Sunday, March 12, 2023

March 2022- Week 3- San Diego, Anna in Seussical

March 15th- Tuesday: After breakfast at the hotel, we left to explore! We first went to the Sunset Cliffs. It was pretty, but for some reason I was terrified the whole time! If anyone got too close to the edge I freaked out and even felt a little sick. Next, we walked through old town San Diego and ate at a Mexican place called Nico’s. We walked to the beach, walked a long ways to use the bathrooms, then walked out on the pier.  The pier was cool, but Ocean Beach had so many homeless people it was kind of yucky! We drove to the Point Loma Lighthouse and Tide pools. Both were very cool and the kids liked them then we headed back to the hotel to swim before dinner. We ate Mexican food, then I chatted with Bethany (Heath) Ross and her mom for a long time. She is a Foster Parent in Cedar City. The kids ran around and played games in the ballroom. We put the kids to bed and then had phone time. 

March 16th- Wednesday: After breakfast, we left to go to the San Diego Temple, which was closed for cleaning. They even had someone dangling from a bucket on a crane power washing the outside of the temple. We stopped by La Jolla beach to see the sea lions and seals. That was fun but stinky! We got an ice cream treat and then went to Mission beach with the Foster Families. We played games, played in the sand, and flew kites. We snacked for lunch. It was a little chilly for me, but the kids got wet to their waists and enjoyed it. Alice and Boof loved playing with Quinn and Maple Walker. We went back to the hotel and got cleaned up before heading to dinner then the kids went night swimming. We did baths and bed time and packed up. I had a bit of nervous tummy since I'd be flying without Dan the next day, but didn’t really feel sick. 

March 17th- Thursday: St. Patrick's Day- After we ate, I left with Anna and Alice to catch a flight home to Utah. Dan drove home with the other three kids. The A-team watched Encanto and Frozen on the flight. Swa picked us up from the airport and then we grabbed Del Taco lunch and picked up Ellie and Ollie from school. Swa was nice enough to stay and braid Anna’s hair for her play. I unpacked some while Anna did Lexia and Alice watched a show. We snuggled a little and then did her make up for the play. Alice and I ate, then took Desi to Anna’s play with us. We met my parents there also. Anna did so great and had fun!  The girls snacked when we got home and then went to bed. I worked on a grocery order. 

March 18th- Friday: I woke Anna up at 6:50. She ate and we cleaned out her back pack from the trip. We were still very early for school. I exercised and after getting ready for the day, Alice and I ran errands and ate a lunch I packed for us in the car.  We went to Parson’s, Walgreen’s, Walmart, Costco for gas, then Smith’s. Dan and the other kids got home around 1:30pm (they slept the night before in St. George). Once Alice and I got home, I worked on putting groceries and all the car snacks away. Dan took Ben, Bethany, and Alice and the Johnson boys to the park. Chelsea Chadwick was there. I met them there with McKenna and Anna after Anna got home from school. We came home and got Anna ready for her Seussical call time. We had green French toast and rainbow fruit for dinner in honor of the 2 year anniversary of the earthquake. We watched the new Disney movie “Turning Red” then Anna got home from the play and went late to Desi’s birthday party. We put kids to bed and worked on some phone stuff.

March 19th- Saturday: We all slept in. After breakfast, Ben worked on math HW, the girls played, and Dan and I folded laundry. We worked on more unpacking and organizing and putting things away. I showered and got Anna ready. We had lunch, then I dropped Anna off for her matinee show and I ran to Costco to get more concession treats. Our whole family, Mickelle, and the Webster grandparents, and the Kumps came to the show!  Mickelle also gave Alice a late birthday present. :) We went home and fed Anna, then she went back to the school for her final performance. Megan Hunter came over to hang out with McKenna. Ben and Bethany worked on homework. After dinner, I went to the school to get Anna and Dan gave the girls baths. Anna was exhausted and a little sad. She took a bath as well and then we put kids to bed. I worked on registering McKenna for track stuff and cleaned out my email a little. 

March 20th- Sunday: Anna and Bethany slept in till 9am!  We were on time for church and it was our first Sunday with the new ward boundaries. Since we were down about 100 people, it felt a little sparse. After lunch, I took a quick nap, and then went to another Passover dinner meeting where we talked about food almost the whole time! Once I got home, Dan helped me create a signup Genius. After dinner, the kids got things ready for school and got ready for bed. Anna took a two hour nap, so she had a hard time falling asleep that night. I worked more on Passover stuff then Dan watched a show and I had phone time. I took pictures of the kids posters they made for the Primary Program in the Fall that were just returned to us. Here's a throwback of Ben, Anna, and Bethany where they were probably 2, 4, and 6.

March 21st- Monday: Anna stayed home from school with a fever and sore throat. After the other kids left, I exercised and the A-team watched shows. Alice and I ate while Anna took a nap. I started laundry, did some stain removal, made phone calls, and showered. Anna came upstairs and did Lexia and ST Math, then took another nap in my bed.  Alice ate and went to preschool. Anna had lunch and watched Sing 2. I gave her some meds for her fever. I got caught up on Marco Polos then left to pick up McKenna from her first track practice then I picked up Legacy kids. I worked on laundry and then got Ben from Harry Potter club. I took a quick nap and then made dinner. After that, we watched “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” and folded laundry. After kids were in bed, Dan worked on carline stuff and I worked on the computer as well. 

Video: San Diego Highlights

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