Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 2022- Week 1- Audition results for "Joseph", Anniversary, Signing the Beam, Kids Dentist, Duel Creek Hike with Pugsleys

May 1- Sunday: Fast Sunday. The girls did fancy nails for church. I had a YW's presidency meeting during the second hour and the kids ate lunch when we got home. We watched our Line Upon Line videos and napped. I had my family conference call. I talked with Dan and then we had spaghetti for dinner. We watched Relative Race and put the kids to bed. We found out Ben got a call back for “Joseph” at Centerpoint Theater! Dan and I calendared and I looked over Come Follow Me for the week. 

May 2- Monday: I found out I did not get a callback for "Joseph." I was sad, but still very excited for Ben.  I drove Ben to school and Dan did carline at south campus. I walked on the treadmill then ate with Alice. We picked up dance recital costumes, then I started laundry and vacuumed the entire basement. I texted a few people to let them know about my audition results. :( I was feeling pretty bummed, but know that this does not define me. I didn't realize how much I was hoping for it! I know I can still use my talents another way and that I'm still a good person. I also wanted to help Ben be as successful as possible! We ate lunch together and Alice had preschool. I napped and then showered and drove carpool. Ben had his final Harry Potter club meeting which was a craft, an escape room, and lots of food!  I helped Anna with her book report. McKenna went to track but wasn’t feeling too good afterwards. We folded laundry, ate freezer food for dinner, and then went to Ben’s baseball game. They lost, but still had good spirits and some great plays! Dan’s parents came to watch too. Sadly, Ben only got to hit once and did not make it on base.  After kids were in bed, we folded more laundry and I sent a couple emails. Dan watched “Suits.”

May 3rd- Tuesday: I drove Ben again, then exercised. After Alice and I ate, I got caught up on Marco Polos. I got ready for the day and felt like I wasted a lot of time on my phone not really knowing what to do and what to focus on now that the audition was over. Again, I didn't realize how much mental space and energy I had given that audition. I put Easter decorations away. After lunch, I joined Alice in the basement and blogged while she played and watched shows. Once the kids were home, they did homework and Desi came over to play. I picked up McKenna and Elyse from track and then took Boof to dance. I helped Ben with his callback songs, then made dinner. Dan picked up Boof, then he and I went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse for our 16th wedding anniversary!  We ran into Dan’s parents who were on a date with Oliver for his BD date. Ben and McKenna both had church activities, so Anna ended up babysitting for about 45mins. She did great and the texts from her were super cute. I took Ben to the Novak’s to work on the callback songs some more. Once we got home, Dan and Ben watched “Loki” and I blogged more. 

May 4th- Wednesday: I drove Ben to school, then I watched the news and ate with McKenna and Alice. I drove McKenna and friends to school. She dressed fancy for her final track meet! I got dressed for the day. Alice went to the Moulton’s while I went to my voice lesson. I vented to Jenni a little about the audition and then felt good about my lesson. She assured me the preparations for the audition were not for nothing. It definitely helped in my confidence and stage presence. Alice had preschool. The kids got home from school. Leela and Brooklyn came over to play while I worked on the blog. Ben and Anna had piano. Dan went to the track meet where McKenna placed 10th out of 22 girls for the mile! She also beat her last week’s mile time by 10 seconds!  I took Anna and Desi to gymnastics then I took Ben for his callback. I stayed with him for 2 and half hours and loved seeing all the adults who got called back as well. It actually made me thankful I did NOT get a call back because it seemed so stressful and intimidating! I talked with a couple moms and Monet Lefler while I waited.  In the end, Ben felt pretty good about his callback!  When we got home, we recorded a video for Mickelle for her birthday to the tune of Sponge Bob Square Pants then Ben and I ate while Anna had a shower. After the kids were in bed, I cleaned up the kitchen and made picture collages and Dan watched a show. *Mickelle got some bad news from her landlord asking her to move out in 6 weeks.

May 5th- Thursday: I drove Ben then exercised, ate, and showered. I took Alice to my 3 month post-op eye appt. The doctor said my eyes are looking good and I can expect to continue to see improvements. We had lunch with Dan and then Alice watched shows while I napped and did some computer stuff.  I drove carpool, and then I took the kids to sign the final beam going in the new LPA building. I worked on a grocery order while kids did homework. McKenna had piano and Bethany had a make-up dance class. We played outside a lot and talked with Meghan. After dinner, we played outside more and flew a kite. Dan’s parents stopped by. After kids went to bed, Dan and Ben watched Loki. I worked on the computer more. 

May 6th- Friday: All five kids had dentist appointments.  Alice was so cute giving me a thumbs up in the x-ray room. Bethany was our first kid to have a cavity. I took everyone to school, then came home and messed around on my phone. Alice and I went to Ben’s school to help with Pizza day. We came home and ate. I napped then kind of wasted time till Anna got home from school. Ben went home with Luke, and Bethany went home with Rylee for her birthday party at Classic Fun center where they went roller skating. I took Anna and Alice to Creekside Park and Deer Hollow Park. We went home and picked up Dan and McKenna. We got pizza and went to Five Points Park. Bethany got dropped off there. We got courtesy cones and then dropped McKenna off at the West’s to babysit.  We played outside some more. After kids were in bed, Dan and I watched "King Richard," a movie about Venus and Serena Williams' dad. 

May 7th- Saturday: We slept in till 8am!  We snuggled Alice. After breakfast, I showered and the kids worked on Mother’s Day stuff then we all went outside and weeded and transplanted plants. Dan took McKenna to voice and silks and picked up groceries.  Desi came to play for a bit. We had lunch, McKenna and Lia got home, then we all left to go hiking with the Pugsleys. We hiked Duel Creek and played on the rope swing for a bit.  We did baths and laundry once we got home. I started making German Pancakes for my Mother’s Day dinner. After dinner, we cleaned up and put the kids to bed. Dan gave himself a hair cut. 

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