Tuesday, May 21, 2024

April '23- Week 3- The rest of St. George, Track Meet, Comb. Youth, Hip Hop with Bethany, Activity Days, Mantua with YW

April 15th- Saturday: I got up around 7:30 and drove Dan to the work event race site around 8:30, that way the kids and I could have a car for the day. The kids and I ate and got ready to go to Thunder Junction Park. We played there for about an hour and a half. We came home to the condo for lunch. Then we went swimming!  I got in too and did both of the slides!  We got back to the condo around 2:30. Dan was back as well and eating his lunch. McKenna and I showered and got ready. Alice napped a tiny bit. We went to visit Pres. and Sister Clove! The kids said Pres. and Sis. Clover were so nice and it was good to hear some mission stories. Bethany fell asleep on me while we were there.  We went to dinner at a taco place and ate outside. It was lovely weather and delicious food! We got dip n dots for a treat. We came back to the condo and played basketball, volleyball, and at the park again for a bit. The kids showered, packed their stuff, and we got them to bed by 9:30. I had phone time and worked on a grocery order. 

April 16th- Sunday: We got on the road by 6:30am. We ate at McDonald’s in Beaver around 8. We stopped in Benjamin for gas. When we got home around 11:15, we all hurried and got ready for church. We had our Ward Conference that day and enjoyed hearing Bishop and Pres. Farnes speak. The RS lesson was about missionary work. We unloaded the van and had lunch once we got home. Ben stayed after for ward youth council. I did laundry and helped the kids unpack. Dan went to a meeting with the Bridlewood Elder’s Quorum. McKenna and I had a quick YW’s meeting about Mantua. We had the Nelson Family conference recap. Then I had my family call. We had leftovers for dinner. I washed Anna and Bethany’s hair in my sink. We cleaned up more and got everyone to bed around 8:45. I looked over Summer camps and planned things for the week. 

April 17th- Monday: I started laundry and exercised once everyone left. Alice and I ate and did her music homework. She did Upstart while I showered. We went to their music class, then went to WalMart for groceries and a birthday gift for Meg. We had lunch when we got home and Alice had preschool. I put groceries away and changed laundry, then I went to McKenna’s track meet at Davis High. She placed 11th overall in the 1600m and 13th overall in the 800m! Once we got home, I took Ben to baseball practice. I told my roommates on Marco Polo about Dan’s job change situation. Anna had a head ache and wasn’t feeling well. We had sloppy Joe’s for dinner, then folded laundry. We watched our church videos and got the three girls to bed. Everyone seemed pretty tired still from our St. George trip. 

April 18th- Tuesday: Alice and I ate and watched the news. I showered and then Meg Hartvigsen came over to play.  I worked on Marco Polo and registering for WX City Summer camps. We had lunch and I practiced voice. The kids got home and did their reading and piano. I kept working at my to-do list. We had storms and thunder and hail! I picked McKenna up from track and Ben had baseball even though it was in the 40s. I made dinner and Anna ate before gymnastics. After we all ate, I picked up Ben. He jammed his thumb during practice. Dan went on a visit with Mat Hartvigsen.  I went to a RS service activity cleaning up some peoples' yards. We had bread and butter at the church afterwards. The kids went to bed and I kept working on texts and emails. 

April 19th- Wednesday: I subbed in Bethany’s class because Ms. G was sick. Thankfully, we had an assembly which took up an hour of the day. The rest of the day, we alternated between reading and discussing “The Giving Tree” and the kids doing computers. My kids’ had piano lessons canceled, so they worked on their reading minutes and drawing pictures for Jonathan. I napped a little. I picked up McKenna because she had a hurt ankle. I picked up Mia from school. I worked on some things in the basement while the girls played. I started dinner. Dan went on another visit. We ate together. Bethany had dance and I went for the last 20 mins for parent participation week, which was fun!  Ben, McKenna and I had the youth combined building activity, which was a trivia night. Ben had baseball practice. The three girls had baths and showers. Ben put them to bed while Dan and I went to McKenna’s volleyball game, which they won! 

April 20th- Thursday: I exercised. Jonathan stopped by before he had to leave to go home. Alice and I ate. I cleaned the kitchen while she did Upstart. We took down Easter decorations. We did her music homework, then I practiced voice. Alice and I had lunch and I divided chicken to freeze. I had to pick up Anna early from school because of an ear ache. I finally showered for the day and then drove carpool. I picked up Ben from crochet club. Sarah Moulton and I lead Bethany’s primary activity. We picked up trash and made bird feeders for Earth Day!  McKenna had piano. We all ate and then everyone except McKenna went to Ben’s first baseball game. They won! Ben walked on base both times and also got home both times! I worked on a grocery order once kids were in bed. 

April 21st- Friday: I exercised and ate. After I showered, I packed a little. Alice had preschool. I worked on the blog a little before Emmy and Cooper came over to be babysat. I worked more on the blog in the basement. Once kids got home, Emmy and Cooper left. McKenna and I packed up and drove to Mantua with the YW. The house was in the middle of getting new siding! We had pasta for dinner then hung out and talked. I heard Marsha’s conversion story, which was awesome! The girls did diamond art and friendship bracelets. We had brownies for dessert. We played murderer in the dark. We had a devotional and then all the girls went upstairs and all the leaders stayed downstairs and talked till almost 1. 

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