Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Feb. 2022- Week 4- Sledding at Soldier Hollow, Ben's last Jr. Jazz, Eli's Movie BD, Old Thompson Family Pictures

Feb. 22nd- Tuesday (Started the Legacy kids' February break): We left Midway around 9:50. We made it to Soldier Hollow for tubing and had a blast!  It was 29* and sunny and we were shedding layers we were so warm! It was a work out! We definitely preferred to ride the belt up the hill vs. walking up the hill. We got to do 6 runs! It was more fun to go on your stomach head first than on your bum and go feet first. The two little girls just covered their faces most of the time because we had to break by dragging our feet which made the snow spray up.  We ate lunch at Lola’s in Midway then we went to the Olympic Park museum. We got ice cream and headed home. We unpacked and started laundry.  The kids did their piano. McKenna did homework.   Bethany had dance. Ben had basketball and Anna had a primary activity.  We had leftovers for dinner. McKenna and I went to the combine youth activity which was a scripture scavenger hunt.  Then I stayed after from 8:30-11pm to practice “Our Savior’s Love” for the Stake RS activity in March. Sharon Richardson ended up rewriting new parts for Lisa Hicks and I.  I talked with Dan and went to bed.  

Feb. 23rd- Wednesday: We slept in and McKenna got herself ready for school. I had a bad headache. I ate with the other kids and finished up the laundry. I ended up driving the Jr. high kids because it was so cold.  I went to my voice lesson.  After lunch, Alice went to preschool. Ben and Anna had piano. Bethany watched a show while Dan and I napped. I picked kids up and McKenna went to hang out at Meghan Hunter’s.  We folded laundry. I picked up preschool kids then took Anna and Bethany to gymnastics and music.  I got caught up on Marco Polos.  Dan made eggs in a puddle for dinner. Ben and Anna and I rode with the Alexanders to Ben and Henry’s last two basketball games. The Webster grandparents came, as well as Adam and Mia. Dan came later due to a late work meeting.  McKenna babysat Boof and Alice.  We got home at 9 and folded more laundry and watched the news coverage of Russia invading Ukraine. :(

Feb. 24th- Thursday: Alice came in our room in the night, so I didn’t sleep well and woke up grumpy.  McKenna left for school. Anna showered and I bathed the little girls. Anna’s twin friends Jaylee and Milly came over.  They played on the silk and built a fort.  After they left, we had lunch. Meghan brought over the monitor for me to listen for Emmy. Later, Cooper came over and Bethany’s friend Emmy came over as well. I worked on a grocery order and kind of fell asleep on the couch. I played Hungry Hippos with Alice.  Ben played with Cooper on the arcade.  McKenna got home from school. Emmy Johnson woke up so McKenna brought her over to play.  I helped McKenna study for a cell test. Alex Boes came over to play with Anna. After the Johnsons left, I started prepping for dinner and dividing chicken.  Once friends left, McKenna had piano. We ate, and then we cleaned up the basement and put kids to bed.  I worked on a grocery order and the blog while Ben and Dan watched a Spiderman movie.  

Feb. 25th- Friday: I woke up a little after 7 and helped McKenna with her hair. Dan drove the Jr. High kids cause it was so cold. I exercised. Ollie, Ellie, and Charlie came over to play since they had no school too. I hosted my ministering sisters and companion for a soup, salad, and rolls lunch.  Later Ben had Nate and Jack come over and Anna had Sayge over.  I played with Alice a little then rested in my room. McKenna went to Lyla’s after school. We picked her up at 5:30 to go to Grandma Pat’s. We took pizza and ate and visited. After kids went to bed, I worked on the blog. 

Feb. 26th- Saturday: I went with Lara to Kennedy Wittwer’s bridal shower at the Ringwood's. It was so fun to see Nelson cousins again! We got home by 1:30. We put groceries away. Whitney and Katie came over to hang out. Mickelle was here for a bit waiting for her car to be done at Burt Bros. I drove her back when it was ready. Dan and I napped then we took the kids to the Winegar’s and took Ben, Ollie, and Truman to Eli’s Spiderman movie theater birthday party at Farmington Station. We then went to dinner at R&R’s with Winegars and Brynn. We got a treat at the DQ, then picked up the girls.  Dan dropped off McKenna and Bridget at the Backstage Aerial Silks show. I did baths and vacuumed our bathroom. After the three little girls were in bed, Dan and I and the two big kids watched the first "Thor" movie while I blogged.

Feb. 27th- Sunday: Today was Quinn Koldewyn’s mission farewell!  That kid is amazing! He was delayed and submitted his mission papers 3 times due to Covid and because it was not being safe with his heart defect.  He was cleared to serve a "service mission," but was called to a proselyting mission to Tampa, FL! They sang to Alice in Primary. I also took pictures of some sweet notes Anna wrote. I attended YW class for the first time with this new calling. McKinley Ulmer taught about Eternal Marriage.  We had lunch and watched the Line Upon Line videos, then I went to another committee meeting for the Passover dinner. Once I got home, I had my family conference call then we prepped fruit and went to Dan’s parents’ house for February birthday dinner.  We talked to Laurie a lot about her nephew Abinadi and how he was healing from his accident. 

Feb. 28th- Monday: Dan helped with carline so the kids left a little early for school. I exercised, did laundry, Alice went to preschool, I drove carpool, and Ben had Harry Potter Club. I practiced singing. I made dinner and we took half of it to the Chadwick’s since Chelsea was flying solo while Will had a long busy week with an intense trial.  My mom found some old family pictures, and it was way fun to see which kids looks the most like I did. After dinner we got the kids ready for decades day for spirit week at school. After kids were in bed Dan gave John Leavitt a blessing and Ben and McKenna watched shows. I worked on the Nelson News. 

February Videos:
Ben and Eli at Jazz game, Super Bowl rap halftime show, Bethany Mini cheer performance, Ben spelling bee, Anna Seussical rehearsal, Soldier Hollow Sledding, Ben Jr. Jazz.

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