Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Dec. '22- Week 3- Anna and McK Well Checks, LPA and Band Concerts, Tab Choir Concert, Breakfast with Santa, Beth Hip Hop, Nelson Party, Webster Dinner, Madrigals Concert,

Dec. 15th- Thursday: The kids had a 2 hour delay because of more snow overnight!  Dan and I snuggled,

and then I exercised and got the kids and myself ready. Dan snow blowed then drove the kids to school.

I took Anna and McKenna to their well check-ups. Unfortunately, Anna failed her eye exam and we need

to see an eye doctor. McKenna got another HPV vaccine dose. We took Anna to school, then came home

and had lunch. Then we had a telehealth visit for McKenna’s stomach issues with a doctor at Primary's.

McKenna went to school and Dan and I napped. I worked on a grocery order and the girls played on my

bed. I did the girls hair fancy and we ate before going to Anna and Bethany’s Winter concert, then we

hustled to McKenna’s band concert! My mom and Mickelle came. It was a busy night and everyone did




Height: 53.3in (2.3in increase in 1 year) 50%

Weight: 61lbs (8lb increase in 1 year) 25%


Height: 65in (2.8in increase in 1 year) 75%

Weight: 95lbs (18lb increase in 1 year) 22%

Dec. 16th- Friday: I subbed as an instructor in Ms. Huggard’s class and Dan and the kids wrote me a cute

note in my lunch. I lead two reading groups, a math group, and monitored recesses. I also got to readto the kids and help with computer time. Once we got home, we tried to figure out who would take our

extra 3 tickets for the Tab Choir concert because my mom, dad, and Mickelle all had a cough and couldn't

come. The threelittle girls played in the snow. Bethany said her tongue felt lots better. Dan and I went on a quick dinner

date to  Santorini’s. Lizzy Mitchell came to babysit Alice. McKenna’s friends Tess and Caroline and

Anna’s friend Zoe came with us to the concert. We ran into Mike Maughn. The concert was so lovely and

the guest, Lea Solonga, was so consistently good and overall so great! The story they told was about a man

who saved so many Czec children during WWII. That man’s son was even in the audience!! 

Dec. 17th- Saturday: We went to breakfast with Santa at the DCC! It was such a fun time as usual. They

had a dance floor this year and it was a big hit! Dan took Ben to Crew Winegar’s party at Classic Fun

Center then went to ward member, Daryl Munson’s viewing. I took the girls home and picked up groceries.

Then I got Bethany ready for her hip hop performance. She did so great! We got a car wash after that.

I made brownies.We tried to clean up the kitchen counter. As soon as Ben got home, we left for Murray to the Nelson

family party. It was so good to see everyone in person!  We got home around 7 and McKenna babysat

Hazel while the Winegars went to the Tab Choir concert. Dan did showers and baths and I prepped

my primary singing time lesson since I’d be filling in for Brigham.  We also assembled neighbor gifts. 

Dec. 18th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I subbed in Primary singing time and loved it! After lunch,

we watched our CFM videos and then practiced our song with Rachael. I had my family conference call.

Then we had the Nelson family Zoom nativity program. I made the rice for dinner and our Rice Krispie boyto decorate. We had Webster family dinner and celebrated Dec. birthdays. We got kids to bed and

calendared a little and started doing Ben’s temple and priesthood prep lessons with him. 

Dec. 19th- Monday: I drove McKenna to school because the temperature was in the teens. I exercised, and

then Alice and I ate and got ready for the day. I went to music class with her and then went shopping for

some gifts. She went to preschool and had a holiday party. I napped. I worked on texts. The kids got home

from school and I helped Ben choose a book for his next book report. After dinner, McKenna had her

Madrigals Choir concert. My dad, Mickelle, and grandma and grandpa Webster came. After the kids were

in bed, we did another lesson with Ben, folded, laundry, and then wrapped gifts. 

Dec. 20th- Tuesday: Alice woke up with a barky cough and low grade fever, so all of my plans changed.

She napped on me before breakfast. We ate and got dressed and went to my voice lesson. Some

medicine helped her some. We came home and watched shows and then the kids got home and showed

me all their fun stuff!  I worked on a grocery order and FaceTimed my mom about a menu. We had lunch

and Alice napped again. McKenna went to a friends’ house for a pizza party. Then McKenna and Ben

had headshots for Newsies. I made dinner and after we ate Anna had gymnastics and Bethany went

with Grandma and Grandpa to Christmas in Color again. McKenna went to another friend’s house for

a gift exchange and Dad and I went to Ben’s interview with the Bishop for his ordination to the priesthood.

Then I went to YW/YM where we delivered gifts to the widows and widowers of the ward. Dan wasn’t

feeling too great that night. 

Dec. 21st- Wednesday: I exercised and showered and then went to the temple for an endowment

session. Thankfully, Dan decided to stay home because Alice still wasn’t feeling good. She ended up

throwing up too. But Dan still worked on cleaning around the house. We all had lunch and then we drove

around and delivered neighbor gifts. I then worked on making German pancakes and Anna played at Desi’s

and Henry and Billy came over here.  I also listened to Marco polos. Dan ran to Costco with Boof. Alice

watched shows. After dinner, we practiced our song with Rachael. I picked up more groceries and Dan

and Sam Moulton delivered stuff to their ministering families. I had one more song practice and then the

kids went to bed. Anna had a late night at Queensley’s. Sadie Gunnerson stopped by. Dan and I prepped

some food for Mantua. 

Dec. Videos- Part 7:

Legacy Christmas concert for Anna and Bethany, McKenna’s band concert.

Dec. Videos- Part 8:

Anna and Alice sledding in yard, Tab Choir Concert, Bethany Hip Hop, Breakfast with Santa, Webster

Dec. birthdays!

Dec. Videos- Part 9
McKenna’s madrigal’s concert


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