Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Sept. 2021- Week 2- Alice Preschool, State Fair, Day of Service, Rivalry Game, Grandfather BD Zoom

Sept. 8th- Wednesday: We had a normal morning with the middle three leaving before McKenna. After lunch, I got Alice ready for her first day of preschool! She was so excited and not even nervous! I ate my lunch in the car and went to pick up Legacy kids since they had early out. Ben and Anna had piano. On the way home from getting them, I picked up the Jr. High kids too. That night, Bethany had music, McKenna had rehearsal, and Dan had bishop stuff. After baths and the girls were in bed, I went to an “Into the Woods” parent meeting. 

Sept. 9th- Thursday: Alice and I had a normal morning. After lunch we did some puzzles. After kids got home, Anna had dance and I stopped by the library. After dinner, we played outside on the trampoline. After kids were in bed, Dan and I chilled on the porch. 

Sept. 10th- Friday: I went walking with Rachael. I watered our plants and swept the porch. Our ward had ladies lunch at Hatch Park. It was kind of noisy at first with people mowing the lawn, and then it rained a little, but it was still fun and a good turn out. After kids were home from school, we packed dinner food and went to the State Fair!! We met my parents there and did the Yellow Slide, watched a comedy duo perform, had dinner, went to the Helping Hands exhibit, then made it inside to see the animals just in time as a storm rolled in! After the storm cleared, my dad bought us some licorice ropes and the kids got to pick their one ride. Such a fun tradition! 

Sept. 11th- Saturday: Ben had baseball practice and Dan picked up groceries. I cleaned up the kitchen and watched the Tabernacle Choir 9/11 special. When Dan got home, we bundled up and went to the NSL City Hall building for the Day of Service and did grounds clean up.  We weeded and picked up garbage. It sprinkled rain on us off and on, but we still had a good time. We went to Wendy’s afterwards for lunch. Unfortunately they kept messing up Dan’s order. When we got home, he weeded the gully and I worked on my primary lesson. Dan gave himself a haircut, checked on his parents’ house, then watched a movie with Ben. I did some laundry and chilled on the back patio couch. The Johnsons came over to play and the kids played with the dominos some. After dinner and baths and bed, the Pugsleys came over to watch the BYU/Utah football game which BYU finally won after a 10 year losing streak!  Go Cougs!

Sept. 12th- Sunday: Alice had a bit of a hard time waking up (like a teenager would). We played “Where’s King Benjamin” in Primary which is basically “hot and cold.” After church, President Farnes came to visit our family and thank us for all the support we gave Dan as he served as bishop the last 5 years. We felt a beautiful spirit of love and gratitude from him.  We read D&C 31:5 together.  After he left, the kids played and I watched “Don’t Miss This.” After my family conference call, we had a Zoom call with the Nelson family to celebrate grandfather’s 97th birthday!  After dinner, we went for a walk and chatted with the Moultons. 

Sept. 13th- Monday: We had a normal morning. Dan went to lunch with Jasper. After lunch, Alice went to preschool. After driving school carpool, I chatted with Meghan some. Mabel and Desi came to play. After dinner, McKenna had rehearsal and we played outside some. After kids were in bed, we hung out on the porch with the Moultons. 

Sept. 14th- Tuesday: We had a normal and slow day. After school Bethany had dance and Ben had baseball. We ate dinner at the field. Anna had a primary activity and McKenna had YW. After kids were in bed, Dan had an interview with Tanner Remington at our house, so I chatted with Greg while he waited for him.

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