Monday, July 8, 2024

July '23- Week 4- Handcart Days Races, Chalk Art, Sunday in Layton, Pioneer Day at Mantua (boating), Bethany BD Date, Alice Rides a bike, Girls Camp, Kayaking,

July 22nd- Saturday: McKenna and I left at 6 o’clock to go to the Rec Center. Our race started at 7am. She and I both felt really good about our runs!  We found out later that we both placed first in our age groups and Anna placed second in her age group in the 1K! The girls played at the park and we ate a little breakfast and waited for the awards. We got home around 10 and McKenna and I showered. Dan left for his work chalk art festival and we packed a lunch and left as well. We ate when we got there and then walked around and saw the art. It was so hot, but we got to meet Dan Debonbam, the host of Relative Race! I took a nap when we got home and the kids played and had screen time. I took McKenna to Target to pick out secret sister gifts for Bridget for girls camp. We ate tacos for dinner and then I left to see "The Barbie Movie" with Tracy Keck, who rented out a theater for her birthday. McKenna, babysat and cleaned the house so nicely! I helped move Alice who was asleep on the couch and took Anna to bed as well, who had been up reading. Dan got home at about 11:30pm from Chalk Art. He showered and I couldn’t stay awake very well to talk to him. 

July 23rd- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I showered before breakfast. I ate with the younger 4. I finished getting ready and went to ward council for Amy. I came home and gave Alice a bath and we made it to church on time!  Dan came late. Marsha taught in YW what it means to be a disciple of Christ. We had lunch, then Dan and I napped. I prepped some dinner stuff, then we drove to Layton to visit my parents. We ate and talked about their road trip. They gave Bethany her birthday gifts and the kids played the switch downstairs. We also discovered McKenna is quite a but taller than me. We got home by 9:30 and got the kids to be late. 

July 24th- Monday: We slept in till 8. We ate and watched a little of the Pioneer Day parade.  We packed up and left for Mantua!  The kids played a little and then we had lunch. The younger kids (Bethany and Alice) went on the boat first with Dan and other dads and kids.  The rest of us hung out at the house. I got to hold baby Sophie and we started playing 5 Crowns, then the older kids had their turn on the boat.  Ben and Anna enjoyed the tube.  Whitney and Henry were dare devils! We had a little wind storm blow up at the end. We got back to the house and Dan and others were putting together a triple bunk bed to put in the game room. We had dinner, cleaned up, and left by 8:45. We got the kids to bed once we got home. McKenna needed to work through some feelings. Dan gave himself a haircut. 

July 25th- Tuesday: Dan and I had a good chat lying in bed as we were waking up. I went for a run. I ate with the kids then drove McKenna and Ben to piano. I showered and started laundry. I looked at race pictures from Saturday. Anna and Bethany went to piano, and McKenna and Ben went to the temple with some cousins. Ellie and Hazel came to play. I started working on dinner for the Voehls, which was pork in the instant pot. We all had lunch, then I drove McKenna and some friends to "The Barbie Movie."  Ben went to the Chadwick’s to do some chores and make some money! Bethany had her birthday date with grandma and grandpa. She chose to go shopping and dinner at In N Out.  I ate with the A-Team and then took Anna to gymnastics. I took dinner to the Voehl’s, then Alice and I played at Bountiful Park till it was time to pick up Anna.  I discovered Alice had her first loose tooth and the new tooth had already broken through behind it. We headed home and McKenna and I had to drop off our camping gear to the Brown’s. I looked at Bethany’s gifts from grandma and grandpa. I cleaned up dinner and we got the girls started on bed time. Dan got home late from work. We got the three girls to Ben, I worked on folding laundry and packing for Girl’s Camp.  Dan had to work a little. 

July 26th- Wednesday:  Dan and I went to the temple for an endowment session. I took McKenna to summer seminary and folded Alice’s laundry. Ben talked to Luke on phone. We had lunch and I worked on Bethany's baptism pictures order and it took forever! McKenna worked on summer gym assignments. The other kids were board. Brooklyn Moulton came over to play. I got dinner in the oven and worked on a grocery order and camping menu for our family. After we ate, McKenna went to Adrie’s. Ben went to his YMs golf activity. Dan and I packed camping stuff. I picked up the baptism pictures from Walgreens. Alice did a silks performance for us. I finished packing for girls camp.

