Thursday, June 2, 2022

Nov. 2021- Week 3- McKenna Broadway Review, Anna Rome Day, Alabama Trip.

Nov. 15th- Monday: I drove the kids to school because Dan did carline. After our normal morning routine, I played a Trolls game with Alice then worked on the blog. After lunch, I took her to preschool. I had some quiet time to nap and work on the blog.  After kids got home from school, I picked up Ben from Harry Potter club, switched the laundry, then curled McKenna’s hair. McKenna and I went to her Broadway review theater class performance. She had a solo and sung "Tomorrow" from Annie! I volunteered back stage and in the gym trying to keep kids quiet. Dan and the kids came for the second performance. Afterwards, McKenna and I went to Baskin Robbins with the Hilbigs, Lyla, Makayla, and Lia. 

Nov. 16th- Tuesday. I drove the kids again. I decided not to go to the gym with my lingering cold/cough. After breakfast, I folded everyone’s laundry and had a bad headache. I played Trolls game and Surprise Slides with Alice. After lunch, she watched Snow White. She also took some great selfies! I napped and blogged. Once kids were home, I helped Bethany with reading. Bethany had dance. Ben left for rehearsal with the other cast. McKenna left for her YW activity which was raking leaves. Anna and Alice played. After dinner, while collecting garbage, I noticed Bethany went the extra mile and helped a lot!  We watched some YouTube home videos. After kids were in bed, Dan left for a missionary visit.

Nov. 17th- Wednesday: I drove kids to school then walked 2 miles on the treadmill. We had a normal morning. After lunch, Alice had preschool. I blogged then took a quick nap. The kids got home. B and A went to piano. Bethany did homework and I napped. Anna had gymnastics, and Bethany had music. Picked up my thyroid meds and spent a lot of time in the car waiting for Bethany and Anna. We called my brother Jonathan for his birthday. After dinner, I left to pick up McKenna and Lyla from rehearsal and they were released later than the schedule said. 

Nov. 18th- Thursday: I drove kids to school then ate with Alice.  I went to the temple to do Initiatories. Cari Moss was in my booth. Unfortunately, I had a bad coughing fit while there. It was a little embarrassing. After lunch, Alice watched “Cinderella” but wanted "Snow White" the whole time. I'm trying to have her branch out. I left to drive carpool, then took Ben and Sayuri to Backstage. Leela, Brooklyn, and Zaza came over to play. They played outside some. Bethany started coughing a little. McKenna had piano and friends went home. After dinner, we worked on packing the three girls for our Alabama trip. I washed and prepped Anna’s Rome Day costume, then went to book club at Kylee Behunin’s house to discuss the book “Anxious People.” I was a funny type of crime mystery written by a Swedish author.

Nov. 19th- Friday: I drove the kids and then stayed to help in Anna’s classroom for Rome Day. Then I went to Ben’s school to help with Pizza day. Dan and Alice and I went to lunch after that at Kneader's. After the kids got home from school, my past roommate, Katie Spencer and husband Kevin, stopped by. Desi was also here to play. We did laundry, packed, and cleaned. Ben hung out with Nate Johnsen. Desi stayed for dinner. After kids were in bed, we finished packing and cleaning.

Nov. 20th- Saturday: After getting ready for the day, Swa took us to the airport. Unfortunately, our flight was delayed because of a sick co-pilot. Then there was a maintenance issue with a door seal. We sat at our gate and on the tarmac for 2.5 hours. I sat by Anna and Bethany. They watched the new Space Jam. When we finally got in the air, Bethany’s ears hurt because she had a cold. We landed in Dallas so late, we missed our connecting flight to Columbus, GA. Dan and Mickelle stood in line for almost 2 hrs to rebook and get vouchers from the Airline. I went to get food for everyone. We made it on a flight to Birmingham, AL then had a voucher to stay at a Holiday Inn hotel. We did baths and then I slept with McKenna and Alice in my room. Dan had the other three in his room, and Mickelle had her own room. It was a long day of travel!

Nov. 21st- Sunday: We got up and ready for the day, and Emily, Justin, and Jonathan we nice enough to drive two hours to come pick us up! They got there around 10:30am. We ate at Waffle House then napped and talked in the car. We got to their house by 3:00 (changed time zones, so really 4pm.) We took our time to help the little girls get used to the dogs. We toured the inside then played in the back yard and talked. We called mom and dad and had spaghetti for dinner and specialty Kit Kats Jonathan brought for dessert. The kids played the Switch and we set up beds. I went with Emily and Mickelle to pick up Mickelle’s suitcase at the Columbus, GA airport where we were origianly supposed to fly into. We chilled at home after that.

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