Tuesday, May 9, 2023

June 2022- Week 2- Swim Lessons, Bethany and Alice Dance Recital, BD Date, Anna Gymnastics, Swimming at Rec Center, Ben to Nate's BD

June 8th- Wednesday: I felt a tiny bit better. Anna came to swim lessons again. McKenna went to her track and field camp and had fun.  The kids played outside a bit. We had an early-ish lunch and then the four older kids went to Grandma camp. They made bookmarks, journals, and fortune tellers and had a treat.  I napped in my room and worked more on picture collages and listening to my book. Once the kids got home, they played and watched shows. Anna had gymnastics. Ben’s primary teachers stopped by for a visit to talk about goal setting. I made a chicken and broccoli casserole for dinner. We did baths and used Dan’s massage gun making the kids laugh! We hosted the combined YM/YW activity watching the Church’s youth music concert outside. We had a low turn out but it was still fun!  

June 9th- Thursday: We ordered a big yard sign for Emily for her 40th BD!  McKenna had track camp, the girls had swim lessons, then we picked up Nate Johnsen and headed to Hogan Park. Autumn, Chelsie, Taushalyn, and a new girl named Blaynie were all there. We had lunch when we got home. Bethany had a play date with Emmy and her dad took them to swim at the rec center. I worked on Dan’s calendar. Alice had dance. McKenna went to Farmington Station with Korie, Bridget, and Brittana. I finished the calendar!  Dan and I went on my birthday date with his parents to a tepanyaki place up in Layton. It was very good! We chatted with McKenna a bit once we got home. 

June 10th- Friday: I got the kids going on breakfast while Dan took McKenna and Bridget to track camp. I canceled my temple appointment because I was still coughing too much. I took pictures of the kids’ school work. I drove the van and we carpooled with McKenna, Anna, Swa, Ellie, Whitney, Brynn, Katie, Clara, and Charlie to a wedding shower for Finn and Michah. It was Hawaiian themed at Brenda’s house. We got home around 4. I talked with Dan some, then took more pictures of school work. We had Marco’s pizza for dinner. McKenna had friends over from 6:30-10. They stayed in the basement, while the rest of us set up the back patio furniture. We played Cover Your Assets and Skyjo. Then we put the three girls to bed upstairs in our bed so McKenna's friends could be loud downstairs. Ben and I worked on going through his school papers. Then he watched a show while I looked over candidates and voted by mail.  

June 11th- Saturday: Dan took McKenna to her last day of track camp where they had a mini track meet. McKenna ran in the 800M and 4X100M relay and got first in both of those!  She also did the long jump and got a PR. I fed the kids and got Bethany and Alice ready for their dance recital. They both smiled the whole time on stage and did great!  We picked up groceries and then headed home. After lunch, we went to Anna’s gymnastics demonstration. She also did great and had fun with Desi doing it too. We went home and packed a picnic dinner, then headed to the Winegar pool to swim with cousins.  We left there around 6:45 to go swimming at the rec center with our ward.  Both were way fun and we got to visit and chat with a lot of ward members.  Dan gave himself a haircut before bed. 

June 12th- Sunday: We did baths before church. During YW, Charley taught about how to “Hear Him.” After lunch and our videos, Dan and I napped. Sharon Bott stopped by to talk about Haku with Dan. I had my family conference call. Anna helped me make dinner. Dan’s parents came over for dinner. We watched Relative Race. Once kids were in bed, we talked with McKenna about FSY. 

June 13th- Monday: I exercised and watched the news. After taking a week off because of my cold, it felt good to move again!  Swim lessons were canceled because it was cold and rainy. The three big kids had piano. I worked on laundry. After getting ready for the day, we had lunch and all the kids had play dates with the Winegars. We did a kid swap. I took the two bigs, and Swa took my three littles. I finished my book club book and prepped for the discussion questions. Then I folded laundry and started cleaning. Once the kids got home, they folded and I made dinner. Dan ran an errand with McKenna and had a nice talk with her about some high emotions that day where consequences were discussed. After dinner, Dan and the kids played outside some and I finished prepping for book club. We discussed “I Must Betray You.” I had themed food from the book (bananas, hostess cupcakes (instead of Twinkies), mozzarella sticks, and candy cigarettes). There were only had 5 girls that came, but it was still fun!  *Bethany lost TWO teeth in one day!! 

June 14th- Tuesday: I went walking with Rachael for the first time in a while! We had swim lessons as well, and it was still pretty cold from the storm the day before. I texted a bunch of people about a Mantua swim day and Dan’s birthday plans. Ben went to Nate Johnsen’s birthday at Boondocks and had a blast!  After lunch, I drove McKenna and Lyla to station park for a fun scavenger hunt with friends. I practiced singing. Desi and Queensly came over to play. Bethany had her last day of dance. We had BLTs for dinner. McKenna and I went to YWs were we worked on camp prep decorating our torch and practicing our song/dance for the rock concert. I also had a nice chat with the leaders about how to approach the upcoming chastity lesson. 

June Videos- Part 2:
Bethany and Alice Dance Recital, Anna gymnastics, Swimming at Winegar’s and Rec Center, Kids silks at home, Bethany diving at Swim lessons.

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