Tuesday, May 9, 2023

June 2022- Week 1- Last Day of School, Neighborhood Party, Bountiful Chalk Art, McKenna Silks, Grma's BD, Laura Sick, Ben to Henry's BD

June 1st- Wednesday: The middle three kids had their last day of school! Dan donated plasma. McKenna slept in till 9:45 then went to Lyla’s. I had my voice lesson, then drove Legacy carpool with the decorated party van!  Bethany received an award on the last day of school. After lunch, I folded laundry then tried to nap. Anna played outside with Desi and Mabel, then had gymnastics. The kids had a lot of screen time. My parents and Jonathan and Mickelle came over for dinner, then Ben babysat and the adults went to see the new Top Gun movie!  McKenna went to McKayla’s house for a movie night.  

June 2nd- Thursday: We slept in and the girls made Summer checklists for themselves. We drove the Alexanders and Moultons to Legacy Park and Splash Pad. Sayge also met us there for a bit. We got home and the Johnsons had a new trampoline!  Sayge left, then we got special juice and bread for lunch. Desi and Anna played from 3-9:15, with a little break for dinner. We played outside and Dan changed the tire on the big trailer. Alice had a dance practice. Ben had baseball practice. McKenna had a silks dress rehearsal. 

June 3rd- Friday: I woke up feeling like crap! My neck and head and throat hurt a lot!  I took an at-home Covid test and it was negative. I ate, took Ibuprofen, and Dan rubbed my neck, and I felt a little better. After a shower, Meghan and I set up our end of the school year party for our elementary kids.  Meghan set up their big inflatable water slide. We had snacks, snow cones, yard games, face paint, and the new trampoline to play with. We had about 25 neighbor kids total and it was so fun!  We were out there from 10-2:30pm.  We cleaned up and came inside to eat a little something then I took Mia, Bethany, Ben and Alice to see the Bountiful Chalk art. We got home and I did McKenna’s hair and makeup for her silks show. We went to Ben’s baseball game, which they won!  Ben had a good hit, but it got caught. We went straight from there to McKenna’s show. It was Star Wars themed and so fun!  We went out for ice cream after and then picked up groceries. *My neck and head and throat pain returned so I had to keep up on my pain meds.  This was also my Dad's birthday! They were planning to come to the silks show, but my mom hurt her pelvis and bum muscle and was in a lot of pain so they stayed home.

June 4th- Saturday: I woke up with less neck pain. After eating, Ben and Anna left for the Stake Activity Days activity.  Dan and McKenna mowed the lawn. I went through Bethany and Alice’s clothes and changed out the sizes and seasons.  We had lunch, showered, and then went to Ben’s baseball game. They won by one run but Ben struck out. Ben also got hit in the leg by a ball. Desi and McKayla came over to play. We came home in time to get McKenna ready for her last silks show!  Dan and I went on a date for Greek food and then walked around Bountiful chalk art again. The weather was perfect, but my neck was hurting again and I started coughing more. My voice was also more scratchy. My sense of smell and taste was also slightly muted. We put kids to bed when we got home. I worked on Dan’s calendar. McKenna had Lia and Brinley over after the silks performance. Dan and Ben worked outside a bit watering and organizing the garage. *We found out Brynn tested positive for Covid. 

June 5th- Sunday: I decided to stay home from church because of my cold. Alice gave her first talk in Primary! I helped do the girls’ hair. I watched our testimony meeting from home as well as dad’s Sunday School lesson. I napped a little, then worked on Dan’s calendar. We had lunch together and watched our videos. Dan and I napped then Dan went ministering to the Wests' and they worked on some mission prep stuff for Jagger. The kids played nice while I had my conference call. After dinner, Dan took the kids to grandma and grandpa’s house for games and treats for Grandma’s birthday. I stayed home and got organized for the week, and prepped Come Follow Me stuff. I also tried to nap a little more. After kids were in bed, I got all my February pictures into collages. Dan worked on some ministering stuff. I still felt like I was fighting to keep a head ache and neck pain away all day and was coughing pretty frequently.  

June 6th- Monday: Bethany and Alice had their first day of swim lessons.  They both had fun and were brave, but I still felt like crap!  I talked with Brooke Walker, from Studio 5, whose daughter was in Alice’s class. The three older kids had piano. We did laundry. After lunch, Anna’s friend from dance, Bailey, came over. McKenna and Lia went to Brinley’s house. Ben, Bethany, and Alice played outside some.  I worked on picture collages then I took Bailey home and took Ben shopping for some friend birthday gifts. I picked up McKenna, then we had nachos for dinner. Over the Summer, we decided to try doing CFM at dinner time. McKenna hung out more with Brinley at her brother’s karate demonstration. The rest of us went to Ben’s baseball game.  He had two hits!  We gave Jordan a ride home. We got the girls to bed late. I did more picture collages. 

June 7th- Tuesday: We started the day with swim lessons again. I felt pretty crappy and congested the whole time. Thankfully, no one in my family had any of my symptoms (yet). I listened to my book some. Anna came with us to watch swim lessons. Once we got home, I chilled in my room for a bit and worked on music intervals. Ben edited videos from our San Diego trip. After lunch, the kids played outside. Alice had dance. McKenna babysat Cooper. I made picture collages and listened more to my book. Ben went to Henry’s birthday party at a trampoline park.  I napped a little and picked up Alice. I talked with Anna about some friend drama. We had pot stickers for dinner, then Dan took the three little girls and Ben to return the trailer. I stayed home and rested more and talked with Kenna. After kids were in bed, I listened to my book more and collaged pictures. 

June Videos-Part 1:
Neighborhood party, Silks recital, Ben baseball, McKenna Mowing, Alice Primary Talk, Alice diving board, 4 in the Bed song, McKenna track camp

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