Thursday, June 2, 2022

Nov. 2021- Week 2- STEM Expo, Covid Vaccines, Moana, Mantua Work Day, Primary Program,

Nov. 8th- Monday: After the kids left for school, I exercised, started laundry, then showered. I read with Alice, and napped a little. When I went to feed Alice lunch, she was lethargic and had a low appetite. I thought we was maybe starting with a fever? We picked up Kaysen and I sent her to preschool anyway in a mask. I watched “Don’t Miss This” in my car and waited for Sarah Moulton for our lunch date. We met at Zupas and talked about Bishops wife stuff. I got a headache at the end :(. After driving carpool, I snuggled Alice and she napped for 1.5 hrs. She definitely felt warm and fevered. The girls did homework and Desi came to play. Dan picked up Ben from Harry Potter club then took him to the STEM expo at the DCC with cousin Eli. I read with Bethany. McKenna ate then left for rehearsal. I made dinner and ate with the 3 little girls, then we went to Blacksmith's for ice cream with Pugsleys. The girls played in the leaves afterwards. After kids were in bed, we folded laundry and talked about some Christmas stuff.

Nov. 9th- Tuesday: After the kids left for school, I watched the news and ate with Alice. We went to the rec center for the power tone class. Alice was feeling better! After a shower, I called my dad because his heart surgery date got moved up. After lunch, I made some calls and paid a few bills. I got caught up on Marco Polos and replied. Alice listened to lots of music and watched a few shows (into Mighty Morphin Power Rangers these days). I worked on picture collages too. After school, I drove Backstage carpool to 4pm rehearsal. Bethany to dance. After dinner, Anna had a primary manicure activity. McKenna went to a YW pie night. After dinner, Bethany did piano and read some more. I practiced voice. After kids were in bed, I made more picture collages. Dan had a visit to make. We got lots of rain.

Nov. 10th- Wednesday- We had a normal morning. Alice came to my voice lesson with me (I had the wrong start time in my head for some reason). Alice had preschool. The kids had early out and Anna and Ben went to piano. I worked on the chicken for dinner. Dan went to the temple with McKenna and some cousins. Anna had gymnastics. I worked on Primary stuff. Anna played outside some. at dinner we talked about our upcoming Alabama trip. McKenna had rehearsal. Dan did baths then the kids worked on Christmas lists. Before family prayers, Alice drew her first "chicken nugget" person and it was so adorable! After kids went to bed, I worked more on Primary stuff and Dan went out with John Leavitt.

Nov. 11th- Thursday: After breakfast, David Gates came over to talk about helping us get a new computer. Kaysen came over to play with Alice. I had a primary lunch meeting at 12 at Pugsley’s. Alice loved climbing on their rock climbing wall. Then we went to Farmington for the middle three kids' first dose of the Covid vaccine!  Dan and I got our boosters and I bruised quite a bit. We stopped for ice cream. Ben had rehearsal. I worked on Primary Stuff. McKenna had piano. We had left overs for dinner. Nicole and I went to Amanda’s to wish her a happy birthday and visit. Ben was up late doing math.

Nov. 12th- Friday: After breakfast, Alice and I went walking with Rachael. I worked on primary stuff. We went to ladies lunch then played outside. I worked on a grocery order and a Costco picture order. I ran to get Lyla’s BD gift. McKenna went to her party. I took Ben to see Moana at LPA to see Nate perform. I finished up prepping three weeks of primary lessons. I went to bed not feeling great. I had cold symptoms: runny/stuffy nose, head ache, sore throat. 

Nov. 13th- Saturday: I woke up not feeling great. After snuggles and breakfast, we leave for Mantua at 10:30. We stopped by Jake and Sam’s first. We had pizza for lunch then I got to work on cleaning up the front flower beds. There was lots of weeding and cutting things back. Dan worked on taking down the trampoline, putting up the Christmas tree, and cleaning up the back yard some. The kids played, colored, practiced piano, and Ben found a worm. Everyone rode bikes to the country store and bought drinks. We left by 4:30.  We stopped by the Webster graves on our way out. I got a Covid test on the way home since I lost my voice and really felt yucky. Thankfully, it was negative. We got Wendy’s for dinner and picked up groceries. McKenna and Anna went with Rachael and kids to Brittana’s “Little Mermaid” play. The rest of us put groceries away, cleaned up, did baths. Dan and Ben finished “Black Panther.” I did 1 load of laundry and computer time.

Nov. 14th- Sunday: I woke up with no voice! We were early to church to set up for the primary program! It figures I would have no voice. Adam and my parents came. Alice was quite wiggly. In Primary, we did wiggle songs with funny conductor wands and singing in different voices. We took a big group picture as well. After church we chatted with my parents. After lunch, Ben worked on a Lego Rubik’s cube. I put all the primary stuff away and finish planning for the 28th. After a nap, I had my family conference call. The kids played with the Primary bells. Dan went on ministering visits with Sam Moulton. The recipe I made for dinner, called Harvest chicken casserole, was very involved, but yummy! (I also discovered my stomach does not do well with brussel sprouts! After diner, we delivered thank yous to Inmans, Kelly Kump, and Faye Wade. My voice was still shot! *We took a picture of a funny slide thing Alice does after her bath, and her cute birthmark.

Videos: Ben and Eli at STEM Expo, McK Theater Review singing “Tomorrow,” Alice dancing, Alabama trip- Civil Rights Memorial, Pa’s house, counting off, Thanksgiving meal.

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