Wednesday, July 27, 2022

March 2022- Week 1: Spirit Week, Dan in Hawaii, Alice's 4th Birthday, Stake RS Meeting I Sang In, Emma to the Temple,

 March 1- Tuesday: Today was Decades Day at school. Ben and Bethany wore tie-dye shirts for the 70s, and Anna borrowed a sock hop costume from Mabel for the 50s. We all drove the kids to school and then Alice and I took Dan to the airport for a trip to Hawaii to present to the BYU-H students at their career fair. We then went straight to the rec center for the power tone class with Brynn. Brynn took Alice and went to Costco and fed her lunch while I went to the dentist. Later, Alice went to the Jensen‘s while I picked up Anna from school and took her to Primary Children’s for her ENT appointment about her snoring. Overall, they were not concerned about her snoring since she doesn’t really have any other symptoms like being tired or grouchy during the day. I took her back to school and then picked up Alice and chatted with the Jensens for a bit. Once we got home, the kids got home from school. They started working on reading and piano. Anna had Seussical rehearsal. Greyden came over to hang out with Ben. Bethany had dance. Lyla also came over to hang out with McKenna. After dinner and kids were in bed, I went to the church to practice my song with the other ladies for the Relief Society meeting. I got home at 10:20 and prepped the Wonder Woman costume that Bethany would wear the next day. McKenna ended up sleeping in my bed because Alice was coughing so much in their room. I went to bed way late and did not sleep well.

March 2- Wednesday: Today was superhero/heroes day at school. Anna dressed as Hermione from Harry Potter, Bethany dressed as Wonder Woman, and Ben wore his Captain America shirt with a name tag that said "my dad." Alice went to the Moulton‘s while I went to my voice lesson. Then Alice went to preschool and I came home and ate lunch. Once the other kids were home from school,  Ben and Anna rode scooters down to piano and I helped Bethany with her music homework and then took a nap. I picked the kids up and they played outside a little before Anna and Bethany went to gymnastics and music. When we got home I made a quick hot dog dinner and we chatted with Dan on Face Time for a few minutes. Then McKenna and I went down to the church for the activity so I could practice my song one more time. My mom came to the meeting as well and my dad babysat. The song went well (Our Savior's Love) and we got to hear Sharon Eubank speak. Once kids were in bed I did dishes and got to chat with Dan for a few.

March 3- Thursday: Today was nerd or athlete day for spirit week. All the kids chose to dress as an athlete. After breakfast, Alice and I played. It was her 4th Birthday, but we kept it a secret and planned to celebrate on Saturday when Dan got home from Hawaii. I still tried to give her more than normal love and attention to help her feel special today! We watched "Aladdin" and then I got ready for the day. I caught up on Marco Polos. Alice went to grandma Sibber‘s house while I went to the school to teach Junior Achievement for the last time in Bethany‘s class. We brought Bethany’s friend Emmy home from school so they enjoyed a play date.  I picked up Anna, Annie, and the Atkins kids from Seussical rehearsal.  We had food that Alice would love for dinner and then the kids went to bed. I was definitely feeling less and less patient as the days went on without Dan home. McKenna started to feel a cold/sore throat. I worked on a grocery order and talked to Dan over the phone. 

March 4th- Friday: Today was crazy hair day at school. Anna had a donut on a plate for her crazy hair and we did a rainbow for Bethany. Ben dressed like his teacher by wearing a Halloween shirt, because she loves Halloween. I had an eye check-up and Alice came with me. All looked well, I just have to continue to be patient getting my vision back. After lunch, my mom came to babysit while I went to the Temple for Emma‘s endowment! We went to Blacksmith ice cream after that. Then I came home and took McKenna to her make-up voice lesson and picked up groceries. My mom made mac & cheese while I was gone, which I was so grateful for! Ben and McKenna had friends over; Ben had Caleb and Luke, McKenna had Lyla Brigette and Haley. They took turns playing in the main living area and then being in the theater room. We watched Sing 2 which was very cute. I put Alice to bed and then Ben, Anna, and Bethany helped me decorate for Alice’s birthday celebration.

March 5th- Saturday: I ran two miles and listened to my new book. I made breakfast and got Anna ready for rehearsal. Later, I took McKenna and Lia to silks. Alice napped in the car, then we stopped to pick up donuts for her birthday celebration. Dan got home from his Hawaii trip and Anna got home from rehearsal. We chatted and then everyone ate lunch and we picked up McKenna. To celebrate Alice, we spent two hours at Coconut Cove playing! It's an indoor jungle gym! McKenna unfortunately didn’t feel well due to her cold. Dan was also exhausted from his red eye flight, so he took a quick nap in the van. We brought tacos home for dinner, then did baths. After that, we opened presents and ate the donuts with sprinkles. We’re so thankful for Alice in our family!  After kids were in bed, we snuggled on the couch and I planned some stuff on my phone. We got lots of snow that night! 

March 6th- Sunday: Today was Fast Sunday. McKenna renewed her temple recommend and then stayed home from church with a runny nose. Ben came but wore a mask. I bore my testimony about temples and our covenants. During the second hour of church, I had a YW presidency meeting. After lunch for the kids and watching our “Line Upon Line" videos, Dan and I napped, then I had my conference call. I helped gather stuff for Alice’s spotlight in preschool on Monday. I made dinner while Dan went to Lehi for another Foster Care Sunday Supper. After we ate, the kids did an obstacle course downstairs. We finished getting ready for bed once Dan got home. Once kids were in bed, Dan and I talked about plans to go to San Diego (more on that later!)

March 7th- Monday: After the kids left for school, I started laundry and exercised. At Alice's preschool, I stayed for the first 5mins to do her birthday spotlight. We filled a bag with some of her favorite things like Octonauts, Cinderella, fruit snacks, and a Halloween book. I came home and folded laundry and listened to “Don’t Miss This.” I napped then drove carpool. I also listened to Tina Peterson’s fireside. We brought Emi Atkin and Brooklyn Moulton home to play. I picked up Alice and then picked up Ben from Harry Potter club. I also ran an errand to the vet for Mickelle. Once I got home, Emi left and Anna played in the snow. I made soup for dinner and we folded laundry afterwards. Once kids were in bed, I met with Brigham to go over a primary music leader stuff since he got called to take my place. Then I went through the kids’ school papers and Dan watched a show.

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