Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jan. 2022- Week 3- Organize Pantry, Ben's BD date, Rearrange Girls' Rooms, Alice's Creek, Ben's Jr. Jazz, Into the Woods, New Van

 Jan. 15th- Saturday: After breakfast, we all went through the treats from the pantry and “thinned the herd.” Each kid got their own treat basket then I picked up groceries and Dan started helping to organize Bethany and Alice’s room. Ben left for his birthday date with Grandma and Grandpa Webster. I started some laundry and put groceries away then we started changing bedrooms for the girls! Anna and Bethany would now share, and McKenna and Alice would now share. We ate a late lunch then continued with the rooms: sorting, decluttering, hanging stuff on walls, vacuuming, making beds. We finally finished around 4:30pm. We did baths and pizza for dinner. McKenna babysat while Dan and I went to do temple sealings with the Kumps and Ulmers.  We went to Blacksmith ice cream after.  *My symptoms weren't totally gone, but I felt pretty good.

Jan. 16th- Sunday: Dan had an EQ ministering meeting before church. Dan and I took turns staying home with Alice since she could possibly still get Covid from us and infect others. We did “Choose the Right” songs in Primary. After lunch, we watched the “Line upon Line” videos. Dan and I napped on the couch. The kids played (and fought). I had my family conference call. Dan took 4 of the kids for a quick walk to deliver some notes to neighbors. We watched Relative Race after dinner. Dan and I played Old Maid and Cover Your Assets with McKenna and Ben.

Jan. 17th- Monday: MLK holiday from school and work. The kids played and watched “Encanto"  while I cleaned and started laundry. McKenna had an ocular migraine.  She quickly took some meds and laid down and it went away.  After lunch, I took McKenna, Lyla, Hannah, and Makayla to shop and hang out at Farmington Station.  We got home around 4:45pm.  After dinner, we folded laundry while watching the final episode of Relative Race.  We put kids to bed and then I worked on my Primary singing time lesson.  We also got word that McKenna’s school will have virtual learning for three days due to the spike in Covid numbers.  

Jan. 18th- Tuesday: After the middle three kids left for school, I exercised.  McKenna slept until 9:30 and had no school due to the end of term/teacher work day.  I practiced voice and organized the music room. After lunch, McKenna practiced her music, Alice watched shows, and I took a quick nap. After school,  Anna and I attended the cast meeting for Seussical and we both got excited!  Anna was cast as a Jungle Citizen, a Fish, and a Who! Dan made it home in time to take Bethany to dance.  Ben ate dinner early so he could go to basketball practice.  McKenna went to Backstage to watch the other cast's final rehearsal for "Into the Woods."  The girls played on the “creek” Alice set up and I finished sorting music stuff.  I also worked on the blog.  

Jan. 19th- Wednesday:  After kids left for school, I watched the news and Alice played.  Kenna got up and got ready for her distance learning day. Alice watched “Encanto” while I went to my voice lesson.  Alice had preschool. I started dinner in the crock pot.  The kids got home (early out) and I took Ben and Anna to piano. After homework, all the kids took turns playing Mine Craft.  Dan got home from work in time to take Anna to gymnastics and Bethany to music.  I got McKenna ready for her first performance!  We had dinner, did baths, and then watched a little of the “Into the Woods” movie.  After the three girls were in bed, Dan took Ben to his late basketball game.  I worked on my Primary lesson.  

Jan. 20th- Thursday: After kids left for school, McKenna started her distance learning. I walked 2 miles on the treadmill. David Gates came to help us with some computer stuff. I taught Junior Achievement and did Bethany’s half birthday in her class. McKenna went to the South Davis/Mueller Park basketball game with Lia to see Whitney play. I snuggled and read with Boof and Alice then I picked up Anna from her first Seussical rehearsal. She loved it!  I picked up McKenna from the game then took her to piano. After dinner, Dan had a work Zoom event. The kids and I watched the rest of Act 1 of "Into the Woods." After kids were in bed, I worked on a grocery order and then talked with Dan about the possibility of a new van he found online that day!  We got snow that night!*

Jan. 21st- Friday: After the kids left for school, we got McDonald’s breakfast before driving to Orem to check out a Nissan NV van!  Dan has had is eye on one of these vans for 2-3 years. We found a 2013 with only 56,000 miles on it! McKenna had another online learning day. We test drove the van and really loved it! We did the paper work and left by 11:15!! Dan went to lunch with Riley Pack. Henry, Arlee, and David came to play with Ben and Bethany. Anna went to Sayge’s cat birthday party. I played with Alice. Dan and McKenna watched another Marvel movie. We had leftovers for dinner and then played games. McKenna went to watch the other cast perform "Into the Woods."

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