Thursday, June 2, 2022

Dec. 2021- Week 1- RS Activity, PAC 12 Championship, Ward Party, Christmas Devotional, GF Stopped by, Bethany Dance Demo.

 Dec. 1st- Wednesday: The kids left for school & I watched the news. After breakfast, I searched for neighbor gift ideas and worked on writing the rap for our "commercial" for the ward party. We had lunch, and I watched Hazel for a bit. Alice had preschool and I drove carpool. Ben and Anna had piano. Brooklyn Moulton stayed with us for a bit. I put the Grandfather picture in the entryway frame. Kids did homework. Anna had gymnastics and I stayed with Bethany at “Let’s Play Music.” McKenna hung out with Brittana, then had rehearsal.  After dinner, I went to a RS Activity that was themed Christmas around the World. We had ladies teach about traditions from Lebanon, Japan, Italy, and Mexico. Dan and the younger kids delivered the Harry Potter Lego advent calendars to everyone.  Later, I helped McKenna with her pierced ear care.

Dec. 2nd- Thursday: Alice and I had a normal morning. I had a Primary meeting at the Pugsley’s then worked on my Primary lesson. I picked up Hazel from preschool. Later, McKenna babysat while Dan and I went to his work dinner party. We sat by Marshall and his wife Adrianne as well as Anna Gibson. We got shakes on the drive home. Ben wrote the sweetest thing about his family for "Light The World." After kids were in bed, we finished up some Christmas shopping and Dan packed for the PAC-12 Championship trip. Hazel slept over because Swa and Jake were out of town.

Dec. 3rd- Friday: Dan left for his trip to Vegas. After a normal morning, I had a ministering interview via Zoom with Amy and Nicole. I worked on a grocery order. I dropped Hazel off at Swa's friend Brooke’s, then went to North campus to help with pizza day. Alice and I did a little Dollar Store shopping, then picked up Hazel. The girls played great. Once kids got home from school, Brynn picked Hazel up. Anna played with Desi and Mabel. I took Bethany and Ben to Smith’s to shop for BD gifts for friends. That night, Ben went to Lara’s to hang out with Oliver and some younger cousins (Lara and Sam were babysitting Ollie and Ellie). Anna had a late night with Desi and Mabel at Alexander’s. Bethany went to Brooklyn Moulton’s party (seeing the movie "Encanto"). McKenna had 5 friends over in the basement. I snuggled with Alice upstairs and and watched "Cinderella." I sent Dan a picture and he drew a stick figure of himself snuggling with us. Alice had a phlegmy throat like me. I put her to bed in my bed and picked up Ben. The Utes won the Pac-12 championship game!!

Dec. 4th- Saturday: I woke up to Alice kicking me at 6:55. She left and I tried to get back to sleep. She came back in and fell back to sleep till 8. At breakfast, Alice gagged on her phlegm and threw up. I did dishes and laundry and took Alice and I to get Covid tested (both negative!). I practiced the rap with the kids. McKenna practiced Into the Woods. Anna and Ben play with friends (Alexanders). Bethany and Alice watched shows. We went to the cul de sac party that Cari Moss throws every Christmas. Ben had fun shooting nerf guns with the other boys, then got ready for dress rehearsal. I made cookies for the ward party. Brittana and McKenna ate lunch. I watched a Zoom baby shower for my cousin Liz Greenwood in Kentucky.  Dan made it home from Vegas. I left for Riley Robertson's wedding reception. I saw the Robertson fam as well as Bro. And Sis. Dudley.  Traffic on the way back was bad! I made it to the ward Christmas party. We ate, then did our wrapping rap commercial. Jake Brown hosted a talk show, interviewing ward members about their Christmas traditions. The kids got to sit on Santa's lap and make some crafts as well. It was such a fun party!

Dec. 5th- Sunday: Dan and I woke up at 5:45am to the smoke alarm chirping in piano room. Dan had to get the ladder to get it off the super high ceiling. I taught “When Joseph Went to Bethlehem” with props in Primary. After lunch, Dan helped McKenna with her Into the Woods lines. We napped. I had my family conference Call. Mickelle babysat Boof, Alice, and Mila while we went to the Christmas Devotional! I teared up when I saw the full choir because that meant things were getting back to normal! Dan joined a family Zoom, then he and McKenna stopped by Winegar’s and played with their new puppy Dexter. Ben and I shopped for McKenna online.

Dec. 6th- Monday: I checked out the middle three kids from school for their 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine then took them back to school. After lunch, I read with Alice and napped. She fell asleep too. After carpool, I picked up McKenna and Bridget from Nielsen’s Frozen Custard and Ben from Harry Potter club. Dan hung lights on the front outside tree. McKenna had rehearsal and after dinner I helped Anna with a report. We also worked on finding Christmas jammies.

Dec. 7th- Tuesday: I went to the gym with Brynn. We ran errands (Walmart, Dollar Store, Five Below, Autozone, Car wash place, and the Post Office). After lunch, Dan came home because Grandfather stopped by! He was delivering all the Webster family gifts and it was so wonderful to see him and talk with him! Alice and I wore masks because we still had a bit of a cold. We had a normal afternoon. Mckenna went to Lyla’s. Dan and I went to Boof’s little dance performance. After dinner, McKenna and I went to YW movie night at Nicole’s, watching the "Polar Express." I went because they were short on leaders.

December Part 1 Videos: Ward party wrapping rap, Bethany and Alice dance demonstrations, McKenna band concert.

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