Monday, July 8, 2024

July '23- Week 3- Bethany's 8th Birthday at Mantua, Grandma Set Apart, Last Ugurt, Swimming at Novak's, Bethany baptism pictures, McKenna Silks Camp, Splash Pad,

July 15th- Saturday: McKenna and I went running. We ate breakfast. I took Anna to gymnastics, then bought balloons. I listened to Joseph McKinley’s funeral. So sad, but Michelle and Todd experienced some amazing miracles! We had lunch, and Ben and Dan got home from their camp out. We packed up and headed to Mantua for Bethany’s birthday party! We took up 7 friends: Brooklyn and Zaza Moulton, Rachel and Abigail Pugsley, Laurel Moss, Grey Yamamoto, and Emmy Stitt.  The girls swam from about 3-5pm. We also did some water balloons.  There were so many grasshoppers everywhere!  We had hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner. Then we played “pin the mustache on Bethany.” We opened presents and did cake. We cleaned up and left by 7:50. We got all the girls dropped off, then got home to put our girls to bed. McKenna went with the Moulton’s to watch the Farmington fireworks. Dan worked on his talk and I got to hear all about Ben’s camp out!  He had a blast and even talked about how great the devotionals were! 

July 16th- Sunday: Alice had an accident in the 4 o'clock hour. I had a really hard time getting back to sleep after that. Once I did, I finally woke up around 9:45!  From there, it was a hurry to get everyone fed and showered before church.  Dan spoke in our ward and did a great job!  We also got to sit by each other in Sunday school. After church, we went to Dan’s mom’s setting apart for her new calling as stake RS president. We came home and ate. My roommate Katie Spencer stopped by for a bit! I made dinner, but McKenna, Ben, and I had to leave before it was ready. We went to the stake fireside that was a youth conference wrap up. I loved reliving youth conference again and seeing stake friends! We came home and ate and talked with Dan. We got the girls to bed and then talked with Ben and McKenna some. Dan and I calendared. 

July 17th- Monday: McKenna and I went running. We ran 2.75!  We all ate together and I did a little “Come Follow Me.” I took the three girls to see the second "Puss In Boots" movie. We took pictures with the Barbie box afterwards. We stopped by Smith’s on the way home and got free popsicles from a worker who had an opened box we couldn't sell. I gave mine to a lady who was panhandling in the parking lot. We had lunch when we got home. McKenna got home from Backstage silks camp, then she hosted and taught two hours of silks camp for little neighbor girls. I did dishes and laundry. I helped McKenna start to choreograph the last day routine to "Under The Sea". I made dinner while the kids watched “Just Add Magic.” We ate and then went to Ugurt for one last treat before it would be sold to new owners.  We folded laundry when we got home. McKenna played night games with friends. 

July 18th- Tuesday: I got up around 6:45 and got ready for the day. Bethany and I ate and we got her ready for her baptism pictures with Rachael Alexander. She met us at the temple and we took pictures for about 30mins. I took McKenna to her orthodontist appointment. We went from there to pick up Lia, Tori, and the kids. We took the girls to silks at Backstage, then I took my kids to the library.  We got home and had lunch. McKenna had her silks camps. I prepped stuff for dinner, then tried to have some quiet time in my room, but it didn’t work. We went swimming at the Novak’s with Henry, Taggart, Meg Hartvigsen, and Lindsay Jensen came with her two kids. We came home at 5. Ben left for mountain biking and Anna had gymnastics. Dan had some work calls in the office. After we ate, Dan had to go get a new battery for his car. We played outside. I weeded. Lindsay, Dan, and Laurel Moss stopped by with Bethany’s Bd gift. Anna played with Desi and Queensley. Deanne Jarvis also stopped by since they’re in town visiting! We set up the volleyball net for YW Wednesday night. We got kids to bed and I worked on some computer stuff. Dan also watched “Dunkirk.”

July 19th- Wednesday: McKenna and I ran 1.6 miles. We all ate together. I showered and went to my voice lesson. McKenna had silks. I brought those girls home. The kids went to grandma camp. McKenna taught her silks camps. I ate lunch, then worked on some phone calls and napped.  Bethany and Anna went to play at the Winegar’s and Hazel came to play here. Ben worked on Rubik’s cube stuff. I looked up audition songs for Ben and blogged a tiny bit. Ben ate and then went to the church for YMs. They went to the Bee’s game, but turned around because there was a storm coming in and they were notified the game was postponed. I ate dinner with the girls. McKenna and I had to change the YW activity also due to the storm. We were going to play with water balloons, but we played in our basement instead. McKenna hung out with Adrie for a bit. Dan did showers and baths with the girls and then played games. We got them to bed and talked with Kenna for a while. 

July 20th- Thursday: I worked on the blog a little before breakfast. Adam dropped off Mia and we all ate. The kids played and got dressed. I worked more on the blog and found an audition song for Ben. I got dressed. I packed up the volleyball net. Billy came over to play. We had lunch, then I went to see the last 15-20mins of McKenna’s silks camp at Backstage. I ate lunch. McKenna hosted her two silks camps. I took the kids to the Bountiful splash pad. Erica Day and Rachael Alexander came too. We got home a little after 4. Dan took Ben to mountain biking. I showered and Mia left. The girls had spaghetti and I left for dinner with Mickelle and Sarah Faulstick from VA.  It was great to catch up with her! I worked on a grocery order while we watched some comedy specials with McKenna and Ben. 

July 21st- Friday: We all got to sleep in. After breakfast, I went and picked up groceries. I got dressed, and Ellie came over a little before silks and Alice went to Winegar‘s to play with Hazel. We had lunch and I took Ben to film club. McKenna had her performance for the little girls in her silks camp. I worked on the blog some and Dan made it home to see the second silks performance. The parents loved it and I'm so proud of all the hard work McKenna put into the camp to make it fun for the girls! I picked Ben up from film. McKenna went to Lagoon with Bridget. Dan and I went on his birthday date with his parents. We ate at Orlando’s and then shopped at Columbia, Carhart, and Nordstrom rack. While we were gone, the kids took some great selfies. Once we got home, I talked through some race details with McKenna and Anna.

July Videos:
More YM camp zip line, Bethany Birthday, Last Ugurt, Swimming at Novak’s, McKenna silks

July Videos:
McKenna hosting silks, Laura, McKenna, Anna Handcart Days races

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