Monday, July 8, 2024

July '23- Week 2- Boating, Ward Walk About, Swim Lessons, Bethany Money Bars, Slurpees, YW Random Acts of Kindness, Ben YM Camp, Sprinklers with Tramp

July 8th- Saturday: McKenna went to kidnap Tess Poulson for her birthday and go to breakfast. The rest of us ate and got ready for the day. We left at 9:30 and Dan and I stopped by Tim Farnes’s dad’s viewing. We drove the rest of the way to Mantua. We chilled and then ate our packed lunch. We got ready to go boating and made it on the water by 1:45ish. We went with the Winegars and Adam. It was tons of fun!  Ben tried wake surfing and almost got up!  I got up three times in a row and got a little better each time!  We got off the water by 6:30pm and left Mantua by 7:30 ish. We ate Wendy’s for dinner on the way home. We did showers and baths and Dan helped Ben pack for his upcoming YM campout.

July 9th- Sunday: Dan had early meetings. I ate with the younger 4. I also worked on clearing the kitchen counter.  I took a picture of all the cute pictures Alice made for us. Dan came home and we watched our Come Follow Me videos and had a quick lesson. Adam then took Dan to the airport. Dan went to Ohio for a work conference. We all got ready for church (McKenna and I discovered we were matching) and were a little late. Once we got home, we ate, I had my call, and we had a salad bar for dinner. Then we had the ward “Walk About.”  We stopped by all there hosting houses (the Jarvis’s, the Stout’s, and the Clark’s).  It was very hot, but we had fun visiting with lots of neighbors!  Then we ended the night stopping by Grandma and Grandpa’s because there were many cousins over there already. We got to see baby Sophie too!  We talked to Dan for prayers. 

July 10th- Monday: I ran 2.5 miles and took Bethany and Alice to swim lessons. Bethany's diving and monkey bar crossing on the playground was getting good! Then we hurried and went to the $1.50 movie, Puss in Boots #1. I liked it better than the second one. We got a car wash and then picked up McKenna and Lia from silks camp at Backstage.  We had lunch, I cleaned the kitchen, kept laundry going, then showered. The kids did piano, reading, made some creations with cardboard, and McKenna worked on homework.  I napped a little. Bethany played with Brooklyn Moulton. We had pasta salad for dinner. McKenna went to Target and hung out with Adrie after at our house. We folded laundry and then I played games with the younger 4. We called Dan for scripture and prayer time.  Once the girls were in bed, Ben and I watched "The Sandlot." I worked on an email to Alpine about paying our bill for the basement flood.  

July 11th- Tuesday: I got up at 8 and got the girls ready for swim lessons. We stayed and played at the playground for a bit after. The Winegars (minus Whitney) came over around 10:45 since their parents were out of town. Whitney went to Lagoon for the day. McKenna had silks. The kids played great together. I picked McKenna up after lunch. I worked on computer stuff and napped. Ben had mountain biking. Anna had gymnastics. We ate dinner, then went to get free slurpees at 7Eleven.  We went to a park briefly, then went home. Adrie came over. I took Ellie and Hazel home to get their sleep stuff. They slept at our house, but Whitney and Ollie slept at their home. I finally got kids to bed by 10:45. Dan and I only briefly chatted.

July 12th- Wednesday: McKenna and I went running. I fed Bethany, Alice, and Hazel.  I took them and Ben to swim lessons. Hazel liked playing at the playground. Ellie and Anna were eating when we got home. Ben mowed the lawn. Grandma and Mia came to get the Winegars. McKenna went to silks. Ben went with Ethan West to get some fishing line and he also got Ben’s pole all ready. I picked up silks girls. I took Anna to play at Claire’s. I ate lunch and took some meds to help with my stiff neck. Ben packed his clothes and lunch. I napped a little. McKenna organized the pantry and cleaned her bathroom. Ben worked on making our Deebot vacuum into a Mario Kart. I grabbed a few things at the store for YW, then I picked up Anna. I played ping pong with Ben for a bit. After dinner, McKenna and I went to YWs where we did Random Acts of Kindness on Main Street.  We gave out roses, dropped loose change, left nice notes on cars, and picked up garbage. We also planted flowers at the Bountiful Museum to help Sandy Inman! After treats, we visited Marsha and Kevin DeAngelo (whose nephew just passed away).  Ben and the girls watched Mario. We talked with Dan and put the girls to bed.  Ben finished last minute packing and showered. I got to bed a little earlier than normal. 

July 13th- Thursday: Ben left for his YM camp out at 7:30am. The girls all wore sweatshirts of Dan's because they missed him. Bethany and Alice had their last day of swim lessons. McKenna and Anna came to watch. I felt pretty sleepy. I talked about Bethany’s baptism program with her. McKenna had silks. I had a brief zoom call with Dan for him to test a few things for work while he was at the airport getting ready to come home. I got the girls started on lunch and then picked up silks girls. McKenna and I ate. Then I set up the sprinkler under the trampoline for the three girls. Abigail and Philip Pugsley also came over to play. McKenna went to Cherry Hill with Adrie. I blogged and worked on a grocery order. The girls and I had freezer stuff or left overs for dinner. We took Bethany to a swim party for Emmy Stitt. The A-team and I then played at Smoot Park. We picked up McKenna and Adrie from Cherry Hill. We went home, then it was time to pick up Bethany. I got the girls to bed and McKenna and I watched half of “Clueless.”  I picked Dan up from the airport!  We got to sleep by 1am. 

July 14th- Friday: Dan and I woke up around 7:30.  Alice played outside briefly with Emmy and Cooper. The three girls ate with Dan. He rubbed my neck and shoulder and they seemed to be doing slightly better. Dan left at 10:30 for work, and then the YM camp out.  He met up with them at the ropes course they were doing. He was also informed that Ben and Bishop were the only ones who hiked all the way to the top of Bald Mountain the day before! I took Bethany to WalMart to get a few birthday party supplies.  We had lunch and then went to the splash pad.  Anna had a hard time going at first. I listened to my book club book some. McKenna stayed home and cleaned her room and looked for new decor ideas. I showered. We had Mac and cheese for dinner. Bethany got sad about her birthday party. She had different ideas than what I had.  We watched 3 episodes of Just Add Magic and I worked on picture collages. We got the girls to bed and then decorated for Bethany’s birthday!  I did a little blogging. 

July Videos
More swim lessons, sprinklers on the tramp, A Team at the Park, Ben and Dan YM camp zip line, Three girls at the splash pad.

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