Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 2022- Week 4- Tabernacle Youth Activity, Ben and Alice Check-ups, Cinderella/Frozen Plays, Matzah Ball Party, YW Cookies

March 22nd- Tuesday: Anna stayed home again but was feeling better. After breakfast, I practiced voice and typed up some Primary music training for Brigham. I showered and then the A-team and I had lunch. Anna worked on HW and a coloring thing. I had computer/blogging time. The kids got home from school. I took Bethany to dance (early for a make-up tumbling class) and Ben had baseball. I picked up McKenna from track then went to the uniform swap at North campus. We all went to RJs baby shower at the Parker's for dinner. It was great to see some of our ward members who got moved to the 6th ward!  The kids went to bed and Dan’s parents stopped by to tell us of a new calling they're receiving at the Prison! Afterwards I worked more on the Blog. 

March 23rd- Wednesday: After kids left for school, I walked on the treadmill. McKenna left and I got ready for the day. Alice went to the Moulton’s and I had my voice lesson. Alice went to preschool and I drove Legacy carpool for Kelly because Leela was sick then Ben and Anna went to Piano. Bethany went home from school with another mom for a birthday party at Kids' Empire for Caleb and Cambry. I ate a late lunch, then picked up the piano kids and preschool kids. Anna had gymnastics, and Dan picked up Boof from the party and took her to music.  I rode bikes with Ben and Alice for a bit, then went to get Anna and later Boof. Dan waited at WX for McKenna to finish track. After dinner, McKenna and I went to a special stake youth activity where they talked about the symbols of the ancient Tabernacle so we would be more prepared for the Tabernacle experience coming up. It was so awesome!  

March 24th- Thursday: After the kids left for school, I ate with Alice and then got dressed. We picked up Ben from school and then I took him and Alice to their check-ups. They are both healthy! 



Height: 56in (2.8in Increase in one year) 40th%

Weight: 67lbs 6oz (4.6lb increase in one year) 15th%


Height: 39.7in (3in increase in one year) 50th%

Weight: 33lbs 4oz (3.4lb increase in one year) 30th%

We took Ben back to school and then met Brynn and Swa (and Charlie and Hazel) at Hogan Park. The kids played great and at the end, there was even a kid named Leo there (Alice's imaginary friend's name)!  We stopped by South Davis to turn in track stuff for McKenna then Alice and I had quiet time back at home. We drove carpool then played outside some. I talked with Meghan briefly. I finished my book club book. I paid some medical bills. I picked up McKenna from track. And took her to piano. Dan got home and read with the girls outside. I made dinner. After eating, Dan had a virtual “Ask a Foster Parent Night.” I went to book club at Kylee Nelson’s house and we discussed “Picking Cotton.” Afterwards I talked with Dan and he gave himself a haircut. 

March 25th- Friday: McKenna left for school, but our Legacy kids had the day off. Dan and I did an endowment session. Once we were home, the kids had done a little homework, piano, and gotten dressed. I worked on a grocery order and cleaning out the freezers. After lunch, Sayge came over to play, and I took her and Anna birthday gift shopping for Aspen, then we took the Johnson boys and went to Tunnel Springs park.  We came home and played outside more and talked with Meghan. Then Anna and Sayge went to McKayla Searle’s BD. McKenna babysat and Dan and I went to Pretty Bird Cafe and then to the Tabernacle for a “Lamb of God” performance by the Davis County Interfaith Choir. It was beautiful!  

March 26th- Saturday: After breakfast, we cleaned up the laundry room, the counter, and started laundry. Then Dan started cleaning and organizing the shed and garage. I made a phone call about the Passover menu to Tina, then I trimmed the bushes on the side of the house. The kids helped weed a little. Anna went to Aspen’s Bd party. McKenna had silks and voice. After I showered, I went to Cinderella at Centerpoint Theater with my parents and Mickelle. We also did lunch at Olive Garden before. It was a lovely show!  Then I hustled to make it to Truman (Hans) and Henry’s play (Frozen) at Muir Elementary. They both did great! After kids were in bed that night, the Remingtons came over for games. Amanda didn’t feel good, so we missed them!  McKenna hung out at Caroline’s (with boys and girls :) ) and then later Lyla came over.

