Sunday, March 12, 2023

April 2022- Week 4- Bethany LPM Recital, Lola Dance, Dessert Night, Ben JA Biz, Alice Children's Museum, McKenna Track, Relative Race Games, Audition,

April 22nd- Friday: Alice and I ate when the rest of the kids did. Alice went to the Johnson’s while Dan and I did an endowment session at the temple. I took Alice with me to North campus to help with pizza day. Ben was so sweet and sat with Alice a little on the stage and shared his fish crackers with her after he finished his lunch. Alice watched shows while I napped. We found out McKenna made the Madrigals choir at school!! She went to Hannah’s to hang out after school. I took Anna to pick up groceries. It rained so much!  We had pizza at home, then went to keep Grandpa Webster company at his house, since grandma was out of town and watched the latest “Cheaper By the Dozen” in their new theater. After kids were in bed, McKenna came home and we talked a little. Dan and I had phone and computer time. Dan watched *Suits. 

April 23rd- Saturday:  We had Bethany’s LPM recital at the Bountiful Library first thing in the morning. This was our last recital with Ms. Geri Titensor. She has taught my kids since 2013 and will now be going on a mission! My parents came and then they went with Ben and Dan to the Utes Spring scrimmage. Unfortunately, it was cold and snowy. I took McKenna to voice and silks, then came home and started cleaning. We had lunch, and then a bunch of friends came over (Cambry and Emmy for Boof) (Kaysen for Alice) (Aspen for Anna). Anna and I took cousin Kate to see cousin Lola’s Dance competition in Farmington. We picked up tacos for dinner. That night, Anna slept in McKenna’s room because Bethany started feeling sick with a cold. She had no voice and a stuffy nose.  McKenna had Whitney and Elyse over, and Ben went to hang out with Oliver. We had a late game night with the Mosses, Alexanders, and Koldewyns. We played Double Ditto and Skyjo. 

April 24th- Sunday: We had a normal day at church. Bethany felt well enough to come but still had a stuffy nose.  After lunch and our CFM videos, Dan and I napped. I had my family conference call. Dan made cookies and the baked potatoes while I was on my call. We took a baked potato to Dan’s dad because Sibber was still on a trip. We had the Alexanders, Pugsleys, and Mudrows (Tyler and Chelsie) over for a dessert night. We had a great time getting to know them better! We cleaned up and got kids in bed. Ben was sweet asking what else he could do to help clean up.

April 25th- Monday: I drove the kids to school, though Bethany stayed home sick with a runny nose and cough. I went downtown to JA Biztown for Ben’s field trip.  I helped in Delta Airlines. Ben was the CFO at Zion’s bank next door to me.  We had a great time together! I got to bring him home early and he got right to work on homework and laundry. After a normal afternoon and dinner, Dan and I left for the Utah Chamber Artists’ concert at the Cathedral of the Madeline.  It was beautiful and I love that Dan and I both share a love for beautiful music and enjoyed being there. We know three people in the choir (Marjorie Lowder, Nathan McKellar, and Jared Gunnerson). We stopped for gas station ice cream bars on the way home. :)

April 26th- Tuesday: After kids left for school, I exercised. Bethany stayed home again and she and Alice watched shows. Alice and I ate while Bethany started homework. I caught up on Marco Polos. I started cleaning my bedroom while listening to Don’t Miss This. After lunch I napped. I started making dinner and kids got home from school. Ben came with me to a voice lesson and audition prep with Jenni. She was so good with him! I took Ben to baseball practice. McKenna and I went to YM/YW. The youth went to the Layton Family history center and had a little class on finding temple ready names. Anna had a primary activity. Dan helped me edit the music theater resumes and we got ready for bed. 

April 27th- Wednesday: Bethany was well enough to go to school. Kaysen came over around 8:15. I got ready for the day and we took McKenna to school before taking Kaysen and Alice to their preschool field trip to the Children’s museum at the Gateway.  They had a blast and always play together so well! We got home and had lunch and Kaysen left around 12:45. I napped for a bit before kids got home. Ben came home crying because he had a fever and felt sick and super tired. :( He took a good nap and Bethany and Anna read. Anna went to piano. I watched Marco Polos. Ben woke up feeling better. I took Anna and Desi to gymnastics and then took Alice and Bethany to McKenna’s track meet. This was a fun one because cousins Whitney and Katie were there. We saw her run the 1600M and the 800M then I went home to make dinner. Ben was working on homework. After dinner, Dan left to watch Reed open his mission call to...Taiwan, Taichung!  After kids were in bed, I worked on the Nelson News. 

April 28th- Thursday: Ben stayed home from school and was still slightly fevered off and on throughout the day. I exercised. Alice went to the Pugsley’s while Dan and I tried out some Relative Race challenges at a park in SLC!  We met the host, Dan, and had a great time! It was windy, but we gave them feedback and loved getting a more behind the scenes look at the show. We watched Emmy Johnson for a bit and then McKenna called to say she wasn’t feeling good (nauseous off and on.) Ben and McKenna napped, I got the chicken for dinner marinating, then I drove carpool. The new primary presidency came and visited Dan and I to see how our kids are doing in Primary. Ben and I left to go see the play “Annie” at Backstage. We had a late dinner and Mickelle stopped by to pick up Sadie’s meds. Dan went to the Jazz game with his dad, Adam, and Jake. I worked on the computer and helped Ben with his book report. 

April 29th- Friday: Ben was feeling better, so everyone went to school! Ben went late so he could finish his book report.  I watched the news, practiced my audition song, cleaned the kitchen a bit, then got ready for the day. Dan took Ben to school. I went a little bit later to help with pizza day. After lunch, Dan and I napped, then I blogged a little. Kids got home from school and the girls played with Desi. I picked up McKenna from track, then took Ben to his baseball game. We all joined later and had pizza in the bleachers. McKenna left early to go hang out with Whitney and some friends they have in common. The game ended in a tie and then we took Bethany to her friend Rylee’s house for a movie night. I helped Dan load up the lawn mower on the trailer to be taken to the shop. Ben and Anna went to the Alexander's while I practiced my song again. We put Alice to bed after her stomach was hurting. Bethany got home and we talked to her about her evening. Ben and Henry played basketball and then came inside to watch a movie here. I blogged and Dan watched *Suits while we waited for all the older three to finish with their friends for the night. 

April 30th- Saturday: My brain woke me up early. We snuggled Alice a little bit, then Dan and I went for a walk. After breakfast, Dan took the lawn mower in for repairs. The kids weeded and I practiced my audition song. I showered and got myself and then Ben ready for our audition. It was very nerve racking, but a good experience overall! I’m glad I did it even if neither one of us are cast. It also felt like a blur because it went so fast! Afterwards, Ben and I went to the plant store and bought some ground cover plants. We had lunch when we got home, then I weeded while Dan edged. McKenna went to Lyla’s. The rest of the kids played inside and outside off and on. Dan and I planted the new plants then we went to Ben’s baseball game. They lost 6-8 but it was a fun, high energy game with lots of good plays!  Ben got two hits and almost made it home. The girls played at the park nicely. We made the kids Mac and cheese and Ben babysat while Dan and I went to In N Out for dinner. We cleaned the basement and put kids to bed once we got home. McKenna went to see her school play (Legally Blonde).  Dan and Ben watched "Loki" and we tried to go to bed early. 

April Part 3 Videos:
Stake Passover Dinner, Easter morning, Bethany Dance demonstration, McKenna track meet, Bethany Let’s Play Music, Alice Children’s Museum field trip, more track, Ben’s baseball.

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