Thursday, April 25, 2024

March '23- Week 2- Jungle Book Dress Rehearsals, Dan in Vernal, Faye Wade's Birthday, Rec Center with Stake Youth, Alice Threw up, Rearrange Basement

Mar. 8th- Wednesday: Dan and I both got up early to shower. He took Ben and McKenna to the temple.

I got all three girls ready to go. I took Bethany and Anna to school and then we took Dan‘s car to Burt

Brothers and I drove him to the car rental place. I took Ben to school and stayed for the Jungle Book

assembly performance. The kids did so well and I was so excited for them! We got home and Alice did

Upstart. Kaysen came over to play. We had lunch and I took them to preschool. I came home and

worked on picture collages on my phone and then the kids got home from school. They went to piano

a little bit later. I picked up McKenna and friends, and then she had to go back to the school to ride the

bus to the district choir festival. Bethany went to hip-hop after dinner and we drove to Syracuse for the

choir thing. Unfortunately, we were late and missed McKenna’s performance. I felt pretty dumb, but also

grateful that Dan’s parents let me borrow their jeep since the roads were really wet and could have been

snowy. The kids had showers and baths when we got home. I had phone time and talked with Dan once

the girls were in bed.

Mar. 9th- Thursday: I drove the kids to school, then exercised. Alice and I ate. I got ready and she did

Upstart. We packed lunches and then went to get Thirst drinks for McKenna and her friends! I was

impressed we didn’t spill any on the drive!  I took Alice to the Jensen’s and then I went to sub for half a

day in 2nd grade (Barnett). I brought kids home and then went back to school for Jungle Book dress

rehearsal. Each time the kids ran it, it got better and better. Dan got home from Vernal and work!

McKenna had piano. We had leftovers for dinner and Ben went to play church ball. After the girls were

in bed, I did a grocery order and uploaded videos to the Jungle Book practice files. Dan played

Pickleball with the Elder’s Quorum. *We had so much wind that night! 

Mar. 10th- Friday: The kids had free dress day for the end of term.  Alice and I watched the news and ate.

I slept poorly the night before, so I did some computer stuff and napped. I got ready for the day and Alice

had lunch and went to preschool. I had went to ladies lunch at the church. I changed and then went to the

temple to do Initiatories and saw Dan’s mom there!  I picked Alice up from the Jensen’s and then went to

the Jr. High for a track meeting for McKenna. Ben went home from school with Caleb (Luke went too). 

We chilled for a bit, then went to the Johnson's with the Mitchell‘s to sing happy birthday to Faye Wade!

We also have cake and ice cream. It was her 84th birthday!  We came home and chilled again.

McKenna went to Adrie’s. We had leftovers for dinner and then Dan and I both had computer time while

the girls played in the basement. We got them to bed, and then we put together a new lamp for our

bedroom. I went to the rec center with McKenna and Ben for a steak youth activity. It was fun to spy on

them a little, and watch them with their friends. I walked around with Brynn quite a bit and we got home

around 11:45pm. We got to bed late and as luck would have it, Alice came in at 5:50am because she

threw up. She slept in our room a little bit and kept throwing up about every hour, 5-6 times. 

Mar. 11th- Saturday: I went to the stake center first thing for the stake relief society meeting where I sang

with a group of women. The song went so well!   My mom came too and it was a lovely meeting where

I felt the spirit encouraging me to keep trying to be a little better every day. We had lunch after. Dan took

Anna to gymnastics, Ben to buy a birthday gift, then took Ben to Sam Burton’s birthday party. Dan also

picked up groceries and took Anna to shop for a birthday gift for a friend, Madelyn.  Alice threw up again.

Bethany and Anna had lunch and played outside some. McKenna worked on her YW lesson. I tried to

nap. Dan washed Alice’s sheets and vacuumed almost the whole house! I dropped Anna off at her party

and picked Ben up. I got gas at Costco and had a phone call with Ginger about youth conference. I

worked on family videos while Dan gave Ben a haircut. I picked up Anna while Dan made dinner, then

we went to dinner and the temple for a date!  We were lucky enough to be on the same session as

Dan, Lindsay, Cari, and Neil Moss!  While we were gone, McKenna went to Liza’s house and Ben

babysat. Unfortunately, while we were gone, Alice threw up again, this time on the basement carpet. 

Mar. 12th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I slept till 9. Alice was pretty lethargic and weak, so I started

her on Gatorade. She began to perk up. I ate with the three girls. Alice watched shows. I woke up

McKenna and Ben. I did stuff on the computer and talked with Amy Hamblin about the YW singing in

Sacrament meeting. McKenna practiced her lesson with me. I did the girls’ hair and drove Ben and

Henry to church, then the girls. Alice and I stayed home. She began to be hungry, so she ate bread

and crackers and said she felt “much better than sick!”  I napped a little and went through my emails

and uploaded family videos to YouTube. Dan brought the kids home and we had lunch. I had my family

conference call and the kids played. Once Dan was home from more meetings, there was a long

discussion about how to proceed with doing the “Crunch Lab” kits. I started on dinner and the kids packed

lunches. We ate and the Moultons picked up tables and chairs for the soccer dinner they would host the

next night. We watched "Relative Race" and got kids to bed. I helped Alice with her music homework.

Dan helped me with the blog.

Mar. 13th- Monday: I subbed in 4th grade, Ms. Ziel’s class. The class was better behaved than I thought

they would be! And the other 4th grade teachers are always so nice and helpful!  I napped when I got

home, then made dinner. Anna and Bethany played outside some. Ben played with Tanner Johnson.

McKenna had her first day of track conditioning. After we ate, we watched "Relative Race" and folded

laundry. We picked out outfits for the next day (Tacky Tourist for spirit week). We got kids to bed and

the Moultons dropped off the tables and chairs they borrowed. Dan and I talked and got to bed early. 

Mar. 14th- Tuesday: I exercised after the kids left. Alice and I ate. I did some cleaning while Alice did

Upstart. I showered and then we went to my voice lesson. We came home and had lunch, and then I

napped and called about medical bills. The kids got home and I got Anna ready for her final dress

rehearsal. I went with her and stayed the whole time. Both casts did so well and keep getting better

every time. I was feeling a little frustrated with a few kids who seemed like they hadn’t been to a single

rehearsal because they were messing up so much. Then, I had a thought, “The parents will love it no

matter what!” Anna and I got home at 8:15pm and got to see that Dan had rearranged the basement

furniture. Anna and I snacked and then she went to bed late. Dan and I talked and went to bed. 


March videos Part 2:
FHE at Pugsley’s, Anna Jungle Book, Alice Kangaroo Zoo with Kaysen, Faye Wade’s 84th Birthday.

March Videos Part 3
Stake youth rec center activity, more Anna Jungle Book, YW’s Activity

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