March 27th- Sunday: After Dan and I were almost all the way ready for church, Alice came in saying her stomach hurt and she threw up! She laid on our chair and threw up again an hour later. Dan stayed home with her and the rest of us went to church. We got a new primary presidency!  (Sis. Bott, Rachael Alexander, Linda Lemon, and Cheryl Freebairn. In YW, we had great participation in the lesson because Taylor brought candy. McKenna and I stayed after for an FSY meeting. After lunch, we watched our Line Upon Line videos. I went to another Passover meeting. Dan signed up to help give the Tabernacle tours. I snuggled Alice when I got home and she napped on me. Dan and the rest of the kids went to Grandma’s for dinner. Alice and I ate together, then watched Peter Pan. We went for a brief minute for a grandkid picture, then came back home. I worked on the blog and Alice watched some Cinderella next. After kids were in bed, Dan and I finished the Sign-up Genius for the Passover food assignments!  Unfortunately, Dan wasn’t feeling well. :( 

March 28th- Monday: I had a Matzah ball making party at my house with the Passover dinner committee. We had 8 women here total. We made 15 trays with almost 100 balls each. We only worked for 2.5 hrs and enjoyed talking and visiting. Dan took Alice to Preschool. McKenna had early out. I ate lunch and worked on laundry and picked up McKenna’s friends Haley and Hannah and Lyla. Grandma Sibber brought over Alice’s BD gifts. I picked up Ben from Happy Potter club then took a nap in the car. I had another phone call with Tina, a quick family conference call, then we had leftovers for dinner and folded laundry. After kids were in bed, we fine tuned the sign-up for Passover one more time then had phone time. 

March 29th- Tuesday: I exercised and vacuumed the gym. It had sand on the floor from my shoes from San Diego. Jed and Billy came over to play. I worked on my to-do list and the kids played great!  Once the boys left, Alice watched shows and I wrote our part of the Nelson News. After lunch, I vacuumed the family room and practiced voice. After school, Bethany had music and Ben had baseball. It rained off and on all day. McKenna stayed after for track. Anna had a primary activity after dinner making a doll blankets and we hosted the YW making cake mix cookies. They had a bake-off! It was so fun and yummy!  After kids were in bed, Dan helped me sweep, mop, and vacuum. We worked on the Passover sign-up once more.

March 30th- Wednesday: I drove the kids to school because Dan had an early meeting. I had my voice lesson and Alice had preschool. The kids had early out and Ben and Anna had piano. I napped a little. Anna had gymnastics and I stayed with Bethany at music. Dan took down the tree Christmas lights out front. After dinner, we did baths and watched Relative Race. After kids were in bed, I did some things on the computer and Dan watched a show. *I felt very grateful we had an evening home together! 

March 31st- Thursday: I exercised after the kids left. After breakfast and a shower my ministering sisters came over (Autumn Cundick and Nicole Schmutz). We had a lovely chat. After lunch, Alice and I went to the Dollar Store to get Easter and General Conference stuff then we drove carpool. The kids did homework and piano. I picked up McKenna from track and found out about her April Fool’s Day joke that she and Bridget we playing on their friends. They told people they would be switching to Mueller Park after Spring Break and word spread fast! :) I had a struggle to finally get my eye drops refilled after many phone calls and confusion. After dinner, McKenna babysat for the Johnsons. After kids were in bed I worked on picture collages and a grocery order and Dan watched a show. 

Video: Alice’s 4th Birthday!, Alice talking about imaginary friends, Anna in Seussical, Getting ready for San Diego!

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