed, the missionaries came by, mostly to talk to Dan.  

Tuesday Anna played at Emi's while I ran an errand to Target.  That evening, Mickelle came to babysit while Dan and I went to Costa Vida at the Gateway for dinner, and then got to see the new movie "Instant Family" which is all about Foster Care and adoption.  It was a very touching movie and apparently pretty true to real life, but (also true to real life) unfortunately had a lot of bad language in it.  

Wednesday Dan went to the temple.  Bethany and Alice went to Shelly's house while I volunteered in Anna's class for their Thanksgiving activities and feast.  I picked up the girls from Shelly then headed back to the school for pick up. We had a normal afternoon of homework, music/piano, showers/baths, and Dan had late church meetings.  
Thursday Dan went to "Books and Breakfast" at the kids' school.  I had a ministering interview over the phone with Marilee.  I almost ran out of gas on the way home from getting the kids.  Jordan came over to play with Ben before dinner.

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