Tuesday, May 21, 2024

April '23- Week 1- General Conference, Spring Break, Snow, Broken Gutters, Staying in Layton, Dying Eggs,

April 1- Saturday: We got to sleep in and snuggle. Alice came in our room early because of nightmares. We had french toast, then the kids set up their areas to watch General Conference.  Ben played a little April Fool's prank on McKenna and her phone. We did the goodie bags this time! Dan took Ben to get a gift for Grant Enquist for his pool party birthday party. Anna and McKenna went for a run outside. Bethany and Alice played outside. I tried to figure out the big Easter Week poster and pictures for Dan to print. We had leftovers for lunch. Dan went to pick up Ben from the Rec Center. A new General Young Women’s presidency was called with Don’t Miss This’s Emily Bell Freeman as president!  After the second session, I got dressed, and then we went to Dan’s parents’ house for nachos, donuts, and more General Conference! I took Bethany and Alice to Layton to my parents’ house so they could sleepover and they would babysit them early Sunday morning while the rest of us would attend the Conference Center in person.

April 2- Sunday: We woke up around 7:30 and left around 8:40 for the morning session of General Conference. I loved Music and the Spoken Word as always!  I was really cold that whole session. Anna sat by Lola and Ben sat by Russell. Grandfather spoke about eliminating contention in our lives and being peacemakers!  We got home around 12:30 and my parents brought the girls home. We had a muffin tin snack lunch. We watched the second session and babysat Charlie. 15 temples were announced!  We talked with my parents after the session. I started on dinner as the kids cleaned up the family room. We had an Easter lesson then watched the first episode of Relative Race for the new season 11.  Dan and I and the older two kids played scrabble. 

Apr. 3- Monday: Our Spring Break started! We slept in till 7:30/8. We woke up to lots of snow!! I exercised with Anna and McKenna. After we ate, the kids did piano, reading, and 1 chore. I helped Alice with her music and gave her a bath. We all had lunch together. I kept the laundry going and then cleaned the master bathroom shower. I took McKenna and Bridget to Plato’s closet and then made an Amazon return. I came home and shoveled some and talked with Dan about work stuff. The 4 younger kids played outside in the snow for a bit with a couple neighbors. I picked up McKenna and Bridget and then took them to get frosted lemonade at Chick Fil A. I started dinner when we got home. We ate, did our Easter week lesson, then folded laundry and watched some of the NCAA basketball championship game.  It kept snowing most of the day! After the girls were in bed, I went through papers and got the chair/table area in my room organized and Dan and I folded our laundry. We talked more about work stuff. 

Apr. 4th- Tuesday: We slept in and had MORE SNOW! I ate with the kids, then I worked on mending and patching some clothes. I drove McKenna, Ben, Katie, and Truman to the temple for baptisms.  The roads were not great, but Dan’s car handled it well. I practiced voice, then we all had lunch. I got dinner going in the crock pot. I took Ben and Anna to piano. I got dressed, then took McKenna and Bethany to piano. I worked on sending some emails and napped a little. I drove Ben to Luke’s. I made picture collages with the rest of January pictures. Dan had to knock down the snow that was weighing down the gutters so much. The snow ended up making the gutters break and pull away from the house. We had dinner, then I played Candyland with Alice. We tossed and kicked around a ball downstairs with all the girls. Once they were ready for bed, we watched half of "Tangled." I also watched half of "Napoleon Dynamite" with McKenna and Ben.

Apr. 5th- Wednesday: Dan left around 8:00 for work. I got up at 8:30 and shoveled. I ate with the kids. They did their piano and reading and got dressed. I showered. Taggart, Desi, and Queensley came over to play. I worked on organizing my room more. We had grilled cheese for lunch. Ben and Taggart made a movie trailer. McKenna ordered some new dresses. I vacuumed, dusted, and cleaned my room and bathroom. Billy also came over to play. Ben and Taggart did melty beads. The Alexanders and Q left at 4. The girls and I finished watching "Tangled." I blogged a little. Taggart left. We had leftovers for dinner. Dan came home and then had a later work call. He ate after us. The three girls did their showers and baths. We had our Easter week lesson. After the girls were in bed, we finished "Napoleon Dynamite." 

April 6th- Thursday: I exercised once Dan left for work. I ate with the kids and then worked on food prep for staying in Layton. I showered and packed and the kids packed and did reading and piano. We had lunch. Dan came home and we finished packing and left by 3:15. We stopped for gas. Dan had a call on the drive up. We played and hung out once we got to Layton. I tried to nap some. Ben and Anna did Legos. Mom and I prepped dinner. After we ate, we played a couple games and got the kids to bed. Dan and I enjoyed talking with my parents. We told them about the changes coming at Dan's work.

April 7th- Friday: Dan and I left for our temple appt at 7:45. We did an endowment session and then picked my dad up from the Toyota dealership where he dropped off my mom’s car for repairs. We had lunch and then dyed Easter eggs! The kids played games and played the Oculus. We had an Easter lesson and then cleaned up and left. We ate chick fil a dinner in the parking lot and then saw the new "Mario" movie with all the Websters for Lara’s birthday. We got home and unpacked and got ready to host a game night. Jennee Maday, her boyfriend Ty, and Mindy and Greg Remington came over. We had a great time getting to know Jennee and Ty better!  We set up for Easter. 

April 2023 Part 1 Videos: 
McKenna driving, playing in the basement, Spring Break snow!, Ben and Taggart Mischief, snow off gutter, oculus, Easter at home, Bountiful House Easter Egg hunt, Super Cars!

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