Thursday, April 25, 2024

Feb. '23- Week 3- Skiing, Subbing, Basketball With Allen Iverson, Bethany BD party, LPA School Break, Ben to Eli's Party.

Feb. 15th- Wednesday: I drove the kids while Dan donated. I curled McKenna’s hair and Jojo came over for McKenna to flat iron her hair.  I went to the gym with Brynn. Alice had teddy bear day at preschool. I showered, drove the kids to piano, then napped. McKenna went to Nielsen’s after school for Adrie’s BD. I took Bethany to shop for a friend’s BD gift. I picked up ski equipment from the Moulton’s. I talked with McKenna about some friend drama. Dan got home. We had dinner and Bethany had dance. McKenna, Ben, and I went to YM/YW for a combined building activity. We watched the movie “Ephraim’s Rescue.” I watched some ski video tutorials before bed. 

Feb. 16th- Thursday: After the kids left, Dan and I got ready to go skiing at Nordic Valley!  Alice went with Brynn, Swa, and Grandma during the day. Here’s my summary of skiing: This was only my second time skiing in my life and I survived! No injuries!  Dan was so so patient with me trying to teach me!! I had a WIDE range of emotions throughout the day, but I would say my main emotions were nervous and anxious.  Yes, I even cried a little.  I don’t like going fast because I feel out of control, and I don’t like feeling out of control. I fell more times than I can count.  We did 6 runs total from 11am-3pm, with a break for lunch. By the last run of the day, I was feeling pretty confident on one of the green runs, though I still went pretty slow. I liked taking really long and wide zigzags down the hill.  In the car on the way home, Dan asked, “Would you say that last run was “fun”?  I replied, “It was pretty close.” ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m not sure if I’m ready to answer the question, “would you go again?” Still pondering that. Also, at one point Dan was congratulating me and said, “See! You didn’t fall!” And I said, “I didn’t really ski either, but yay!” ๐Ÿ˜„ It was beautiful sunny weather and we were both sweating most of the time because we layered so well.

We got home around 5 and picked up Bethany and Activity Day girls. Dan picked up Anna and Ben from play practice and crochet club. I sat by the fire for a while and talked with Alice and McKenna. We had leftovers for dinner. I worked on a grocery order. Dan had to work a little. 

Feb. 17th- Friday: I subbed in Ms. G’s class, Bethany’s class. There were 5 kids absent, and that helped. I could also tell these kids have matured and grown!  They were much better behaved than in October. Once we got home, I took Anna to Claire’s house. We watched Cooper and Emmy and later Tanner came to play too. My mom stopped by to bring me some ingredients for Sunday dinner. She also brought some beading stuff and Bethany made a ring.  McKenna went to Brittana’s for a bit. We got pizza for dinner, then Dan and I went to the temple!  We loved the changes to the Endowment and loved how focused it is on Jesus. It had more of a teaching and instruction feel to it as well! 

Feb. 18th- Saturday: After breakfast, we left for Dan’s work event, which was a charity celebrity basketball game with Allen Iverson. It was down in Lehi at a high school gym and most of the celebrities were Instagram famous. The commentator was funny and entertaining!  I had to leave early to take Bethany to a birthday party for Lydia Brown. The girls all squealed when they saw her which was super cute. I even got some hugs from the girls in her class. They went on a mall scavenger hunt and Lydia got her ears pierced at the end!  Dan picked up groceries. We went to dinner that night with Jeramie and Marylynn West while the kids had mac and cheese. We cleaned up a little when we got home and put kids to bed. I worked on finding and printing temple names.


Feb. 19th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. After breakfast, the three girls had showers and baths. We put away Valentine’s Day decorations. The kids worked through their school papers. I had a presidency meeting during church. After lunch, I had my family call and prepared dinner food. I started cleaning up the kids’ school papers and then my parents and Mickelle arrived for dinner. I made a Keto stir fry, we played on phones, and we watched a bit of the NBA All Stars game. After the kids were in bed, Dan and I planned food for our Moab trip. 

Feb. 20th- Monday: Our Legacy kids had school off all week! McKenna also had today off because of President's Day. We slept in a little. I exercised and fed the kids. We started laundry and the kids got ready to go to Costco with Dan. I listened to Don’t Miss This and showered. Dan and the kids got home. Emmy Stitt came over to play with Bethany. I ate lunch and then took McKenna to Tess’s house to study for a math test. I did Alice’s music homework with her. I replied to Marco Polos and picked up McKenna. The kids folded laundry and practice piano. Ben also played the ukulele. We had nachos for dinner, then we watched our Line Upon Line videos and Relative Race. After the kids were in bed, McKenna helped design Alice’s birthday party invitation. Dan worked on the West Building renovation proposal. 

Feb. 21st- Tuesday: McKenna got herself ready and off to school. I fed the other four. Ben, Anna, Bethany left for piano. Alice had Let’s Play Music. I woke up Ben so he could work on his school project. I got dressed and picked up the girls from piano. I took Anna to Jaylee and Millie’s house, then went to my voice lesson. We had lunch and Ben went to Caleb’s. I talked with Dan about the need to leave a day later for Moab due to a big snow storm coming. We picked up Anna and I talked with Ginger Vandenberg about Youth Conference food committee people. We also picked up McKenna and friends from school because it was raining. I started making dinner. Then I picked up Ben and took him to Jake and Abril’s for Eli’s birthday. The rain was turning to snow by then! I was quite nervous about driving in it. I had Anna skip gymnastics. We ate dinner. Ben also missed his Jr. Jazz game because I couldn't pick him up early from the party with the roads being bad. We cleaned up and watched our family YouTube videos in the basement. Dan attended his work Super Car unveiling event and made it home by 9:15. We talked and went to bed. 

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