Monday, July 8, 2024

August '23- Week 2- YM/YW Waterballoon Activity, Lagoon Day, Bethany's Baptism, Back to School Dinner,

Aug. 8th- Tuesday: I worked from 8-1, with a lunch break in there. It was fun to see all the teachers and have them be excited I was there. Our trainings were about the goals and mission of the school. I also went to a training for all the instructors. Once I got home, I switched the laundry and took McKenna to her voice lesson/audition coaching with Jenni.  McKenna met with Charley about the youth activity the next night. I made dinner and we all went to Park City. While Ben had practice, the girls and Dan and I did a little back to school shopping at the outlets and WalMart.  We got ice cream on the way home.  

Aug. 9th- Wednesday: I went to work from 8-3:30. We had a training from Infini-D (a science simulation company). I went to a training on Acadience testing. Lunch was on our own. I also did a bunch of training on my own. The last training of the day was on safety and security. I learned how to clock in and out.  While at home, the kids worked on a list I gave them. They also had grandma camp and Alice went to Kangaroo Zoo for Hazel’s birthday. After I got home, the kids practiced their song for the baptism with Chelsea Chadwick. We had dinner and McKenna, Ben and I went outside for our youth activity. We played human battleship with water balloons and water balloon volleyball. There was also a water fight, of course!  Dan and I talked a little once he got home and we put the girls to bed. I packed lunches for Lagoon day the next day! 

Aug. 10th- Thursday: We got up at 7:45 and got dressed. The kids got dressed and we all ate and left for LAGOON!  My mom and Jonathan came with us and I was so thankful for their help! We got there before “rope drop” and I really liked how few people there were in the park early on. Jonathan and Dan went with the older 4 to do big rides, and my mom and I took Alice to do the kiddie rides. We met up for lunch around 12:30 and Dan left for work. After lunch, cousins finally started to arrive!  The kids repeated tons of rides! Bethany went on Cannibal 5 times!! We went on rattlesnakes rapids with Sam, Hailey, and Will. It felt pretty refreshing. Ben, Ellie, and Mia did the Sky Coaster!

***August 11th- Friday: Dan took Ben to mountain biking at 6:30am. I got ready and picked up Ben at 7:45, then headed to school. We had whole group trainings all day with Aspen.  We talked about Panorama, social skills, engagement, and lesson planning. I met lots of new people at lunch. It was definitely hard to stay awake in the afternoon. I got home at 3:45. Ben and McKenna went to school to get their pictures done and take a look around. Ben also had film club where they had water activities. He went home with Luke. Adrie came over. I took the three girls to get their haircuts. We had pizza for dinner. Dan took Bethany to get her baptism jump suit and pick up Luke. I started cleaning and organizing to get ready to host dinner after the baptism.  Dan was super tired from not sleeping well the night before.  McKenna had Adrie, Bridget, and Whitney over. We set the tables for the baptism.  

Aug. 12th- Saturday:  Bethany’s baptism day!  I went running around 8:30 then weeded a little. We had breakfast and I went to get groceries and make a return. Ben and Dan did more yard work. I put groceries away and then weeded a little more. Dan showered and went to sit with the font while it filled. He worked out all the tech stuff with Jonathan.  I showered and McKenna kept cleaning the kitchen. I did all the girls’ hair. We got to the church around 3:30 and set things up. The kids practiced their song. We started the baptism on time, but had to stall so Grandma Sibber could make it for the actual ordinance. She was coming from a training with Elder Gong.  My mom spoke, we watched a couple videos. Ben gave a great talk and the kids sounded so lovely on their song. We got to wave at the Smiths on Zoom afterwards. Wendy (and Grandfather) texted Dan some screen shots she took while they watched the baptism on Zoom as well.  We went back to our house for a spaghetti dinner!  We had plenty of food and dole whip froyo!  We cleaned up and got kids to bed late. *I'm so grateful for family support and love on these special days!

Aug. 13th- Sunday: I ate with Alice, Ben, and Anna. Bethany and McKenna ate later. I started working on my Tabernacle Choir Audition, the application and the recording. We were slightly late for church, and Dan couldn’t join us. The three middle kids stayed after for stake primary choir and ward youth council. We had lunch and I had my conference call. Dan and I napped. Kelly Lemon stopped by to give Bethany a baptism gift, which was the same pink fuzzy blanket McKenna just bought for herself. We had a quick family meeting and gave assignments to everyone before dinner. I got a good recording to use for the choir audition. We had our family back to school dinner and talked about our scripture of the year (Romans 1:16, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ…). We did our names of Christ poster. We got the girls to bed and I worked on computer stuff. *As we were tucking in Bethany, she asked if her baptism didn’t work because she said she didn’t feel any different. We tried to teach her that because she was already choosing to follow Jesus before she was baptized, she may not notice a significant difference. We also told her we can continue to think about and study this to come up with other answers.  

Aug. 14th- Monday: I attended work trainings by Aspen again. She taught about classroom management. After lunch, I went to a training with all the instructors about the reading program.  I took Ben to Target for some back to school shopping. Anna had gymnastics and McKenna also had her first volleyball game.

August Videos

Bethany’s baptism, Alice Soccer, BBQ at Nelson’s, Ben Mountian Biking at Snowbasin.

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