Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jan. 2022- Week 4- Lots of Into the Woods, Anna Ice Skating, Cleaning out Laundry Room, Webster January BDs.

Jan. 22nd- Saturday: Anna had rehearsal at 9.  I took Ben to Standard Optical to get his blue framed glasses adjusted and order a replacement for his black frames which had broken at Basketball.  Dan cleaned out and rearranging the garage so we would be able to fit the new van in!  I helped McKenna get ready for her call time. We all went to McKenna’s Matinee show.  It was so awesome and I totally teared up during “No One Is Alone” and when I hugged her after the show.  (Dan left with the three little girls at intermission.)  Anna went ice skating with Aspen and Sayge and then had dinner with them.  My parents and Mickelle came over to our house after the Matinee to hang out for a bit.  Dan and I went to dinner with the Pugsleys to Kokonut Island Grill.   

Jan. 23rd- Sunday: We played “Where’s Enoch” (hot and cold) in primary.  After lunch, we watched our Come Follow Me videos and then Dan and I napped on the couch while the kids played.  I had my family conference call and then phone time. After dinner, Ben and McKenna made funny upside down chin videos.   

Jan. 24th- Monday: McKenna went back to school in person after two weeks at home!  I exercised (ran 1.5 miles). We had a normal morning and Alice had preschool. I volunteered doing assessments with some of the kids in the older classes at preschool. After homework, I helped McKenna do hair and make-up for her show. We cleaned out our Toyota Sienna van. After dinner, our new (to us) Nissan NV van was delivered!  We took the kids for a spin then put them all to bed.  Dan helped me sort through all the van stuff. McKenna came home and said it was her best voice night! 

Jan. 25th- Tuesday: Dan drove the kids to school in the new van!  He even picked up most of the Junior High walking group.  Alice and I went to the rec center with Brynn.  I made cookies for Kelly Kump as a thank you for helping with Ben’s party then I practiced for voice.  Brynn, Swa, and Grandma all came over to look at the new van.  I napped, read over my JA lesson, and blogged a little.  The kids got home from school and worked on their homework.  I picked up Anna and Annie from Seussical rehearsal then took Bethany to dance.  Everyone ate dinner at different times since Ben had basketball practice, McKenna and Dan had youth activities (Where’s Waldo game at Farmington Station), and the little girls and I ate together.  We also had Ben’s Primary activity boys over for a movie and popcorn night.  After kids were in bed, Dan’s dad came to look at the van.  

Jan. 26th- Wednesday:  After kids left for school, I watched the news and then ate with Alice. She got dressed and watched shows while I put the car seats back together and loaded things in the van. Alice went with Sarah Moulton to Lewis Park. I went to voice then Ben and Anna had piano. Then I went to Alice’s parent/teacher conference. They said she’s doing great and starting to talk more.  Desi came here for a bit.  I took Anna to gymnastics and Boof to Music.  We got home as Dan was leaving for Ben’s basketball game (they won!). Dan gave the girls baths. After the girls were in bed, we set up my new phone!  No more lines through my pictures.

Jan. 27th- Thursday:   I got a hair cut! Then I played around on my new phone! Dan went out with Jasper. Emmy Johnson came over for a bit. I volunteered in Bethany’s class teaching JA (driving the new van).  The kids played outside some and I chatted with Meghan. McKenna and Lyla walked home from piano. Ben played at Tanner’s. Anna got home from play practice. After dinner, Dan had a work call and the kids played on the silk. Ben and McKenna played a piano/flute duet together. I read books with Alice. Lyla left and McKenna ate and worked on homework. After kids were in bed, I worked on a grocery order and Dan watched a movie. 

Jan. 28th- Friday: Dan, Alice and I all left to go to Murray. Dan and Alice went to Dan’s office, I went to a workshop for Primary music leaders.  Right before it started, Bro. Gates called me to extend a new calling to me to be a YW's advisor!  I was excited, but also kind of sad to not be able to apply what I learned at the workshop. We napped when we got home and Alice watched shows. The kids got home from school and did homework. I did McKenna’s hair and make up for call time. Mabel, Desi, and Sakura came over to play. We ate pizza, then the girls watched "Hotel Transylvania 4." After the friends left we put kids to bed, then had the Chadwicks, Meghan Johnson and the Moultons over.  We talked a lot and played games (Skyjo).

Jan. 29th- Saturday: Dan took Anna to rehearsal, then brought home groceries. The kids played. McKenna did her laundry.  Dan and I worked on organizing the laundry room!  We cleaned out cupboards and drawers and under the washer and dryer.  McKenna had Brinley over and later went to her house. Dan also took the kids outside to shoot the BB gun. Sakura and Haku Bott came over for a bit. Dan took Anna to the store to buy a BD gift for Aubrey.  I got McKenna ready for her call time.  Ayla came to babysit while Dan and I went to dinner with his parents and Swa and Whitney. Then we went to McKenna’s final show.  There were lots of tears from the cast at the end!

Jan. 30th- Sunday was my last day in Primary as the music leader and I was quite sad about it.  We had a little meeting after about possible new people to replace me.  After lunch and videos, Dan went ministering with his dad and I had a phone call with Amy Hamblin about my new calling in YW (advisor to older girls).  I tried to take a nap and then had my family conference call.  Dan and I prepped veggies and then we went to Webster family dinner at his parents’ house. We celebrated January birthdays. We put the kids to bed and talked with McKenna about her next after school activity to be involved in.

Jan. 31st- Monday: Dan and I worked to put back the washer and dryer.  The dryer gave Dan a lot of grief because the vent hose had to curve a certain way and it was such a tight space. After about 2 hours, and a trip to the hardware store to find a better part/adapter he finally got it in position as best he could.  I started the laundry. Alice had preschool. After McKenna got home, I went through some shoes in the laundry room to figure out what fits the girls and what doesn’t. Dan left to pick up Ben from HP club and to run some errands (which all seemed to flop, unfortunately).  I continued to do laundry and tidy up while the girls did homework.  After dinner, James Smart came over to help Dan give me a blessing before my PRK laser eye surgery the next day.  We cleaned up and put kids to bed.  We folded laundry and finished cleaning the laundry room. I wrote our Nelson News article.

January Videos:

Alice’s “creek”, Ben basketball, McKenna “Into the Woods,” McKenna and Ben piano flute duet, more “Into the Woods,” last time leading Primary song.

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