Tuesday, May 9, 2023

May 2022- Week 4- St. George Petroglyphs, My Birthday, Ben and Caleb Baby Dance, Oakridge Assisted Living, Alice Preschool Park Carnival, Field Day, Outdoor Movie, Mantua, Visiting Grandma Pat

May 22nd- Sunday: We woke up around 8:30. John made us omelets. We talked more then we changed and went on a little hike to see some petroglyphs. It was pretty hot outside by the time we were done. We got back to the house and had some ice cream then we packed up and cleaned up our rooms.  I ate my Japanese leftovers, then we cleaned up the main floor and left by 3pm to drive home. It was so good to be with the Rowes and Yeates and get to know them better!  We rode home with the Alexanders and listened to two BYU professors' pod cast about Come Follow Me on the way home. We stopped in Scipio at the Thompson graves, got some food, then made it home by 7:30pm. We talked with my mom and dad and hugged the kids a lot!  After they were in bed. We unpacked, cleaned the kitchen, and calendared. 

May 23rd- Monday: My 38th birthday!  I exercised after the kids left. I hurried and got ready for the day and took Alice to a sample Let’s Play Music class with the teacher that the Johnsons go to. Alice seemed to like it, but she was a little shy and nervous. I napped when we got home. Dan got Alice ready for her last day of preschool. I ate and then worked on planning, texting, and blogging. Dan drove carpool for me (so he could take the kids for ice cream) and he kept the laundry going for me all day.  I picked up Alice. McKenna came home and made me snickerdoodle cookies for my BD! I went in my room and blogged more while the kids did homework and folded their laundry. We went to Zupa’s for dinner, then got a car wash. I blew out candles, opened gifts, and listened to Anna play Happy Birthday on the piano then we watched “Relative Race.” After kids were in bed, I worked on the computer some more and sent out more texts. It was a lovely birthday where I felt loved and appreciated and productive!  
Funny Selfies of and with Alice...

May 24th- Tuesday: Alice and I had a normal morning after the kids left. I spent time on the computer and texting and Marco Polo. I also found an awesome web site that will help me practice music intervals.  I snuggled Alice. I got dressed right before lunch. I listened to Don’t Miss This. After we ate, I practiced singing then I worked on the blog down stairs while Alice watched shows. The kids got home and did homework. Lyla came home with McKenna. I ran an errand to pick up Sadie’s meds. Bethany went to dance. I picked up Ben from Caleb’s house where he was practicing their baby dance for the 5th grade talent show. McKenna started dinner for me. Anna had a primary activity making pool noodle light sabers. McKenna and I went to YWs at the Oakridge Assisted Living center. We gave a thought about joy and then played cornhole with the old ladies! We sang them a song as well, then went and got ice cream cones.

May 25th- Wednesday: Dan got up early to donate Plasma. I drove the kids to school, then exercised and had a normal morning. I texted a bunch about the outdoor movie. Dan ate lunch with us, then kids got home for early out. Ben’s dancing baby talent show act was a hit! Ben and Anna had piano. Bethany worked on homework and I napped. The kids worked on their end of the year teacher gifts. I drove Anna to gymnastics. I practiced singing a song at Sibber’s. Dan took Ben to baseball and then to see the new "Dr. Strange." McKenna went with Winegars to see Whit play softball and then Whit and Katie play volleyball.   Sam and Tanner Kump washed our windows as a practice for their Summer business. I ate with the three girls and did baths. Both Bethany and Anna needed to talk tonight. Anna about her friend drama. I talked with McKenna and Dan when they got home. *I feel like I had a good mom day talking and connecting with each kid, sorting through feelings and keeping my cool. 

May 26th- Thursday: Ben had his school Lagoon day!  He and I both had nervous tummy in the morning about him going alone.  Erin Johnsen picked him up and we forgot his ticket! Thankfully, the phone picture I sent worked! After breakfast, Alice and I went with Grandma Sibber and Loraine Gordon to the Oakridge Assisted Living center to give a little RS lesson. I sang “Gethsemane.” Alice and I ran to the store to get teacher gifts. After lunch, I worked on Dan’s Father’s Day Calendar.  I drove carpool and Anna’s friend Aubrey came home with us. That evening was a little crazy. McKenna had a silks rehearsal, and Ben had a baseball game, which they won 18-6, and Dan was working late in Lehi.  Thankfully, he was home for bedtime!  

