Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Oct. '18- Week 4- End Social Media Fast, Paisley's Party, Carving Pumpkins, Lagoon Trail, Halloween Parties, Trunk or Treat, Crazy Hair Day, Halloween!

Monday I was in the cleaning mood and cleaned McKenna and Bethany's room a little, then after driving kindergarten carpool, I washed and vacuumed the van.  After lunch and laundry, I cleaned toilets, the inside of the van, and vacuumed some.  I also mended and patched some clothes.  I guess this is mostly noteworthy because it doesn't happen all that often. :)  At least not this much productivity in one day.  We had an FHE that evening about the Holy Ghost.  

Tuesday I drove the kids to school in the morning and we saw a beautiful rainbow!  I went to Jan Evans' Scripture class.  We got another rain gutter bid, Ben had Jr. Jazz at night, and I finally started getting Alice to bed at an earlier time! Tuesday was also the day I got back on Instagram since going off right after General Conference.  Here are some insights I had, but first...
*Invitation from the Prophet-  "First, I invite you to participate in a 10-day fast from social media and from any other media that bring negative and impure thoughts to your mind." 
*I went off Instagram for 2+ weeks.  I cut back on checking KSL as well but still checked the weather, read headlines only, minimally.    
  • "What do you notice after taking a break from perspectives of the world that have been wounding your spirit?" **I noticed, much like last time I fasted from social media, it was easier than I thought.  I noticed I cared less about what others think of me especially because I wasn't seeing everyone's highlights from trips, outings, home decor...
  • "Is there a change in where you now want to spend your time and energy?" **This was probably the most significant effect of this Social Media fast.  I used my phone MUCH less in general during this time because it was on the fritz (screen backlight was blinking and blacking out).  I want to spend more of my time and energy blogging and keeping the house in order.  Since I didn't use my phone while nursing at night, it also felt good to have more quiet time to just sit and think!  That was a calming and rejuvenating time with Alice! 
  • "Have any of your priorities shifted—even just a little?" **My priorities are to make sure my children feel they are the most important thing to me, not my phone!  I also don't want them to see me on my phone all the time when they don't need me.  I plan to use the new update on the iPhone to set time limits on my app usage.  
Wednesday I did ministering visits to Shelly and Amy.  Bart Nelson came to start fixing the concrete in the back.  Dan came home early from work and was able to walk the kids to piano and help Bart in the back for a bit.  I had book club that night at Meghan Johnson's house were we discussed the book "What Highly Successful People do Before Breakfast."  Our discussion was mostly about time management and how everyone is going to define "success" differently.

Thursday I went walking with Rachael then Anna's friends Annie and Emi came over to play.  McKenna had a field trip to the Children's Museum.  Lia's mom sent me a couple pictures since she was their chaperone.  After school we ran an errand to get a birthday present for Paisley Panter.  
Friday Rachael had a little scare as William and his cousin wandered away from the house down to the Remington's cul de sac and she couldn't find him for a good 30 mins.  I helped look for him, but it was Holley Searle who found him.  I babysat Hazel, and Anna went to Paisley's BD party at the Rec Center.  
I trimmed back the day lilies.  That night Dan worked on his Sacrament meeting talk for Ward Conference and I planned our menu.  

Saturday Dan had his super Saturday Tithing Settlement Day.  We took him some Taco Time for lunch then went to play at Creekside Park with the Lewises came and Ashleigh Robbins was there by chance also.   
Dan went to our ward temple night while I stayed home with the kids and we watched "Greatest Showman" after baths.  

Sunday was our Ward Conference.  Dan spoke about rowing and tied it into the "swing" principle being in perfect unity with each other and the Lord.  Pres. Farnes taught about the acronym "WALK- Willingly Act in Love and Kindness."  In the evening we went to cousin Andrew's ordination and dinner at Dave and Laurie's.  We came home and carved pumpkins as a family.  I had stake choir practice.  
Monday started the kids Spirit Week at school.  After lunch, Bethany and Alice and I went to walk with Lagoon trail with Brynn and Swa and some of their kids.  The leaves were gorgeous! One of the kids (we're not sure who) thought it would be funny to pick up a bunch leaves and through them on Alice.  Unfortunately, the pile thrown on her also contained quite a bit of dirt and sticks as well.  Poor Alice... but it was kind of funny too.  

That evening McKenna and I picked up Mickelle from the airport as she was getting home from a business trip.  That night Dan helped move the Winegar's shed.  

Tuesday I attended the last Jan Evans scripture class.  Bethany got to wear her costume to preschool.  It was also cousin Amelia's first day at preschool with Bethany! I got to help with centers in her class that day, unfortunately, Alice was quite sad in her car seat most of the time.  
I got to watch the last little bit of Anna's ballet class that afternoon.  That evening we had our ward Trunk or Treat and spook alley.  
Wednesday- Halloween Day!- Dan dressed up for carline as Gru from Despicable Me.  The kids got to wear their costumes to school.  We had the mold in our patio room treated.  Alice and Bethany spent some time at Rachael's while I volunteered in McKenna and Ben's classes for their Halloween parties.  In McKenna's class I helped with the station where they made each other into mummies using TP.  In Ben's class I provided Halloween themed snacks.  String cheese and pretzel sticks to look like brooms and apple slices and marshmallows to look like lips and teeth.
Bethany fell asleep while we were doing reading homework.  That evening we had our traditional mummy dogs for dinner then got the kids ready for trick or treating!  Thankfully, Aunt Mickelle came to take the three middles out trick or treating while I picked up McKenna from her Backstage training and performance class.  Dan stayed home to pass out scones and candy!

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