Sunday, March 12, 2023

April 2022- Week 2- Laura Trip to Seattle, Kids to lots of Parks, Webster Easter Egg Hunt, Passover Dinner!

April 8th- Friday- After breakfast, the Johnson kids came over while Meghan was still healing and resting. Bethany’s friend Emmy also came over. I finished getting ready for the day and then worked on the song "Gethsemane" with McKenna. I fed all the kids lunch, and then Dan came home to take me to the airport. I flew to Seattle for a weekend with Katie, Heather, and Brittany, my BYU roommates from Sophomore year. I was on the same flight as the BYU women's golf team. We all arrived around dinner time and first went to an Indian food restaurant then we stopped by Katie’s house and saw her family and beautiful home! Afterwards we drove 45 mins to the airbnb in Sequim. It smelled a little like cigarette smoke, but it had charm. My bed wobbled, but was pretty comfortable.

April 9th- Saturday: Heather and Brittany went for a run. When they got back, we talked, drank herbal tea, and changed clothes. We went to the Big Game Farm and fed the animals (elk, yak, llama, deer) and saw bears, tigers, zebra, and lions.  We went to brunch at a restaurant called The Oak Table. Then we went back to the house to nap. Next, we hiked Peabody creek near Port Angeles then drove 30 minutes and hiked Marymere Falls at Lake Crescent. It was so beautiful and green!  We drove to a grocery store and bought food for Sunday then we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. We came home and talked about books and podcasts. I talked to Dan. He took the kids to lots of parks!

April 10th- Sunday: We got ready for 9am church. The RS President was so kind and welcoming. The Sequim ward had such lovely testimonies and comments in RS. We got home and had sandwiches for lunch and face timed Mary in Germany for 2 hours. I had 3 hours of Zoom calls for the Passover committee and then the Nelson family conference recap. The other girls did a puzzle. After the calls, we exchanged favorite things gifts then we had chicken and veggies for dinner. We had popcorn and talked so much! Brittany always has the best questions! Back at home, the Websters had their Easter Egg hunt!

April 11th- Monday: We got ready for the day and packed up while listening to music. We drove to the ferry at the Puget Sound and found out it wasn’t running. So we drove the rest of the way to the airport, but first stopped at a mall near by. We had lunch at the food court and then shopped quickly at a Japanese dollar store for souvenirs. Katie dropped us all off at the airport. I talked more with Heather and Britt. I boarded my plane first. There were lots of sad babies on my flight, and landing was so bumpy and long. Dan and 4 of the kids picked me up and then we took Ben straight to his baseball game. Dan picked up his car from Burt Bros. I went home with the girls and had leftovers for dinner. I cleaned the kitchen a bit and talked to Dan. The kids went to bed and McKenna and I went to the Alexander’s to practice singing for Sunday. Dan helped me send out email reminders for the Passover food assignments. Dan also worked on a spreadsheet for Hawaii for the Smith’s trip. 

April 12th- Tuesday: I exercised after kids left for school. I worked on emails and texts for Passover food stuff. I did two loads of laundry. After lunch, Alice and I ran down to the church to help with the last batch of Latkes with Tina Petersen and Linsey Farnes.  Then kids came home from school. McKenna’s track meet was cancelled due to SNOW! The kids did their homework and piano. I took Anna to Sayge’s, picked up McKenna from practice, and then dropped Bethany off at dance. After dinner, Ben and Anna had primary activities then McKenna and I went to young women’s. I did a little more with the Passover food texts and phone calls. Dan and I talked about some family drama after Ben was in bed. 

April 13th- Wednesday: After kids left for school, I watched the news and Alice watched a show. We ate breakfast. I Marco Poloed and answered emails and texts about the Passover dinner.  After a shower, I practiced singing. Alice had lunch and went to preschool. I ate my lunch in the car and drove Legacy’s carpool. The three middle kids worked on HW. I had to nap for a bit. I picked up preschool carpool. Dan came home to take Anna and Bethany to gymnastics and music. I gathered things for an Easter lesson then made dinner. After eating, I took Anna down to the church with me as we collected Passover dinner food assignments. Dan came and picked Anna up around bed time. We worked on making the Haroseth with Tina and Linsey and Tim Farnes. I got home after 11 and talked with Dan and helped him with a haircut.

April 14th- Thursday: After the kids left for school, I ate with Alice and then she left with Dan to go to work with him.  I got ready for the day and headed to the church. I helped people as they dropped off food assignments. Linsey Farnes and a crew were in the gym setting the tables all morning. Once Tina showed up, we could start prepping the deviled eggs and finish the Haroseth. I was able to go home to eat a quick lunch and get the freezer stuff (Latkes and Matsah balls). Around 3pm, things really started to pick up. More food was dropped off. We transferred all the cooked chicken into roasting pans. Denise’s “staff” showed up. Guests started arriving around 5:30. We got the rice cookers going. We only blew a fuse in one part of the building. I was able to finally take my seat around 6pm and was a little teary seeing it all come together. I felt a mixture of relief and exhaustion! Dan, McKenna, and my parents came! The Passover dinner was so awesome!  All the food was served warm! Marianna and Tanner West were our host servers at our table. There was singing, dancing, and messages of deliverance! Dan and I stayed to help clean up till about 11:30!

April Part 2 Videos:
Alice sing and dancing, Kids at the park, Laura’s trip to Washington with BYU Roommates, Webster Easter Egg hunt, Ben rainy baseball.

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