July 27th- Thursday: McKenna and I met for girls camp at 6am in our cul de sac. We arrived at our campsite by 9:15 ish. We unloaded stuff and set up beds. Jake and Heber Brown had already set up our tents for us. All the YW leaders would sleep in the Brown’s trailer! We changed into swim suits and got ready for the lake!  The mosquitoes were pretty bad.  We got to the lake around 10:30/11. We set up canopies and blew up floaties. Jake and Heber got the boat in the water. The YW took turns tubing on the boat. I napped a little on a floatie.  We all ate our sack lunches. We had great conversations on the beach.  I went tubing with Dancyne and did not get thrown. They played some fun rap songs on the boat too. The Bishop came later with paddle boards and McKenna spent a lot of time on that. We left the lake around 5:30 and got back to camp around 6. We had an amazing dinner. Ayla braided everyone’s hair. Amy led a discussion about the tools the Lord has given us to return to Him. Taylor and Emma gave a devotional. We got to bed by 10:30.  

July 28th- Friday: We woke up around 7 and got dressed. Breakfast took a little long to cook than we thought. We ate and then headed to the Minnetonka Cave tour. I liked it better than the Timpanogos cave.  We got back to the camp site around 10:30. The girls did crafts for a long time. Painting tote bags, beading hair, bracelets, and some diamond art. I tried to nap a little, then we had lunch. The girls crafted more and we went to get shakes in town!  We listened to rap on some old CDs in the car and I loved it. Some of the girls shopped and I got to talk to Dan!  We drove back to camp. Some girls napped. Then we crafted more and got dinner started. Brittana’s feet were pretty swollen and hurting from getting too much sun the day before.  Amy had a chips ahoy chocolate chip cookie voting competition. Chewy was the favorite! Jake Brown took Brittana down to the river to dip her feet, then she elevated them and they did better.  We had chicken, potatoes, and veggies in the Dutch ovens that were so good! We had a visit from the YM of the 1st Ward (Bishop Workman).  We saw them in the cave earlier, and they came and found our campsite!  They brought us Jolly Ranchers and Bear Lake stickers. We ate and then had an evening devotional from Amy. We had a nice testimony meeting then had lots of treats! I got to bed by 11.  *Back at home, Dan worked more with Alice on riding her bike!

July 29th- Saturday: We woke up around 7am, got dressed, and packed up. We had breakfast and swept out all the tents. We left the campsite right at 10am. We stopped in Brigham City for bathrooms and gas.  We got home to our cul de sac around 1pm. We had lunch, started laundry, showed our pictures, and then showered. Dan took Anna to play at Winegar’s. We talked about our change of plans for our family camping on Mon. and Tues. due to weather. I tried to nap, but had busy brain. I talked with Dan, then he went to pick up Anna. I made rice a roni for dinner. We ate together, then Dan and I went to the temple for an initiatory appointment. We picked up groceries and got some ice cream from the DQ. We brought ice cream home for the kids then got them to bed.  Alice was up late. Dan gave Ben a haircut. I had some popcorn. We got to bed by 11:30. *I’m so grateful everyone was safe at girls camp and we only had minor injuries here and there (sunburns, skinned knees, black eyes, rope burns…) We had fun bonding and just being with each other!  Testimony meeting was nice and I’m thankful for what others shared.  

July 30th- Sunday: Dan left for meetings. I worked on Anna’s primary talk with her. She spoke about missionary work and used some blurbs from Emma and Reed’s emails. I ate with the younger four kids. I read a few stories from the Friend magazine with Bethany since the issue was all about Baptism and Confirmation.  I gave Alice a bath and then got myself ready for church. We were on time and there was a call up choir during Sacrament meeting. The youth lesson was a 5th Sunday combined meeting with Patriarch and Jan Evans talking about how to prepare to receive your Patriarchal Blessing.  After church Dan ran the kids home then came back for Bethany’s baptism interview with the Bishop.  We had lunch, I had my call, then we watched our Come Follow Me videos. We had Webster family dinner celebrating July birthdays!  We all passed around baby Sophie. McKenna had a movie night with Katie and Whitney watching "Titanic". We got the other kids to bed then talked through plans. Alice was up late again. 

July 31st- Monday: I called Hoopes Vision first thing to see if they could get me in to check my eyes for retina problems. I had recently had two episodes of flashing in my left eye, about 1 week apart. I ate and got dressed and headed there. Thankfully, they didn’t find any problems or tears, but they wanted to follow up in 4-6 weeks. Once I got home, we packed up and headed to Causey Reservoir to go kayaking and paddle boarding. It was a lot of work, but also lots of fun! A storm came in right around the time we were leaving. We were there from 2-4. Everyone had good attitudes and helped, so we got ice cream! We got home, changed, and went to the mountain biking team dinner at Tunnel Springs Park. It was windy, but not too hot, which was nice. We took the kids home, then Dan and I left to see the latest "Indiana Jones" movie with the Pugsleys. It was a great action movie! 

July Videos:

More boating, Alice Silks show she made up, Alice riding a bike!, girls camp!


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