May 27th- Friday: Dan got up early again to donate Plasma. I drove the kids to school. I babysat Charlie. He, and I, and Alice went to 5 Points Park for Alice’s preschool end of the year festival!  We got home and I took Alice and Charlie to Sarah’s while I went to field day at LPA and Brynn finished up at Truman’s 6th grade graduation. Field day was hot, and my voice was so tired. I’m not sure I’ll ever want to volunteer to run a station again, but it was still mostly fun.  I drove carpool. McKenna went to MOD Pizza with friends and then to a pool party to celebrate her last day of school!  Anna went home with Sayge. Jonathan came to visit!  Ben ended up going to Henry Alexander's for dinner. We took the two little girls out for tacos then we picked up McKenna and Lyla. We got ready for our first outdoor movie!  We watched the new “Chip N Dale” and it was pretty dang funny!  We had 30 people!  

May 28th- Saturday: After breakfast, we all headed outside to weed and spread compost!  We worked for about an hour when it started to sprinkle. Dan and I worked another hour in the rain. We went in for lunch. Dan gave Ben a Mohawk haircut. Dan went back outside to finish spreading.  I stayed inside to help the kids go through their piles and sort school papers.  It took a long time!  I finally went back outside to do a little more yard work from 4:30-5:30.  Dan gave himself a haircut. We went out to dinner to Wingers while the kids had Mac and cheese and packed for Mantua. We got home in time for baths and bed time. Dan and I finished "King Richard" while eating popsicles. McKenna stayed up late with us. 

May 29th- Sunday: The three middle kids participated in Primary opening exercises. Ben gave a talk, Anna prayed, and Bethany gave the Article of Faith.  I attended the 5th Sunday Youth discussion with the Bishop about how to keep our relationship with God strong over the Summer when our normal routines aren’t as consistent. It was a lovely exercise to answer three questions 1.) Who am I? 2.) Who is God? And 3.) What do I know about my relationship with God? After church and lunch, we watched our videos, and packed. We stopped in Layton to see my family for a bit. I was impressed with how settled and unpacked Mickelle was...then we headed to Mantua to be with the Websters. We had pizza and salads for dinner. We celebrated May birthdays then we played the card game Take 5. We put the three little girls to bed then we talked and played Yatzee till 12. 

May 30th- Monday: Memorial Day. We were all awake and downstairs before 8:30. We had a lovely big breakfast, then hung out. We did some planning for our Colter Bay camping trip.  Dan showered and then took the van on a gas run with Grandpa to Maverick. I got dressed for the day and put away some sleeping bags. We had lunch and played Skull King then Dave and Laurie’s family came up!  We all sat on the couches and talked and Dan and I napped. We visited the Webster grave sight. I talked with Laurie some. We prepped dinner, then ate. We cleaned up and left by 7:40. Dan and I calendared on the way home. We got kids in bed and watched some Mark Rober videos. 

May 31st- Tuesday: The middle three kids went to school. I exercised then cleaned off the front porch (vacuuming the cushions, sweeping, wiping the screens). McKenna slept in till 10 something! She practiced her music. I kept the laundry going. The kids got home at 12:45. Ben ate, Anna went to Sayge’s. Bethany played on the computer. I worked on the computer some and the kids played outside and had screen time off and on. Bethany had dance. I made a soup for dinner. My family came down from Layton. We carpooled down to the Murray city cemetery to visit the Condie graves then we briefly stopped by Grandma Pat’s. We left at 8:15 and Dan made it to the West’s to congratulate Jagger on his mission call to Farmington, NM. Anna had a bad ear ache. I put kids to bed. We did CFM. Dan and I talked with Ben about what it means to be gay, thanks to some situations at school. I worked on the Nelson News. 

Videos May Part 2:
Alice singing, St. George with Alexanders, Laura Birthday, Ben and Caleb baby dance, Mantua May BDs.

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