Tuesday, May 21, 2024

May '23- Week 4: Part 2- Bethany to Maliah's Party, Memorial Day at Mantua, Last Day of School

May 27th- Saturday: We slept in!! We had breakfast. I cleaned the kitchen some. Dan took Bethany to pick up his bike from the shop, get groceries, and get a gift for her friend, Maliah's birthday. They had a fun foam machine! Ben helped me in the yard. He weeded while I planted some new ground cover plants. I also listened to my book. Dan and Ben went biking. McKenna and the other girls had lunch. I showered and then helped Tanner Remington make his recording for his audition. Dan and I left for his coworker Heidi’s daughter’s wedding reception down south up Hobble Creek Canyon. We took Nikki and Amanda with us. It was beautiful weather and yummy food. We drove the Tesla too. We walked around the yard once we got home so I could show Dan the new plants. Adrie came over to hang out with McKenna while she babysat. Anna got to hang out at Winegar’s with Ellie. Ben went for a quick bike ride with Paul Schmutz at Tunnel Springs. 

May 28th- Sunday: I got up around 8 and fed the kids. I had them start emptying their backpacks and going through school papers. I gave Alice a bath. Dan was able to be with us for part of Sacrament meeting. The Mitchell sisters taught in YWs about the preparation parables and they did a great job. I went to a youth conference meeting. We packed and headed to Mantua!  We ate and talked and enjoyed being with each other. We got to bed around 12 and Alice had a coughing fit. McKenna and Ben did not sleep well in the theater room because they kept bugging each other. 

May 29th- Monday: Dan and Ben left to go golfing at 7:30. I went for a 3mile run from 8-8:45. My pace was slower than I would have liked, but it helped me feel more ready for the upcoming Crumble 5K on Thursday. The kids played. I ate breakfast and talked with Lara. I wasted time on my phone. Just as kids started getting ready to swim, the golfers came back and we all went to the Cemetery to visit the Webster graves. We got back and the kids swam for a brief little bit, then we had lunch. There was more swimming. Dan and Ben went for a bike ride, then Dan and I finally swam. Alice stayed in the longest. We had pizza for dinner and cleaned and packed up. We left around 6:30. I started laundry and watered the new plants. We got the kids to bed, then Dan and I showered and went to bed. 

May 30th- Tuesday: I got dressed, ate, we did CFM, then I left with Steff Holdstock and Bart Nelson to check out with camp for youth conference. It was great to get a feel for the layout up there. The missionaries had some great stories about raccoons and snakes. It was also crazy to see how high the water level had risen since we were there in the Fall for the Salmon run. We got home at 1. McKenna and Alice hung out at Grandma and Grandpa’s house while a worker was here working on the basement. He got all the baseboards back on and the paint done. I ate lunch and talked with Ben. He started teaching himself how to juggle. Bethany and Anna played outside with the Moultons. Alice played with Hazel. I got a little nap. A carpet guy came to look at the job in the basement and give me a bid. I kept the laundry moving and told the carpet guy we wanted to use him instead of the company doing the other repairs. I started making dinner. Ben had baseball. I picked up McKenna and Adrie from Station Park.  Anna had gymnastics. I ate quickly with Bethany and Alice. I picked up Ben and Anna. We folded laundry Dan came home!  We got the girls to bed, I continued to do laundry and Dan talked with his dad about some work drama. We moved everything but the bed out of A-teams room to prepare for carpet reinstall.

May 31st- Wednesday: I woke up early with my mind spinning about youth conference. I made some notes and got back to sleep a little bit. We took last day of school pictures. After the kids left, I watched the news and ate with Alice. We decorated the party van for last day pick up! The carpet guy came! I made Jell-o and  McKenna showered upstairs. I worked on the Nelson News article and some emails. We drove McKenna to piano, then ran to the store for a few things. We picked all the kids up and Ben seemed sad to be leaving Legacy. We sorted out a yearbook problem for Bethany. We got home, changed, and ate quickly before going to the Moulton’s for cotton candy.  I enjoyed chatting with Sarah. We came home and I napped a little. We had a nice thunderstorm. I showered. Ben and McKenna went to a Backstage party at Classic Fun Center. I ate with the girls, then I picked up McKenna and Ben. Ben went to baseball and McKenna and I went to YWs where we made soap with Marsha and Korie!  We got home and put kids to bed and talked for a bit.

May Videos-
McKenna Volleyball, Bethany (and Alice) zoo field trip, Ben baseball, McKenna Swim Party, Ben field day, A Team snoring, leg wrestling at Mantua, Memorial Day at Mantua, Ben and Dan golfing and riding bikes.

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