Wednesday, July 27, 2022

March 2022- Week 2: Anna Seussical Dress Rehearsal, Nelson Cousin Date, Baptisms, New Ward Boundaries!, San Diego!

 March 8th- Tuesday: *Alice has some imaginary friends named Leo, Pawnee, and Emmy. They are all different ages at different times. They live in the mountains.*  After kids left for school, I watched the news, we ate, I practiced voice, and caught up on Marco Polo. After lunch, I went to my voice lesson a day early. We talked about a possible audition song for “Joseph” at Centerpoint. Dan took McKenna and other youth from the ward to the temple for baptisms. Alice played at the Johnson's for a bit. After kids got home from school, Garrett Floyd came over to play with Ben. Anna had rehearsal. I helped Bethany with her homework, then she had dance. Ben had a primary activity after dinner (playing Mario Cart). McKenna and I went to see “Uncharted” with some cousins and aunts and got home a little after 10. 

March 9th- Wednesday: After the kids left for school, I quickly ate and took Alice with me to the school for Anna’s Seussical Assembly performance. She did great and was smiley the whole time! Once we got home, I worked on the computer some. Alice watched shows.  After lunch, Alice went to preschool. The kids came home for early out. Ben and Anna had piano. Dan and I napped. Bethany went to play at Leela’s. I picked up Ben and Anna and took Anna to Leela’s as well. I made some picture collages while I waited to pick up Alice and Kaysen then I took Anna and Bethany to music and gymnastics. McKenna hung out at Hannah Hilbig’s. After kids were in bed, I blogged and Dan watched Mandalorian with McKenna and Ben. 

March 10th- Thursday: After kids left for school, I walked on the treadmill and watched the news. After getting ready for the day, I worked on a grocery order, then Alice got picked up by Grandma Sibber for her BD date! I finished the groceries, then ate, then Emmy Johnson came over for a bit for me to watch her. Alice got home and the girls played. Alice and I ran an errand to the UPS store then I drove carpool. I went back to school to help with the Seussical dress rehearsal. Ben babysat Bethany and Alice. McKenna went to Hannah’s again, then had piano. Dan got home and took soup to Marilyn Salisbury and then had dinner at his parents’. Anna and I met them there. Dan, Adam, and Sam put together a new triple bunk bed in the basement and the kids watched "Sing 2" on the big new movie screen!

March 11th- Friday: After kids left for school, I exercised. Charlie came over and I also babysat Cooper and Emmy and took them all to ladies lunch. We had a nice talk about the new ward boundaries meeting coming up. Once we got home, I put Emmy down for a nap, and Cooper and Tanner played the switch till Meghan got back from a funeral. I practiced voice and tried to nap then Alice and I went to McKenna’s school for a track meeting. Once we got home, I took Anna to Sayge’s and helped Bethany with piano. I did some laundry and started making Mac and cheese. Once Dan got home, we left for dinner at a Thai restaurant with some Nelson cousins (Mindy and Cole, Courtney and Rocky, Ricky and Katie, and Matt and Heidi). It was so fun to chat and catch up with them all!  McKenna started babysitting and then left to be with friends, so Ben took over. Dan and I got a treat on the way home.

March 12th- Saturday: I went with Anna to her to dress rehearsal so I could take some pictures. I went straight from there and met Dan, Ben, and Bethany at the baptism of Leela Kump, and Rachel Pugsley. We went to the Pugsley’s afterwards for lunch. McKenna had silks and voice. Anna got dropped off at the Pugsley’s after rehearsal. We worked on packing for San Diego. I picked up McKenna, picked up groceries, and then took McKenna shopping at Target. When we got home, I cleaned a little then I took McKenna, Ben, Anna, and Bethany to Kate’s Seussical play at Centerpoint Academy.  We cleaned the basement after dinner. I helped McKenna with her course request. Dan gave himself a haircut, and we both worked on packing. 

March 13th- Sunday: We did a little last minute packing before church. It was our Ward Conference. I got to attend Relief Society where the Stake RS leaders taught about strengthening our faith. After church, we had lunch and finished packing and loading the car. We got on the road at 2pm. I joined the Passover committee meeting by FaceTime. Then we listened to the Stake ward boundary realignment meeting. A new ward was created, and all the wards were impacted in the realignment process. It was sad news for our ward. We lost about 100 people to the 6th Ward, including both EQ counselors, both YW counselors, the Ward clerk, the Ward financial clerk, the Primary President, a couple Primary teachers, and almost everyone who played the organ. We debriefed with Dan’s dad over the phone about the boundary realignment, I napped and watched Don’t Miss This. We stopped for dinner at Wendy’s in Cedar City. We arrived at our Vegas hotel at 9pm.

March 14th- Monday: We were back on the road by 9am. I drove the first 2.5 hours and listened to my book. The kids did great since they all had lots of screen time!  We stopped in Victorville for pizza for lunch then we drove the rest of the way and made it to our hotel in San Diego by 3pm. Dan helped set some things up in the ballroom (a games and snack table). We got settled in our rooms and took a walk. The kids went swimming from 5-6 then we had dinner with all the other Foster Families. We came back to the room for a bit and then went down to the fire for s’mores and talking with some new friends. We got kids to bed by 9, and Dan and I took a walk and planned the next day. 

For a bit of context, this trip was almost entirely sponsored by a tech company called Entrata. They were planning to hold a training conference for their international staff, but cancelled due to COVID concerns. The hotel wouldn't refund their money (close to $500,000!!), so rather than let the money go they decided to sponsor foster families (and some staff) to enjoy a trip to San Diego...hotel, food, etc. So amazing! And since we had the big van, we transported a lot of supplies and were able to enjoy being with these incredible families and coworkers.

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