Monday, July 8, 2024

August '23- Week 1- Gloria Falls Hike and S'mores, Grandma Camp, Newsies!, McK and Ben Temple, Ben Bee's Game and Backstage, Bee's Game, Dessert night, Mantua Swim Day,

Aug. 1st- Tuesday: We got up early to leave by 9:15 for a hike! We hiked to Gloria Falls in Little Cottonwood Canyon. The kids did great and it only got busy with lots of people once we were at the top. We drove further up the canyon to Alta to have a tailgate lunch (pasta salad). It sprinkled a little on us, but overall it was cloudy, low 70s, and perfect! After lunch we drove to a movie theater to see “Go West” by the JK Studio people. It was silly and cute and the kids liked it!  Ben’s mountain biking got canceled due to rain. Dan and I stopped by a quick work farewell party for Utah’s First Lady’s chief of staff. We got home and unloaded stuff. I made dinner and Anna ate before gymnastics. We all ate then had s’mores outside using our s’mores maker. We went for a walk around the neighborhood. 
Aug. 2nd- Wednesday: I ran two miles then started laundry. I showered and took the three girls and Desi to Hogan Park so Alice could play with Oakley Peterson who would be in her kindergarten class.  It rained on us, but we just chatted under umbrellas and had a good time.  The kids went to grandma camp and I had lunch. I practiced voice then kept the laundry going. Dan worked from home and we had a nice thunderstorm!  Desi, Ellie, Katie, and Whitney all came over to hang out/play. Ben played Minecraft with Luke online.  We had taco salad for dinner. Ben went to the Bee’s game with the YM. The Moulton girls came to play. We cleaned up and then did baths and showers. We hosted the Alexanders, Johnsons, and Ben and Deanna Jarvis for a game night.  We played Worst Case Scenario and Just One.  We had a blast!  

Aug. 3rd- Thursday: We woke up to rain!  Mia got here at 8:40. We had breakfast. I cleaned a little then showered. I went to my voice lesson and worked hard at getting the last of the recordings done for my audition, but there was one exercise I still needed work on keeping in tune!  I got home, had lunch, then we went to Billy Alexander’s puppet show. We took Ben to Luke’s, then went to the Library.  I worked on a grocery order and napped. I got dinner in the oven, then picked up Ben.  He went mountain biking. Adam came to get Mia. I left with Dan’s parents for all of us to go to dinner (pizza) and Newsies at Hale Theater, which was my Christmas present! It was a great show!  *McKenna took such good care of everyone today and tonight.  She organized our toy closet and got rid of lots of things we don’t need anymore!  She did the dishes and then did some online shopping for back to school. I’m so thankful for her hard work!  She is so motivated! 

Aug. 4th- Friday: I ran two miles. After breakfast, I took Ben and McKenna to the temple for a baptism appointment. I tried to be productive on my phone in the car while I waited for them.  I showered once we got home, then we had lunch. I worked on the computer for most of the day finishing the grocery order and other things. McKenna went to Lagoon. I also worked with the kids on their upcoming audition songs.  Ben went to Luke’s to hang out and then to Backstage to see Matilda!  Dan got home and was online shopping for a new desk for his new office. Sis. Claypool stopped by needing some advice and a blessing from Dan. I ate with the girls. Desi came over to play. We had an outdoor movie (A Goofy Movie) with the Johnsons, Alexanders, Stewarts, grandma and grandpa Webster, the Jarvises, and McKenna and Adrie.  

Aug. 5th- Saturday: We slept in till 8:30. The three girls went to the ward primary activity about letting their light shine! They even performed in a little talent show! I got a haircut by Sara Stewart. Dan got a new battery for the lawn mower. I picked up groceries and listened to my book a lot. We had lunch. Desi was here to play. I took McKenna and Ben to Plato’s closet to shop for back to school clothes. We didn’t have the best luck. I made a dessert for Sunday. McKenna went babysitting for Grey Yamamoto. Ben went to Caleb’s. My parents came to babysit while Dan and I went to the Bee’s game!  We lost by 2 runs, but it was a great game! The weather was nice and we had these twin baby girls in front of us that I stared at most of the game.  Dan also got to see Chitty's dad who is a "ball boy" for the team. We took Luke home and talked with McKenna and little once we got home.  

Aug. 6th- Sunday: I worked on the blog a little. I fed Alice and Bethany and the rest of us fasted. I gave Alice a bath. Ben worked on his talk for Bethany’s baptism. I showered and curled my hair. Anna was so so sad about fasting again. The first half of Sacrament meeting was rough with behavior and high emotions. Dan came and helped!  The Jensen’s taught Sunday school for the first time with their new calling and did great! Anna and Bethany stayed after for the Stake Primary choir practice. McKenna and I made another dessert and started dinner prep. I had my family call. I took some pictures of McKenna and Anna for their “headshots.”  I made dinner and Dan looked at our next Summer trip spreadsheet. We ate and cleaned up and had friends over for a dessert night. We had the Nelsons, Pugsleys, and two new couples over, the Daines and the Speirs. We cleaned up and got kids to bed. I worked on my work trainings. Dan went with Bishop for a ministering thing. I read over Ben’s talk for Bethany’s baptism.  

Aug. 7- Monday: I got up around 7:45 and woke up the kids. We ate and left for Mantua by 9:10. McKenna stayed home and Dan went to work. We had 41 people come swim! They were all from my book club. We had a great time and everyone was safe. We got home around 5:30. I talked with McKenna and made dinner. McKenna ate quickly and went to Lagoon with Katie and Adrie. I ate with the other kids then finished my book and rested on the couch. Desi came over to hang out.  I went to book club at Meghan’s and talked about “A Place to Hang The Moon.” It was a super cute, wholesome, book about three orphans who get evacuated from London during WWII. I came home and talked with Dan. Anna had a late night with Desi. 

August Video
Gloria Falls Hike, Ward Primary Activity, Bee’s Game, Mantua Swim Day.

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