Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Feb. 2022- Week 1- PRK Laser eye surgery, Olympics, Ben and Dan Jazz game, New floor in Van, Stake Conference

Feb. 1st- Tuesday: I left at 7am for my PRK eye surgery at Hoopes Vision. Dan got the kids to
school and then took Alice to Rachael Alexander’s. The first thing I did was pay for the surgery. Then
I got my post-op instructions and had a few eye scans. They cleaned my eyelids with iodine, and
then I went in the laser room. The worst part during the whole thing was peeling tape off of the
eyelid being help open, smelling whatever it was that they burned off, and then the “cold medicine"
they sprayed on my eyes which gave me a brain freeze! I was done with my procedure around 9
and then got to wait in a massage chair. Dan came to pick me up at 9:30. My eyes were very light
sensitive! I napped off and on until noon when we started my eye drop regimen. Dan brought me
lunch in bed and I continued to rest off and on while he worked and Alice watched shows. I saw the
kids off and on while they worked on homework and piano. Anna had play practice.  Dan‘s mom
stopped by to check on me. Bethany went to dance and Dan fed everyone dinner. After dinner I
listened to my book some and finished Don’t Miss This. I tried to limit my screen time throughout the
day and keep my eyes closed as much as I could. Overall, I felt pretty comfortable all day. After the
kids went to bed Dan worked on checking the blog and watched a movie. 

Feb. 2nd- Wednesday: Dan got the kids going for school and I woke up around 7:30. Bethany

stayed home with a runny nose and slight cough.  We drove lots of Junior High kids to school

since it was pretty cold. Then we drove to Hoopes for my post-op appointment. We were a little

late because of the snow and poorly or not plowed roads.  We also almost got hit by a truck

swerving into our lane.  That was scary! Everything with my eyes looked good! When we got

home, Bethany did some homework, and Alice had preschool. I got a nice pictures of Alice

"being the youngest" and having Dan do everything for her. I took a nap. Anna and Ben had

piano. I woke up around 4 to do drops and my eyes were burning lots more. Dan took Anna to

gymnastics. Dan’s parents brought dinner. I got caught up on roommate Marco polos. We ate

and then Dan did baths while I did dishes and talked with McKenna about not doing the next

play at Backstage, which she was sad about. Dan played games with the kids while I continued

to rest my eyes and took a pain pill that didn’t seem to help much. After kids were in bed, Dan

took Ben to his late basketball game. I watched a little bit of “hidden Figures” with McKenna and

then listened to my book once she went to bed. 

Feb. 3rd- Thursday: This was a rough day!  I woke up at 8 to do my drops and I really couldn’t

keep my eyes open because of the burning. Dan brought me breakfast and I rested more. 

Bethany stayed home again with a cold. I also ate lunch in bed and rested more. I took a Loritab,

which did end up helping with the pain, but it made me more groggy and sleepy. Dan drove

carpool and picked up Anna from Seussical.   Once kids got home from school I saw a couple

of them off and on. McKenna had piano. Rachael Alexander brought dinner which I was very

thankful for! We did scriptures and prayers in my bedroom. But I did go out in the family room

from 8:30-9:30. 

Feb. 4th- Friday: After my 8am eye drops, I could tell things were improved a bit. I had breakfast

in the kitchen and then showered, which felt really good.  I was in much less pain!  After lunch,

I napped and then listened to my book. I helped Bethany with her homework and spelling test. I

played with Alice some.  Dan drove carpool again. Anna went home with the Kumps. McKenna

went with Lyla and Hannah. I rested my eyes and listened to my book. Dan took Ben to the Jazz

game with a bunch of the Websters. I stayed home with Boof and Alice.  We ate dinner together

and I tried to watch some of the Beijing Winter Olympics opening ceremonies.  I put the girls to

bed (Bethany with cough medicine and a humidifier in her room). Then I listen to my book more

and rested. Anna got home and we talked for a bit around 9:15. Then she went to bed and

McKenna, Dan, and Ben got home around 10:20 and we all chatted. 

Feb. 5th- Saturday: We woke up around 8 when I needed to do my drops. My eyes felt pretty good

other than being pretty blurry still.  I was able to eat breakfast with the family. We cleaned up and

then Anna did some homework.  Dan and Ben got started on the new van flooring and I worked on

classroom emails for Ms. Laney’s class. It was hard to focus on the computer screen, but it needed

to be done.  I took breaks here and there.  The girls played and wrestled on my bed.  McKenna got

ready for silks.  Dan drove her and I got the kids lunch.  After Dan got back with the groceries, he

traced the carpet and started cutting the vinyl mat.  I listened to my book and rested.  The girls

played in the basement.  McKenna’s friend Makayla came over to hang out.  I showered and Dan

finished the flooring! We went to the adult session of stake conference.  I was inspired to think

about and decide what I can be doing more invite Christ more to my side of the equation to equal

more!  I thought about it a lot in the middle of the night as well!  We were given sourdough baguettes

to remind us of the loaves and fishes story where with Christ, they had an abundance!  We had

Nielsen’s frozen custard and played Golf at Dan’s parents’ house afterwards with the Stewarts

and Winegars.  McKenna babysat with Korie and Brittana. Bethany fell off the silk and hurt her lip.  :( 

Feb. 6th- Sunday: We both had a rough night’s sleep. Dan gave the little girls their bath.  After

lunch, we drove Katie, Truman, and 4 Winegars to Stake Conference in our big van!  The three

fashion cookies were all matching! It was a lovely meeting about how to make time for Christ and

walk with Him. We watched some videos about CFM as a family. I put dinner in the oven and Ben

edited a video of Alice for me.  We ate chicken pot pie from the Cundicks. Dan and Ben built Legos

and I got caught up on my journal and McKenna watched a show.  I watched “Don’t Miss This” and

fell asleep. 

Feb. 7th- Monday: I was able to get up with Dan and the kids.  After they left for school, I watched

the news and ate Alice. We had a normal morning starting laundry too. We played some games and

read a book. Then she watched a show and I rested my eyes and listened to my book. Dan took

Alice to preschool. I worked on some emails in my room and listened more to my book and took a

nap.  When the girls got home from school, McKenna went to Whitney’s to hang out with her and

Katie. Ben had HArry Potter club. Then Dan and I took the three little girls to get their hair trimmed

at cookie cutters.  I saw Erica Day and Lisa Livsey there.  Once we got home, Ben left for the Jazz

game with his Jr. Jazz team. The girls started on their homework. The Moultons brought us chicken

noodle soup for dinner and chatted for a bit. We ate and then got the girls to bed.  Dan and I watched

the Olympics while McKenna watched “Hidden Figures.” Ben got home around 10:20. We folded

laundry and went to bed. * I was getting excited for the Super Bowl halftime show! ;)

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